An advertising film assisting the reader to gain the understanding of modern political literature.
The film tells how the modern reader (the reader of 1989) to orient in a large stream of political literature. The film features the following motion picture: a queue of people at the kiosk "Sojuzpechat, buyers in the bookstore are considering a book on the shelves, the seller releases the book.
A book by Gorbachev “Perestroika [Reorganization] i novoe myshlenie dlya nashey strany y dlya vsego mira” [“The Perestroika and the New Thinking for the Soviet Union and for the Whole World”].
People are walking down the street; reading a newspaper at the street stand.
A queue at the newsstand.
Stands with books and a poster saying “The Perestroika – Problems, Solutions, Experience” in the bookshop.
A man is leafing over a book.
A shop-assistant at the counter.
A book “Lenin.
KPSS O partiynoy I gosudartstvennoy distsipline” [“Lenin, Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU).
A Description of the Communist Party and State Discipline.”]
Different brochures: “XXVII Syezd” [“XXVII Congress”], “Resheniya konferentsii” [“The Conference Resolutions”], “Oktyabr i perestroika” [“October Revolution and the Perestroika”].
Thin brochures on the economic problems .
Consumers are standing at the counter.
A woman is looking through a book.
Different books – “Inogo ne dano” [“There Is No Other Way”], “Filosofskie problemy” [“Philosophical Problems”].
Brochures of the publishing house “Yuridicheskaya literature” [“Juridical Literature”].
The building of the “Dom knigi” [“Book House”] shop in Kalinin Avenue.
Panorama of the store “Dom politicheskoy knigi” [“Political Literature Center”] (the building).
Consumers in the Political Literature Center.
The books: ”Sovetsko-amerikanskaya vstrecha na vysshem urovne” [“A Soviet-American Summit”], “Druzhba s narodami mira” [“A Friendship with World Peoples”].
Hands are leafing over a brochure, a view of a girl’s face.
A stand with books and brochures.
A book with the inscription: ‘Perestroika: problemy, poiski, nahodki” [“The Perestroika: Problems, Researches, Findings”].