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"Gliders" newsreels and historical clips

Soviet glider pilots 1928

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:04:15, published: 2/5/2016

Scene №1 Soviet glider pilots

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... heavy glider.

Easy Glider in flight.

The glider is flying below the clouds.

Glider flying with a delta wing.

Gliders, flying below the clouds.

Dog at the airport.

Flying Glider.

View airfield and viewers (top).

Planer performs a "dead loop" and other aerobatics.

The pilot sits in a glider.

Glider in tow ...

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... man watches the flight of a glider, one of the pilots from the ground trying to take a picture of a soaring glider.

Glider in the sky.

Glider flying over the mountains.

People pull the towline the glider, glider soars.

Local residents watch the flight of gliders.

Flying Glider.

A person flying head, gives ...

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People pull rope glider soars.

People from the ground watching the flight of a glider, "Dragon".

The glider landing on the beach at the water's edge.

People run up to the glider landed.

From the cockpit glider pilot gets Stepanchenok VA A person pilot Yumashev AB Yumashev in the cockpit glider "Humayun" before ...

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... before the start of flight wears glasses.

The glider flies.

People from the ground watching the flight Yumashev.

Flying Glider.

An observer at the airport looking through binoculars.

Towing glider using harnessed him ass.

Taking off a heavy glider.

Glider in flight performing aerobatics.

People from the ...

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... of the glider through a small telescope.

Glider in the eyepiece of the telescope.

People withdrawn from the glider hangar plain.

Towing gliders to the launch site.

Glider with floats on the wings sits on the water.

Glider performing aerobatics.

Preparations for the start of the glider, glider soars. ...

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Glider flying over the airfield.

Forms part of the aerodrome in Koktebel by standing on it during gliders gliding competitions.

This is a gliding sport 1977

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:54, published: 10/4/2016


The core of the film is a sports competition glider pilots.

Technical and promotional videos and filming flights, aerobatics, a view of the earth from height of bird's flight, the Assembly process of airframe at the factory.

Reel №1

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... the glider.

Glider in the air.

A woman in the cockpit of a glider.

Two gliders in the air.

TITLE: This is a gliding sport

The airfield of the DOSAAF sports gliding club.

Opening of the competition.

Gliders at the airfield.

Participants of the competition plot the route on the map.

The scout glider is ...

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... Cumulus clouds.

A bird's-eye view of the earth.

Athletes waiting for the start.

Athletes sit in the glider.

The start of the glider.

Gliders in the air.

Assembly of the new glider "Lithuania".

Design office.

Glider in the sky.

Reel №2

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Gliders soar in the sky.

Absolute champion of the USSR, Master of Sports of international class Vytautas Sabeckis in the cockpit of a glider.

A glider is taken out of the hangar.

Head aeroclub Alexandras of Ionushas at the command post.

The girl at the command post writes down the readings in the log ...

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... log.

The glider hovers above the ground.

The first athletes are waiting for the judge.

The judges observe the gliders in a special optical device.

The first glider pilot lands.

Analysis of the flight.

The glider pilot, who did not reach the finish line, approaches the judging group.

A truck pulls a glider ...

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... glider on a cable.

Gliders at the airfield.

Glider pilot in the cockpit.

The instrument panel in the cockpit.

We are looking for wind. 1984

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:11, published: 7/25/2014

Reel №1

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Glider in flight (removed from the parallel flight), is visible at the bottom of the earth.

In the air, circling several gliders at the same time.

Interview about the glider tested in flight emotions.

Gliders roll out of the hangar at the airfield.

Easy engined aircraft.

Gliders on the ground, their ...

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... preparing to fly a glider.

Glider parachute dress, sits in the cockpit.

Were scattered across the field plane towing.

Rise glider with towing.

In the air, the plane pulls a rope glider.

Glider in free flight.

The pilot in the cockpit of the machine.

Performing aerobatics.

Land with altitude.

Glider lands on clearing ...

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... Monument on the hill near Koktebel: stele with a glider on top of the words "the founder of gliding. 1923-1973."

PNRM. on the way to the sea.

Landscapes with mountains of Crimea.

Seagull flying in the sky.

Photo: Designer of SP King sits in the cockpit of a glider on the ground, standing next to the pilot KK ...

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... KK Artseulov.

More photos on the history of gliding in Russia.

Queen of the document, where it is called "pilot - glider".

Photo pilot Sergey Anokhin - one of the first glider in Russia.

Reel №2

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... Launching a glider in flight by a stretched rubber rope people.

Spectators watch the flight.

In the air, flying three airframe systems, perform aerobatics.

Spectators look up.

The view from the cockpit.

Two boys in the audience raised their arm up at the same time.

Landing triple gliders.

Man interview ...

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... flight.

Glider on the ground, two boys carry it across the field.

Boy in the pilot's seat wear a seat.

Glider moves across the field (without taking off), exercise for beginners.

Glider soars into the air, hovering at a height of 10 meters, sits down.

Interview a young man of gliders future.

Glider newest ...

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... runs after the plane takes off.

Glider in flight.

The man on the ground said in a radio microphone.

Glider pilot in the cockpit unit test design.

Radio communications with the ground.

Landing a glider with a brake parachute.

Dog runs across the field after the glider.

Pilot stroking dog zasunuvshuyu ...

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... zasunuvshuyu head into the cockpit.

Dog entirely climbs into the cockpit.

Aerial view of the airfield field: a set of gliders on the ground.

The sun sets behind the airfield.

Horizon № 8 1972

Newsreel, 7 parts, duration: 1:05:04, published: 6/7/2017

Reel №3

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Leading up to the next story.

2."Sailboat in the sky."

Gliders at the airport.

Launch the glider.

Glider in the sky.

Several gliders take to the sky.

Gliders soar in the sky.

Pilot in the cockpit of the glider.

Reel №4

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... the sky".

Glider in the sky.

Ground from the air.

The pilot in the cockpit is talking on the radio (synchronously).

The glider landed in a meadow.

Boys are running towards him.

Local residents are looking at the glider with interest.

The pilot is talking on the radio (synchronously).

Glider around it-local ...

Soviet Ural Mountains № 32 1983

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:38, published: 6/2/2014




Pinocchio, you take off.


The head of the circle of young technicians L.A.Komarov soars into the sky in a glider made by its pupils.

Reel №1


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... playing.

3. People walk across the field.

There is a glider on the field.

The head of the circle of young technicians L.A. Komarov sits in a glider.

The glider takes off.

A glider in the sky.

L. Komarov with his students.

L. Komarov (synchronously).


Newsreel footage:Komarov gets on the ...

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... L. Komarov (synchronously) about his student.

Photo of V. Vanyushkin launching his first glider.

The guys are assembling another glider .

One of Komarov's students gets into a glider.

Training flights on a glider.

History of aviation 1925-1937

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:15:14, published: 2/13/2013

Scene №2

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Glider competition in the Crimea (Koktebel)

Towing gliders to start.

Gliders are on the field.

Gribovsky pilot gliders "G-2" and "G-6".

Gliders in the air.

Viewing audience.

Stepanchenok glider pilot "Dragon".

Glider in the sky.

Yumashev glider pilot "Gamayun."

Cost Yumashev pilot after the flight.


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Furs placed in boxes, loaded the glider.

Glider in the sky.

Delivery gliders to start.

Gliders in the sky.

Borodin glider pilot "The Seagull."

Scene №3

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Planes at the Tushino airfield.

Airplane "Maxim Gorky".

Young gliders with model gliders.

Pilot sits in the plane takes off.

Molotov and Kaganovich stand.


The plane in the sky.

Viewing audience.

The plane carried the figure in the sky.

Parachutist jumps.

Dream winged 1986

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:45, published: 7/20/2019

Reel №1

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Glider takes off, towed by a plane.

The type of forest (top).

The glider pilot in the cockpit of a glider.

Flying the glider.

Members of the youth section of the aeroclub DOSAAF in the cockpit of a glider at the airport.

Activity in the model aircraft section at the station of young technicians.

Head ...

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... plane.

Face Kundin.

Flies a glider towed by aircraft.

Starting gliders.

Glider youth club "Fakel" on the ground.

The face of the glider.

Members of the club watch the flight of the glider.

The glider on the airfield.

The glider pilot in the cockpit.

The start of the glider and landing.

Repair of the airframe ...


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... drawing.

Manufacturer of aircraft components in workshops of the Institute.

Cheny aviation technical sports squad, make a glider, test the strength of the trapezium.

Flying the hang glider.

The face of the Dean of the faculty of aircraft, V. A. Pavlov, Pavlov says about the possibilities of production of ...


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... hang glider with his mother.

Flying the hang glider.

Soaring glider.

The types of airfield (top), glider pilots in the cockpit of a glider.

The gliders fly over the fields a light aircraft in flight.

Rainbow over the airfield.

View of the airfield tower.

View of the airfield at sunset.

The glider on the ...

With love to the sky. 1989

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:24:14, published: 12/22/2017

Reel №1

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The airplane performs aerobatics figures.

Hang glider in flight.

Children draw a chalk on the asphalt.

A flying fighter.

Newsreel 1900-1910: a man on a makeshift launderer tries to fly.

The first airplanes and airplanes take off.

The Russian pilot Nesterov PN.

The airplane carries out a "dead loop" above ...


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... them.


The production of gliders on the basis of the workshop, the schoolchildren collect and paint the plane of the gliders.

Theoretical lesson at the Junior Glider School, students' faces.

Girls uncover the glider.

Start the glider and take off.

Preparation of gliders for the next start.

View of ...

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... of the airfield part of the glider school (from above).

One of the young gliders takes off.

Former military pilot Sergei Nazimov talks about his work at the Junior Planet School (synchronously).

Faces of young gliders.

Planers before the start.

Take-off gliders.

Gliders at the airport.

Solemn event on ...

Soviet Ural Mountains № 44 1986

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:49, published: 9/5/2014

Reel №1


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... Gasparovich.

Job GTS.

Cable break.

Repair work.

On the street in Chelyabinsk are children with a glider.

Glider "The Kid" design L.A.Komarova.

Rise of the airframe.

Newsreel: The glider takes off.

Glider pilots prepare for the flight vehicles.

Soviet aviation 1924-1936

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:51, published: 12/16/2017

Scene №1 Soviet aviation

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... at the edge of the airfield watch glider competitions in Koktebel in 1924.

Gliders on the airfield.

Flying glider, faces of spectators.

Gliders in the sky.

Overclocking the next glider using an airplane.

The glider in flight.

The face of one of the pilots.

The glider performs aerobatics figures.

A view ...


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