You found 21 newsreels for query "DJ"

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"DJ" newsreels and historical clips

Youth Party, MIFF XXVI 2004

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:06:25, published: 8/10/2022

Scene №1 Youth Party, MIFF XXVI

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Youth party.

Among the participants of the party is Andrey Malakhov.

The DJ is spinning a record.

People communicate at the buffet.

The Sixth Part of the World. No. 1 "From Edge to Edge" 1926

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:52:47, published: 12/21/2012

Reel №1 The sixth part of the world. No. 1 "from edge to edge."

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... capitalist way of life: a girl sitting at the table eating, the servants bustling at the buffet.

Man and woman sitting imposingly, smoking, dancing couples, DJing.

The elevator at the factory, a large magnet lifts scrap

Legs and face dancers alternate plans for the plants.

The Russians № 11 1992

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:35, published: 6/10/2014

Reel №1

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... field.

Field of sunflowers.

Passing car on the road.

Harvesting potatoes.

Landscape with birches.

Farmer B.Shults (synchronously), works in the field.


B.Shults says (synchronously) in the room.

Interior room.


Birds in a cage.

Geese in the yard.



Passage through the village.


space environment (№ 246 ) 14.08.2019 2019

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:10:51, published: 7/25/2022

Reel №1


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... discovered on the surface of Pluto;

- Asteroid 2019OU1 is approaching the Earth;

- A flash near the Sagitarius A black hole;

- Luca Parmitano is a space DJ.

Slow walkers on the moon.

Astrophotography of the week: Jupiter in the Hubble lens, Perseids over Slovakia, the remnant of a supernova in the constellation ...

Into a Primeval Forest with the Mysterious Moon… 1990

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:35, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №1


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... of the reservoir - CU.

Shevchenko is considering a tree - CU., Hitting, PNRM. on the hand.

Hands - CU.

Shevchenko - CU.

Photo Shevchenko - CU.

DJing, PNRM. on Shevchenko - CU.

Animation: woman pours milk boy drinks - CU.

Shevchenko goes against a poster with the NDP - MS., PNRM.

Passes Shevchenko ...


Give me understanding and I will live. 1991

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:29:38, published: 9/10/2014

Reel №1


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... the doors of the Moscow Metro.

Legs are on the snow.

A group of people comes into the entrance.

The room is lit and the light goes out.

Men light up.

DJing on the player.

In the room sat a man and a woman, smoking, drinking tea.

Music group rehearsals.

Hospital ward, patients on the beds.

Nurse makes the ...


Better times to hear ... 1987

Promotional, 1 part, duration: 0:08:34, published: 9/26/2015

Reel №1


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... Tape on the beach, sun glare, she goes into the water.

The man on the board sailing in the sun.

Check the sound quality.

On the radio sitting canary.


Details of devices on the assembly line of the plant.

Man wearing headphones equipment checks.

Boy tunes the receiver.

Combined shooting: Boy listening ...


White Spaces. 2007

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:52:00, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №2


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... Photo Statsinsky - CU.

Says V. Chizhikov (synchronous) - CU.

Says V. Chizhikov (synchronous) - CU.

Photo Statsinsky - CU.

Cover of "Fun» - CU.

DJing on the player - CU.

Cover of "Gingerbread Man» - CU.

Image fragment - CU.

Paging magazine - CU.

The picture in the magazine - CU.

The title page ...


Our Youth. 1979

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:26:34, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №1


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... computer center, devices, students - different.



Residents of the city of Tartu.

Disco dancing youth, listen to symphonic music, DJing - different.

Aristocrat USSR. 2007

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:25:39, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №1

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Newsreel 1930-1935 years:

DJing on the gramophone - CU.

Water jets, a man washes - CU.

Workers with jackhammers down into the mine, the miners at work, coal mining - LS.

The crowd happily greets miners - LS.

Tabs lock on the door, turns on the gramophone record, hitting the needle - CU.

A sign ...


Reel №2

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... Stakhanov with a group on a boat sailing along the coast

Dark corridor mine - LS.

Newsreel 1935-1939 gg.

Stalin - LS.

Dark corridor mine - LS.

DJing on the gramophone - CU.

Details of the monument Stakhanov - CU.

Newsreel 1955-1961 gg.

Khrushchev, in an airplane, looking out the window, Khrushchev ...


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