Only Cats. (1993)

Documentary №9984, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:43
Production: CSDF (RCSDF)
Director:Derbysheva L.
Screenwriters:Ponomarev S.
Camera operators:Terekhov A.


About the clown and tamer Yuri Kuklachov.

Temporary description:

The film tells the story of a clown and animal trainer Yuri Kuklachev, his theater cats. In the film, the following filming: Yu Kuklachev at home with his wife and children to theater performances, interviews Yu Kuklachev (synchronous), examination of cats and kittens, a theater, a veterinarian. Participation of the wife and son in Kuklacheva theater performances cats.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Cheetah - CU.

Tiger yawns - CU.

Lion yawns - CU.

Trainer Yuri Kuklachev dry your hair - CU.

PNRM. Cats - CU.

Kuklachev with accordion passes through the auditorium - CU., MS.

PNRM. Spectators - CU.

Jumping dog with a cat on his back - CU.

Kuklachev with a dog and a cat on stage - LS.

Boy - CU.

Cat - CU.

Kuklachev with a cat at the bar - LS.

Cat walking on the bar - CU., MS.

Girl laughing - CU.

Cat - CU.

Kuklechev carries a cat in a basket - LS.

The girl's face - CU.

Kuklachev holding a cat - CU.

Kuklachev keeps cats on hand for the front paws - LS., CU.

Girl laughing - CU.

Cat - CU.

Cat on the bar - MS., LS.

Girl - CU.

Girl stroking a cat - MS.

Children stroking a cat - MS.

Kuklachev walks with a cat - CU.

Kuklachev on stage - LS., CU.

Children in the audience - MS.

Kuklachev with a cat on stage - LS.

The boy laughs - CU.

Cat jumps on his shoulder Kuklachev - MS.

Cat - CU.

Cat fight - MS., CU.

Leopards - MS.

Tiger - CU.

Cat - CU.

Cat on a board on rollers - ep.

Girl laughing - CU.

Kuklachev and daughter Katya - LS.

Kuklachev says (synchronously) - CU.

Cat - CU.

Daughter Kuklachev - CU.

Cat out of plasticine - CU.

Kuklachev says (synchronously) - CU.

Cat - CU.

Veterinarian inspects a kitten - MS.

Boy - CU.

PNRM. a doctor at the cabinet with tools - CU.

Medical instruments - CU.

A doctor with a nurse - CU.

PNRM. a doctor at the cat - CU.

Kuklachev says (synchronously) - CU.

Poster - CU.

PNRM. Cats - MS.

Cat - CU.

Kuklachev with cats on stage - LS.

Spectators - LS.

Kuklachev with cats on stage - LS.

Girl - CU.

Kuklachev with a cat on stage - LS.

Girl - CU.

Kuklachev with cats on stage - LS.

The boy laughs - CU.

Children stroking a cat - LS., CU.

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

PNRM. Kuklachev with his wife Helen in the dressing room - MS.

Grimiruetsya wife Kuklachev - MS.

Kuklachev grimiruetsya - MS.

Kuklachev wife in the dressing room - CU.

Kuklachev wife in makeup - CU.

Kuklachev wife on stage with balls - MS.

Kuklachev throwing balls into the audience - LS.

Children in the audience - LS.

Kuklachev wife throws balls into the audience - CU.

Ball in the audience - MS.

Kuklachev throwing balls into the audience - MS.

Kuklachev wife stroking a cat - MS.

Kuklachev son Volodya stroking a cat - MS.

PNRM. Kuklachev with a cat - CU.

PNRM. Kuklachev and son - CU., Son holds the cat paws

Hands - CU.

Daughter Kuklachev sculpts clay cat - CU.

Kuklachev considers sculpted head of a cat - MS.

Cat rubs fashioned cat figurine - CU.

Kuklachev building faces - CU.

Kuklachev playing trumpet - MS.

Views boy - CU.

Dad with a boy - CU.

The girl's face - CU.

A girl with glasses - CU.

Kuklachev playing trumpet - MS.

Kuklachev on stage with a puppet-cow - CU.

Doll-cow - CU.

The girl's face - CU.

Kuklachev paints a portrait of a man - MS.

Man - CU.

Kuklachev paints a portrait of a man - CU.

Man - CU.

Kuklachev paints a portrait of a man - CU.

Woman stroking Kuklachev head - CU.

Kuklachev bike with cats on stage - MS.

Laughing boy - CU.

Kuklachev with a cat on stage - LS., CU.

Girl laughing - CU.

Children in the audience laugh - LS.

Boy claps - CU.

Cat - CU.

Kuklachev with a cat - MS.

The audience applauded - LS., MS., PNRM.

Kuklachev on stage - MS.

The audience applauded - LS.

Boy claps - CU.

The boy's face - CU.

The boy laughs - CU.

Girl - CU.

Boy stroking a cat - MS.

Tiger - CU., NPL

Movie №0

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