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"Blue light" newsreels and historical clips

How it was 26.12.2001 2001

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:38:02, published: 2/20/2018

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The first New Year's "Blue Light", 1962.

Probably, the program "Blue Light" became the first holiday for Soviet TV viewers.

Touching, in some places naive, but kind and sincere transfer with immediately remembered all the screensaver - the iron spiral Shukhov Tower - collected from the screens the whole ...

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... from TVs.

Suffice it to recall the atmosphere in the studio itself, imitating just such family gatherings.

In the studio, the first creators of the "Blue Light" tell how it all began, reveal the technical secrets of filming and recall funny stories with participation leading and guests of the program: director ...

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... assistant director Anel Merkulov, actor and singer Oleg Anofriev, announcer of CT Igor Kirillov.

The program includes excerpts of the first issues of the Blue Light.


of the USSR.

Shatrova V.M. -- theater critic, journalist, editor of television programs, one of the creators and editor-in-chief of the program "Blue Light".

Kirillov I.L. -- Russian TV presenter, announcer of the Central Television Gosteleradio of the USSR, actor, People's Artist of the USSR.



actor, poet, musician, TV presenter, People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Urazbaeva E. -- Uzbek actress, singer, poet, the first presenter of the program "Blue Light".

Anofriev O.A. -- theater and film actor, film director, author and performer of songs, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of the Russian

A Blue Lamp 1961

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:55, published: 12/9/2015

Historical note

1961 Revolutionary Cuba announced a year of education.

Volunteer teacher with the blue lights went to the peasant villages to teach illiterates to read.

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... American invaders in Cuba, Fidel Castro led battles.

Osvaldo Dorticos of fighters.

Acetylene lamp - CU.

Cuban young people - volunteers, teachers and blue (acetylene) lamps are sent to the peasant population.

Young girls are taught brigadistki illiterate in their homes.

Older farmers are learning to ...


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... Jimenez, Fidel Castro.

Fidel Castro in an airplane during a business trip to the country.

Landscapes of Cuba from the plane - LS.

Brigadisty with blue lights on the back roads and trails in the village to go to the peasants, the peasants engaged in literacy.

Farmers ages steadily write letters on paper ...

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... of the first to take a stab at the Bay of Pigs and the defeat of the invaders.

Brigadisty go with blue lights - the army of the Enlightenment.

Brigadistka farmer teaches literacy.

Blue light is lit - CU.

Daily News / A Chronicle of the day № 1 1966

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:22, black-white, published: 3/25/2014


the city of Tallinn. - Ballet dancers of the Opera and Ballet.

Kirov (Leningrad) rehearsing. - Artists G. Vitsin, T. Shmyga appear in the New Year "blue fire" in a television studio. (Moscow)

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... America.

[_] 6. International Competition for contemporary dance Tallinn.

[_] 7. The ballet dancers of the Opera and Kirov Ballet in Paris.

[_] 8. "Blue light" is preparing for New Year.

Performers Vitsin G. and T. Shmyga serve in the Ostankino television station.

A working Man. 1974

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:41, black-white, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №1

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Facilities Ryazan GRES, sounds the morning edition of the program "Breaking News."

Working with a torch.

Blue lit the cauldron.

View from inside the boiler.

Workers in the control room.

Brigadier installers heavy blocks E.I.Borovskoy among colleagues.

Crane hooks, a top view of the construction site ...


On the wide Volga № 5 1977

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:48, published: 6/8/2016

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... Aksubayevsky District, state farm "Voskhod".

Hero of Socialist Labor Valentina Sorokina at the television studio during a New Year's TV program "Blue Light".

The farm Sorokin VV feeding pigs.

Vladimir Sorokin home with her son. 4. Mari ASSR, Zvenigovsky District.

Vocational school of the village of ...

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... police room.

An accident on the highway.

The duty of police on the phone.

Photo broken car.

Says the head of traffic police Sidorsky Nikolai.

Lights Bus.

The street goes a police car.

Always at the start 1980

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:28:21, published: 9/10/2013

Reel №1 Always at the start

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... the burning aircraft.

Passengers boarding the plane, miom rides a fire truck patrolling the airfield.

Landing the plane.

Fire truck with flashing blue light goes past standing on the airfield aircraft.

View site rescue equipment to the airport and a plane taking off.

Scheme of territory-based emergency ...


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... the burning plane covered with foam, fragments of charred parts of the aircraft, firefighters face.

Fire truck driving on the airfield, flashing blue light.

The form of car emergency services of the airport, ready to emergency exit (top).

The view of the runway.

Leningrad chronicles № 36 1970

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:18, published: 12/9/2020

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... of the shipbuilding Institute.

ivanov is soldering an electronic circuit at home.

TV set assembled by Ivanov at home.

Fragments of the new year's "Blue light" on the TV screen.

Household appliances and devices developed by the Leningrad industry and available for sale.

Samples of glassware at the exhibition ...


Blue Shawl 1980

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:16:39, published: 4/27/2021

Scene №1 Blue Shawl

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Tinchurin K. The Blue Shawl: A Melodrama in five acts

Fundamentals of color science 1977

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:15, published: 11/10/2015

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... fire of the campfire.

City lights.

Landscape: a haystack on the edge of the forest.

The girl looks at the sun through the glass.

Experience in the laboratory.

Scheme of the visible spectrum.

Bonfire on the river bank.

Burning candles.

The scheme of scattering a beam of light on a smooth and rough surface ...

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... Portrait of Lomonosov.

The structure of the human eye.

A white swan in a pond.

A flock of sheep.

Two black swans.

Purple crystals.

Yellow crystals.

Blue crystal.


The color spectrum.

space environment (№ 234 ) 15.05.2019 2019

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:09:29, published: 7/22/2022

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... Awarding of participants at the Sergei Korolev House-Museum.

Interview: Vladimir Solovyov.

The head of the company "Blue Origin" Jeff Bezos presented a prototype of the device "Blue Moon" for landing on the Moon.

Pluto can be restored to the status of a planet again.

Where the solar wind blows from ...


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... the development of Soviet cosmonautics.

Astrophoto of the week: The Milky Way and the Falcon-9 launch vehicle, sprites over Oklahoma, the Northern Lights in the Leningrad region.


of the Russian Federation.

Bezos D.P. is an American entrepreneur, founder of the Internet company Amazon, creator and owner of the aerospace company Blue Origin, head of the publishing house The Washington Post.

Ostrovsky A.N. is a Russian television journalist, documentary filmmaker, producer, reserve

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