You found 102 newsreels for query "Basil'"

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"Basil'" newsreels and historical clips

Scene №1 Exhibition "Shrines of the Intercession Cathedral" in the Church of St. Basil the Blessed

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... "Shrines of the Intercession Cathedral" in the church of St. Basil the Blessed at the Kremlin Square in Moscow.

Opening of the exhibition, visitors.

In the exposition there are objects of Orthodox attributes: the Gospel, the priests of St. Basil the Blessed, crosses, vestments,

Interior of the Cathedral ...

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... Cathedral.

Interview with one of the organizers of the exhibition about the history of the unique cover (coverlet) created for the crab of St. Basil the Blessed.

Scene №1 Anniversary of the ministry of the rector of the Church of the Savior in Arms in the Moscow region of Vasily Brylev

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... Church of the Savior in Arms in the Moscow Region of Archpriest Vasily Brylev.

Service with the participation of Father Basil.

Interview with parishioners.

Interview with Father Basil about the secret of longevity.

A Great Monument Of The Russian Architecture. 1955

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:39, published: 8/14/2014


The film is about Saint Basil the Blessed Cathedral in the Red Square in Moscow.

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Red Square 1981

Documentary, 3 films, duration: 0:22:51, published: 9/12/2013

Movie №1 Red Square

The history of Red Square, the historical and architectural monuments.

Pokrovsky Cathedral (St. Basil), a monument to Minin and Pozharsky, etc.

The relationship of these monuments to the history of Russia.

Memory Of People. 1982

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:46:48, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №2


Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... Listening to - MS.

Said working ZIL (synchronous) - MS.

Meeting in the Bolshoi Theatre - LS.

Basil says (synchronously) - MS.

Listening to - MS.

Basil says (synchronously) - MS.

Man - CU.

Listening - LS.

Basil says (synchronously) - MS.

PNRM. Dneprodzerzhinsk.

Woman says (synchronously) - MS.

HPS - LS ...


On the wide Volga № 5 1990

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:46, published: 6/9/2016

Reel №1

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... KGB tatarii Yury Zimin.

The village of Salmaci of the city of Kazan.

Residents of the village of Salmaci.

Vladimir Paramonov.

Agatha V., daughter of Basil Egorova.

Photo By Vasily Egorov.

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... KGB tatarii Yury Zimin.

The village of Salmaci of the city of Kazan.

Residents of the village of Salmaci.

Vladimir Paramonov.

Agatha V., daughter of Basil Egorova.

Photo By Vasily Egorov.

Holy defenders of the Russian land 2004

Footage, 4 footages, duration: 0:04:18, published: 4/12/2018

Scene №4 The holy righteous of the Russian land

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Face of St. Basil the Blessed.

Information about the role of holy fools in the history of Christianity in Russia.

Fragments of services in various temples.

Icon with the image of Blessed Xenia of St.


Photo of the Matrona of Moscow.


Righteous John of Kronstadt: photos.

Moscow sketches. 1980

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:10:05, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №1

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(Part 1 - the Kremlin with the "Moscow".

PNRM. Around the Kremlin.

Manezh Square.

Cathedrals of the Kremlin.

Eternal Flame.




Monument Fedorov.

Arc de Triomphe.

Universtitet Gorky.


Watch in Obraztsova in action.

Scene from - cyclists.

Quadriga Greater.

Theatre ...

Scene №16 We held out with faith: Archpriest Vasily Brylev

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... Not Made by Hands.

Father Vasily enters the temple, is attached to the icons.

The interior of the Temple.

Interview with Father Basil.

Military awards and orders of Father Basil.

Chronicle of military events of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).

Explosions from the air raid.

Volley of artillery pieces ...


Feast of the Holy Virgin 1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:58, published: 2/5/2016

Scene №1 Feast of the Holy Virgin

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Divine Liturgy on the feast of the Holy Virgin.

Patriarch Alexy II and priests are on the porch of the temple.

Cover of the book "The Life of St. Basil."

Parishioners climb the stairs to the temple.

Worshipers in the temple.

View bathed the temple.

In the street playing folk instruments ensemble.

Parishioners ...

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