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"Indian" newsreels and historical clips

Laboratory - Ocean 1986

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:47:20, published: 8/18/2014

Reel №2

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Indian Ocean

Reel №5

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Indian Ocean

Amazon Indians 1920-1929

Footage, 1 part, duration: 0:12:38, black-white, published: 1/14/2020

Reel №1

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... transplanted with motor boats on rowboats.

Boats float down the Amazon.

The first Indian village.

Indians unload luggage expedition.

Indians go out of the total home / Maloqs /.

The expedition members are greeted with the Indians


Women harvested roots mandioki-edible plants.

The roots were washed ...


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Cooking tortillas


Indians at dinner.

Lunch women and children.

The Indians eat a dessert of live ants


The conductor talks with the Indians in the language Tucano.

Member of the expedition doctor is receiving Makkobern Indians


Indian woman with a child.

A group of ...


Germany, the expedition, the Indians, water transport

Germany, woman, plant, fishermen, shipping, river

Germany, woman, craft, fishermen, fishing

Germany, woman, plants, food,

Germany, women, children, food, insects

Germany, the Indians, medicine, personality

Germany, river, children, women

The Routes of the Young People's Friendship. 1987

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:00, published: 4/17/2014

Reel №1

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... towers.

Indian arch at Cathedral Square.

Go Mikhail Gorbachev and Rajiv Gandhi spouses.

In Cathedral Square Rajiv Gandhi presented with bread and salt.

Girls in national costumes convey Mikhail Gorbachev and Raisa gifts from India.

PNRM. construct Indians in traditional dress.

A Soviet-Indian friendship ...


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Dancing Soviet and Indian youth.

A group of Indian musicians playing folk instruments.

Secretary of the Komsomol Sergei Rogozhkin says (synchronous and behind the scenes) about the youth program of the Festival of Soviet-Indian friendship.

View from riding the train: forests, mountains.

Indian young people ...

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... conversations over tea.

Meeting the Indian delegation on the station platform.

Girls in national costumes presented bread and salt guests.

Pioneers presented with flowers Indians.

Dancing Soviet and Indian youth.

Indian playing with a ball.

Foreign visitors in the summer camp.

Indians on the deck of a ship sailing ...

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... rock, photographed against the backdrop of Lake Baikal.

Train rides, the Indian girl looking out the window.

View of the Leningrad across the Neva.

Peter and Paul Fortress.

Delegation of Indian guests at hotel "Leningrad".

Indians dancing in the air, watching them crowd the Soviet people.

Train rides. ...

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... balcony of the house.

Dancing in the air Indian and Uzbek youth.

Buses enter the city of Samarkand.

Musicians playing folk wind instruments, the boys banging the drum.

Locals and Indian guests in the square in front of an ancient palace dance in a circle.

Indians get acquainted with the life, visit Uzbek ...

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... Uzbek family.

Performances of rope on the square.

On the platform was escorted train with the Indian delegation.

The train departs.


Gorbachev MS - The first President of the USSR.

R. Gandhi - Indian politician, Prime Minister of India.

From Heart To Heart. 1988

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:44:49, published: 11/17/2015

Reel №3

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Indian artists dance at the Peter and Paul Fortress during their stay in Leningrad, the faces of the audience.

Performance of artists of the Indian puppet theater on the territory of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Photos of representatives of the Indian fauna, visitors inspect the Indian photo exhibition ...


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... pleasure boat during a trip to Siberia.

Indian guests during a visit to the Bratsk Hydroelectric power Station and the ethnographic Museum.

A Hindu receives a cedar branch as a souvenir.

Indian women on the shore of Lake Baikal.

Indian girls blow off dandelions.

Indian girls visiting the indigenous inhabitants ...

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... an Indian graduate student about her stay in Siberia (synchronously and behind the scenes), Siberian landscapes.

Pioneers applaud dancing Indian girls.

One of the Indian guests is playing volleyball with the pioneers.

Interviews of Siberian women about the impressions of communication with Indian guests ...

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... artists of the Indian dance ensemble during a trip to the Estonian SSR, demonstration of Indian dance technique, applauding audience.

The face of the dancer Sho Panaidu, performing a dance on the edges of a special copper plate in the style of a kuchi-hoodie.

Types of Tallinn.

Indian musician Goth Khodev ...

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... Khodev Dasgupta demonstrates to Estonian colleagues the art of playing the Indian stringed instrument sarodi, a view from the window.

The faces of the residents of Tallinn.

Indian artists before a performance on Tallinn Square.

One of the dancers puts on makeup before the performance.

Foreign newsreels № 938 1962

News, 6 footages, duration: 0:09:45, published: 7/26/2013

Scene №3 Indian zoo

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Footage, 22 footages, duration: 6:13:34, published: 12/12/2023

Scene №2 Training of Indian military personnel

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... communicates with the Indian military.

The deputy commander of the regiment, the head of the airborne service, Lieutenant Colonel of the Airborne Forces, Grigory Kuznetsov, checks the equipment of the Indian military, talks about the training of parachutists.

Russian and Indian paratroopers.

Cadet Roman ...

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... Nesterenko retells the essence of the conversation with the Indian military about service in the armies of Russia and India.

Nesterenko R. helps the Indians to sit on the ground.

Indian parachutists are sitting on the ground, resting.

The Indian parachutist highly appreciates the work of the Russian military ...

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... parachutists from different countries, admires Russian simulators for training paratroopers, an obstacle course and An-2 aircraft.

The cadet instructs Indian parachutists, checks parachutes.

Gates Of The Heaven 1993

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:27:28, published: 4/15/2014


History of Indian religions.

Reel №1

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PNRM. on a hilly terrain.

Dome of the temple in the background.

Religious buildings of various kinds.

Sculpture of Jesus Christ.

Indian girl praying.

PNRM. on the altar with the head of an elephant.

PNRM. on religious buildings.

People go to the Temple.

Sculpture: woman and an angel with wings.

People ...

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... India.

A man with a microphone in his hand says (synchronous and behind the scenes) of the Baha'i doctrine.

City car on the street, pedestrians in Indian folk costumes.

Flower bushes.

Man (in a European suit) continues the story (synchronously) on the Baha'i faith.

Go pedestrians, dressed in local and ...


Reel №2


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... building of the mosque.

Mosque in the city.

People, cars on the streets.

Painted religious sculptures.

Man says (synchronous and behind the scenes) about Indian gods Shiva, Vishnu, Krishna, Rama and others.

Close-up: an old man with a beard.

PNRM. for architectural and sculptural decoration of a Hindu temple ...


Reel №3

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Woman in Indian national dress is in the garden.

Close-up: a full-blown flower.

The woman with a microphone in his hand says (synchronous and behind the scenes) about the life of women in India.

Indian carries a baby in her arms.

Is an Indian family.

Close-up: faces of young girls.

Story of a woman (synchronous ...

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There is a group of girls.

Close-up: Indian old man's face in a yellow turban, with a gray beard, PNRM. a man with a black beard.

People walking in the park, view of the Temple of the Bahai religion.

Along the paths of the park are walking, talking, pair.

Indian youth group.

A man in a white robe says ...


The USSR-India: Holidays and Weekdays. 1989

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:09, published: 4/15/2014


Trading in the stores in Moscow Indian goods.

The restaurant "Delhi" in Moscow.

Preparation of Indian national dishes at the restaurant.

Gandhi monument in Moscow.

Learning the language "Hindi" in the cultural heart of the Embassy of India (synchronous), yoga, study of Indian national dances.

EducationFriendship of Peoples.

Patrice Lumumba.

Filming "Black Prince" - working together Indian and Soviet filmmakers.

Types of Tashkent.

Construction of 14-storey hotel in the town square, carried Indian firm.

The work of Indian scientists in the laboratories of the Institute of Catalysis of the Siberian Branch

Reel №1


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... anniversary of the Soviet-Indian treaty: the Presidency, are the Soviet and Indian speakers, participants listen, applaud.

Newsreel, 1971: Delhi.

The visiting Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR AA Gromyko down the plane, greeted with occurring, together with the Indian representative to sign the ...


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... Gandhi takes part in the Soviet-Indian talks.

Map of India.

Metallurgical Plant in India: look and shop.

Dam power plant (all built with Soviet assistance).

Memorial plaque with the inscription in English and Hindi.

Installation works on oil.

Talk, Soviet and Indian workers.

Moscow: building, sign ...

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... Krasnaya Presnya in Moscow.

Exhibition samples of Indian products in the Center; Indian representatives say.

Conveyor shoe factory "Paris Commune".

Shop factory.

Work at work.

Woman packs shoes.

Shop "Ganga": plate, Showcases.

Shopping Facilities: Indian goods (statuettes and other) on the shelves.

Buyers ...

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... Buyers and sellers in the store.

The first joint Soviet-Indian venture - a restaurant "Delhi" (appearance).

Indian chef at work.

Hands wrapped pancakes.

Ready meals in the kitchen.

The restaurant hall, visitors - Russian and Indians - at the tables.

Moscow River.

Monument to Mahatma Gandhi on the Lenin ...

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... building.

Lesson Hindi.

Yoga instructor demonstrates an exercise; girls gymnastics.


Indian dancing, learning Russian girls.

Dancing girl.

Soviet and Indian women are held in the park.

Soviet and Indian young man talking on the street.

Students at the University of Friendship of Patrice Lumumba ...

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... №19 Masha Shashkova dancing Indian dance.

Pupil of the boarding school speak Hindi.

Film set at the studio.

Directed by Gennady Vasilyev and Shashi Kapoor (India), actor George Darchiashvili, Indian actors Avrik Puri hyun Sanam, Rishi Kapoor, Amitabh Bachchan (star of Indian cinema) on the set of joint ...

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... joint film "Black Prince".

Report on the streets of Tashkent, and fountains.

The building of the Indian company "Tata Limited ..." Open the gates of the construction site of the company, drives a truck.

Construction site, where the company "Tata ..." builds hotel.

Builders of India for work.

The building ...

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... Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Akademgorodok.

Scientists are on the ladder.

Laboratory Institute.

Indian and Soviet scientists at work.

Moscow: Soviet and Indian youth passes through the park.

Foreign newsreels № 3466 1973

News, 2 footages, duration: 0:05:40, published: 6/20/2014

Scene №1

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... buildings.


Flight attendants serve the passengers.


Aircraft airline "Air India".

Indian girl in a café.

Riding on elephants.

Architectural complex.

Indian girl dancing.



Indian dancers.


The visit of the delegation of the State Duma of Russia to India 1994

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 1:31:32, published: 9/19/2018

Scene №1 The visit of the delegation of the State Duma of Russia to India

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The visit of the delegation of the State Duma of Russia led by I.Rybkinym to India.

I.Rybkin and his party hello. talking with Indian officials.

I.Rybkin and members of the Russian delegation down the ramp, greeting the meet.

Landscapes of India; driveways past villages - shooting from a moving vehicle ...


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... Interview with the Russian ambassador to India A.M.Dryukova.

I.Rybkin goodbye to accompany Indian representatives, climbs the ladder into the cabin.

I.Rybkin out of the plane, greeted the meet (evening).

Indian city street at night.

Sale of firecrackers and fireworks from the tray.

Shops, cafes.

Illuminated ...

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... cremation ground.

I.Rybkina meeting with members of the Indian Parliament.

Interview with members of the Indian Parliament.

Negotiations I.Rybkina and members of the Russian Duma delegation with members of the Indian Parliament.

I.Rybkina meeting with Indian President Shankar Dayal Sharma.

Sites and monuments ...

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... of India.

Passing train government cars.

Russian-Indian talks and meetings at various levels.

I.Rybkin and his party see the sights - different plans.

Architectural and historical monuments of India - different plans.

Indian village.

Interview Indian businessman.

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