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"Indian girls" newsreels and historical clips

Foreign newsreels № 3466 1973

News, 2 footages, duration: 0:05:40, published: 6/20/2014

Scene №1

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... buildings.


Flight attendants serve the passengers.


Aircraft airline "Air India".

Indian girl in a café.

Riding on elephants.

Architectural complex.

Indian girl dancing.



Indian dancers.


From Heart To Heart. 1988

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:44:49, published: 11/17/2015

Reel №3

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Indian artists dance at the Peter and Paul Fortress during their stay in Leningrad, the faces of the audience.

Performance of artists of the Indian puppet theater on the territory of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Photos of representatives of the Indian fauna, visitors inspect the Indian photo exhibition ...


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... pleasure boat during a trip to Siberia.

Indian guests during a visit to the Bratsk Hydroelectric power Station and the ethnographic Museum.

A Hindu receives a cedar branch as a souvenir.

Indian women on the shore of Lake Baikal.

Indian girls blow off dandelions.

Indian girls visiting the indigenous inhabitants ...

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... an Indian graduate student about her stay in Siberia (synchronously and behind the scenes), Siberian landscapes.

Pioneers applaud dancing Indian girls.

One of the Indian guests is playing volleyball with the pioneers.

Interviews of Siberian women about the impressions of communication with Indian guests ...

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... artists of the Indian dance ensemble during a trip to the Estonian SSR, demonstration of Indian dance technique, applauding audience.

The face of the dancer Sho Panaidu, performing a dance on the edges of a special copper plate in the style of a kuchi-hoodie.

Types of Tallinn.

Indian musician Goth Khodev ...

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... Khodev Dasgupta demonstrates to Estonian colleagues the art of playing the Indian stringed instrument sarodi, a view from the window.

The faces of the residents of Tallinn.

Indian artists before a performance on Tallinn Square.

One of the dancers puts on makeup before the performance.

Gates To The Future 1989

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:25:36, published: 4/16/2014

Reel №1


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Along the street are Indians in national and European clothes.

A man in a turban on a motorcycle.

Apartment Indian journalist: woman at the window, the other in the kitchen girl in a bunk bed playing with a doll.

Family with children in the room.

Man talking on the phone.

Indian journalist said on a ...

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... festival of India in Moscow (July): Indian girls - participants of the final concert - sneaked bowls with candles.

Soviet artists in national costumes presented flowers Indian artists; artists of the two countries, holding hands, take the stage, applauding.

Girls lowered bowl with candles in the pool ...

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... Delhi.

People in the park, on the street.

Artist of the ensemble "Birch" talks about the Indians.

Runs with her husband on the Square.

Flowers in the park.

Indian woman playing with the children in the yard.

Running girl.

Street at the Presidential Palace.

Equestrian escort accompanies the motorcade.

Shoot ...

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... arrived at the closing ceremony of the USSR in India, out of the car and greets with Indian leaders.

Flag of India.

Flag of the Soviet Union.

MS Gorbachev and Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi signed the official Soviet-Indian documents, shake hands.

Portrait of Indira Gandhi on the stage.

The ceremony of ...

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... of awarding MS Gorbachev Indira Gandhi Prize present applauded.

Remove cameramen.

Indian flag on the wall of the Red Fort.

Towers of Red Fort.

MS Gorbachev and his entourage enter the territory of the Red Fort.

The walls of the fort.

Sculptures of elephants at the gate of the Red Fort.

Buildings in the ...

Reel №2

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... rides in national costume.

Street vendor with customers.

Indian archaeologist says about the Soviet and Indian culture.

Buddha head in the window of the museum.

Indians in the museum exhibits.

Russian icon of the museum.

Photos in the museum (girl astronauts).

Report on the streets of Delhi.

Young participants ...


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... "Ballet on Ice" grimiruyutsya before the performance.

Indian participants of the final concert of the festival in the dressing room.

Indian participants of the concert held in the hall, dance.

The audience applauded.

Persons of Indian dancing girls.

At the close of the festival is the President of India ...

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... the festival of India in the USSR: Indian actors float on a barge on the Moscow River.

Indian dancers perform in the square Peter and Paul Fortress in Leningrad.

Indians - participants of the festival - held on the Registan Square in Samarkand.


Indian guests visiting the city.

Zagorsk is ...

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... of the USSR in India.

Participants listen, applaud.

Flags on flagpoles (at sunset).

Delhi area during sunset.

Evening streets of Delhi.

Soviet and Indian flags on flagpoles.

The song "Russia - Motherland" performed by artists of the ensemble "Ballet on Ice".

Number "Mardi Gras" and others.

Reel №3

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... Performing artists of the Soviet circus on ice with trained bears (bears dancing, playing the balalaika).

Looking Indian girl.

Says the chairman of the organizing committee of the Indian festival.

Ballet performances on the ice (clowns, etc.).

People's Artist of the USSR sings Sofia Rotaru, bows.

Flash ...

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... monument to AS Pushkin in Delhi: the veil falls, applauded the official representatives of the USSR and India.

Indian schoolgirl look.

Monument AS Pushkin.

Said the deputy chairman of the Indian Organizing Committee (woman).

Artists of the Soviet circus on ice comply room with trained pigeons.

Member of ...

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... of the Soviet dance ensemble "Ballet on Ice".

Applaud the Soviet participants of the final concert.

Indian dancing girl.

Pass and waving Soviet and Indian participants of the final concert.

Fireworks in the sky.

The Routes of the Young People's Friendship. 1987

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:00, published: 4/17/2014

Reel №1

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... towers.

Indian arch at Cathedral Square.

Go Mikhail Gorbachev and Rajiv Gandhi spouses.

In Cathedral Square Rajiv Gandhi presented with bread and salt.

Girls in national costumes convey Mikhail Gorbachev and Raisa gifts from India.

PNRM. construct Indians in traditional dress.

A Soviet-Indian friendship ...


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Dancing Soviet and Indian youth.

A group of Indian musicians playing folk instruments.

Secretary of the Komsomol Sergei Rogozhkin says (synchronous and behind the scenes) about the youth program of the Festival of Soviet-Indian friendship.

View from riding the train: forests, mountains.

Indian young people ...

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... conversations over tea.

Meeting the Indian delegation on the station platform.

Girls in national costumes presented bread and salt guests.

Pioneers presented with flowers Indians.

Dancing Soviet and Indian youth.

Indian playing with a ball.

Foreign visitors in the summer camp.

Indians on the deck of a ship sailing ...

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... sailing on Lake Baikal.

Girls on the beach, sitting on a rock, photographed against the backdrop of Lake Baikal.

Train rides, the Indian girl looking out the window.

View of the Leningrad across the Neva.

Peter and Paul Fortress.

Delegation of Indian guests at hotel "Leningrad".

Indians dancing in the air ...

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... watching them crowd the Soviet people.

Train rides.


Girl on the street gives interviews (synchronously) on the friendship between the peoples.

Musicians playing folk instruments on the balcony of the house.

Dancing in the air Indian and Uzbek youth.

Buses enter the city of Samarkand.

Musicians ...

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... the boys banging the drum.

Locals and Indian guests in the square in front of an ancient palace dance in a circle.

Indians get acquainted with the life, visit Uzbek family.

Performances of rope on the square.

On the platform was escorted train with the Indian delegation.

The train departs.


Gorbachev MS - The first President of the USSR.

R. Gandhi - Indian politician, Prime Minister of India.

Beautiful far 2000

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:22, published: 4/6/2023


The film - a dramatic story of a young girl who fell in love and married to a foreigner - Indian.

For her India is a country of children's dreams.

But leaving home with her husband, giving birth to his daughter, suddenly she became enslaved...

Reel №1

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... cigarette in an ashtray.

Girls decorate their hair with ribbons, tinsel.

Girls in saris.

The girls are preparing for the performance

A group of girls performs an Indian dance.

A frame from an Indian movie.

A little girl is sitting on the sofa and leafing through a book.


The girl sells in a tent.

Sculpture ...

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... see anything, I don't hear anything, I won't tell anyone anything."

A woman on the balcony.

Indian figurines.

A fragment of an Indian film.

Woman (synchronously).

A wasp floundering in a jar of honey.

Indian goods store.

Reel №2

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... window.

Women beg.

Photo of a little girl.

Panorama of the girl's photos.

Photo of a young Indian.

A girl on the balcony in a wedding dress (photo).

Photos from the family album.

Photo of a young woman with an Indian husband and daughter.

A fragment from an Indian film.

The yard is a well.

The entrance ...

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... entrance courtyard through the arches.

Children's playground.

Clothing market.

The girl is sitting on the couch and watching an Indian movie on TV.

A girl is swinging on a swing.

The face of a young woman.

A woman and a girl are walking along the path to the house.

Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi in Moscow 1987

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:06:54, published: 12/16/2017

Scene №1 Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi in Moscow

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... signing of the Soviet-Indian agreement in the Grand Kremlin Palace.

Gorbachev MS sits at the table, puts his signature.

The agreement is signed by the Prime Minister of India, Gandhi R.

Ryzhkov NI, Ligachev EK, Chebrikov VM, Shevardnadze EA, Vorotnikov VI and members of the Indian delegation at the time ...


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... the monument to Indira Gandhi, participants in the rally and Indian students.

View of the monument to Indira Gandhi.

Gorbachev and Rajiv Gandhi plant a tree of Soviet-Indian friendship in the Kremlin, watered it.

The face of an Indian girl.

Gorbachev, Rajiv Gandhi and their accompanying persons walk ...

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... Kremlin.

Panorama of the square during a solemn event in the Kremlin in honor of Indian guests, Gorbachev and Gandhi shake hands.

Gorbachev makes a reciprocal speech.

View of the Kremlin cathedrals.

Artists of the Indian folk ensemble perform on the territory of the Kremlin.


Gandhi Rajiv Ratna - Indian statesman and politician

Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich - state and political figure

Ryzhkov Nikolai Ivanovich - state and political figure

Ligachev Egor Kuzmich - state and political figure

Chebrikov Viktor Mikhailovich - head of state security agencies

Shevardnadze Eduard

Following the Way of Mutual Understanding and Friendship. 1987

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:26:19, published: 5/25/2017


President of India R.

Venkataramanom, vice-president Daya Shankar Sharma.

The Soviet-Indian talks.

The negotiators at the table.

Ryzhkov and Rajiv Gandhi signed the agreement.

Talk NIRyzhkov with the ministers of the Indian government.

The opening ceremony of the monument to Lenin.

The laying of wreathsGandhi.

Ryzhkov and his entourage

visiting the shop Bhilai Steel Plant.

Meeting NIRyzhkov with representatives of Indian business circles, figures of science and art.

Address of the Indian band in the House of Soviet Science and Culture in New Delhi.

City of Agra, viewing the Taj Mahal, the mausoleum

Reel №1

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Squares and streets of Delhi.

The fountain in the square.


Boys are on the street.

Plane taxis.

Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and his entourage met at the plane President of the Council of Ministers of the USSR NI Ryzhkov, who arrived for the opening Festival of the Soviet Union in ...

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... NI Ryzhkov and Rajiv Gandhi are on the field airfield.

Flags of the Soviet Union and India.

Various kinds of Indian troops in the honor guard.

The orchestra performed the Soviet and Indian hymns.


The building of the presidential palace.

The meeting and conversation NI Ryzhkov, the President ...

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... Delhi.

NI talks Ryzhkov and Rajiv Gandhi.


Soviet and Indian participants at the negotiating table.

Area of Delhi, Soviet and Indian flags.

NI meeting Ryzhkov Finance Minister of India, Mr.


Talk NI Ryzhkov with Indian Minister of State for Human Resources, Health Narasimha Rao.

Ministers ...

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... signing ceremony.

Street and area of Delhi.

The opening ceremony of the monument to VI Lenin.

NI Ryzhkov and Rajiv Gandhi welcomed the audience.

Indian girls waving flags.

Camera and film correspondents removed.

Monument VI Lenin.

Memorial plaque on the burial place of the great revolutionary thinkers ...


Reel №2

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... Delhi.

Says an elderly Indian woman.

Streets of New Delhi.

Girls are on the street.

Keys and screen display.

NI Ryzhkov and his entourage in the hardware metallurgical plant in Bhilai.

The rolling mill.

NI Ryzhkov in the factory shop.


Steelmakers in the furnace.

Indian steelmakers welcome NI ...

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... meets with representatives of the Indian business community.

NI Ryzhkov responds to questions from the audience.

The emblem of the exhibition.

NI Ryzhkov meets with the Company's assets, "Friends of the Soviet Union."

Says Indian youth.

By participants of the Indian dance group in the Russian suits.

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... India in the USSR at the Cathedral Square in the Kremlin.

Is a group of Indian boys and girls with gifts.

Are the Indian participants of the ceremony.

Indian girl presents gifts MS Gorbachev and his wife.


Participants Indian Dance Ensemble at the House of Soviet Science and Culture in New Delhi ...


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... people on the street of Delhi.

Says Indian youth.

Street of the city.

Press conference NI Ryzhkov.

Correspondents in the hall.

Work tape.

Says Nikolai.

The opening ceremony of the USSR in India prior to the presidential palace.

Female presented gifts NI Ryzhkov.

Girls in national costumes of the Soviet ...


Reel №3

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... Fanfaristy on the field.

Bearers are carrying the stadium flags of the USSR and India.

Ranks are bearers.

On the "live" background rostrum depicted Soviet-Indian handshake.

Balloon with the word "Peace" in different languages.

Flags of the USSR and India against the sky.

Rajiv Gandhi opens the festival of the ...

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Acts NI Ryzhkov.

Flags of the Soviet Union and India.

Participants of Soviet art program in national costumes Soviet republics at the stadium.

Dancing girl in Russian headdresses.

Applaud NI Ryzhkov and Rajiv Gandhi.

Participants of the concert performed by Uzbek dance.

Spectators in the stands.

Georgian ...


The Silver Anniversary of Bhilai. 1984

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:10, published: 11/10/2012


construction plant. [_], Delhi: Republic Square, and others

visit to the Soviet Union, Nehru and Indira Gandhi.

2h. - Preparation for the flight Soviet-Indian crew:

training in Star City.

The participation of the Soviet delegation in celebrating 25 years of plant:

trip across the country.

Guild Novokramotorskogo

Reel №1

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... working at the furnace.

Soviet and Indian specialists in the shop.

The red-hot workpiece on the mill.

Say, a factory worker, engineer and deputy chief of department.

Flower meadow flowers.

Streets, houses Bhilai (Madhya Pradesh).

Children on the carousel.

Looking girl, boy, girl.

Newsreel: The first peg hammered ...

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... a passing car.

Construction of pouring buckets of cement.

Jawaharlal Nehru stands with workers of the plant.

Factory building.

Standing Soviet and Indian workers.

Pouring the first cast.

Banners at the plant at Bhilai in Russian and English languages.


Members of the Soviet delegation, including ...


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... Jawaharlal Nehru.

The opening of a memorial plaque on the Square in Moscow, which was named after Jawaharlal Nehru; welcome; among the Presidium of the Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.


Indira Gandhi at the memorial plaque.

Flowers, a memorial plaque.

Comrade VE Dymshits presents a copy of the ...


Reel №2

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Installation of Indian artificial satellite in Bhilai.

Indian scientists are.

Monument to Yuri Gagarin in Star City; Indira Gandhi at the monument.

Rocket "Salute".

Indira Gandhi among the Soviet-Indian crew.

Indian city of Bhilai.

President's Palace.

The Soviet delegation at a reception at the President ...

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... President Zaila Singh; and Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

Members of the Soviet delegation at the construction of metallurgical plant in Bonar among workers.


Plant under construction.

The Soviet delegation visits other construction Metallurgical Plant in Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh.

Plant ...

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... opening of the plate rolling mill "3600" at the Bhilai Steel Plant.

Indian workers at the mill; hand working.

Glowing metal workpiece.


From the ladle pouring steel, coke oven.

The rally at the central stadium in Bhilai; Indian girls in national costumes handed flowers to members of the Soviet delegation ...


Rabindranath Tagore And Soviet Russia. 1986

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:30, published: 11/10/2012


of Art, the 125-th anniversary of the Indian poet and educator Rabindranath Tagore.

Exhibition of paintings by R. Tagore, TE Morozova plays the piano, the Indian instrument, singing songs of R. Tagore.

Admission to the Central House of Writers delegation of Indian writers and public figures.

There have


About the celebration in the USSR of the 125th Anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore- an Indian poet and philosopher.

Newsreel about Tagor's visit in Moscow was used here.

Reel №1


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... building of the Column Hall of the House of Unions - LS.

Foyer of the House of Unions - LS.

Indians speak, the room are writers and scholars (commemorating the 125th anniversary of the birth of R. Tagore) - CU., CU.

Indian guests - CU., MS.

Invitation card with the image of R. Tagore - MS.

At the podium seated ...

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... table in the Hall of Columns

The Bureau - LS., PNRM.

Indian girls in the audience - different.

Portrait of Tagore - LS.

Lamps - CU.

On stage, the singer of Indian songs T. Morozova - departure, PNRM., Hitting, CU.

The audience - different.

Indian girl's face - CU.

Newsreel of the 20's and 30's.:

Moscow ...


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... holding a banner - MS.

Girl joyfully bounces - MS.

Steam locomotive driven cars with people and / agricultural machinery - LS.

Photo: Tagore with the pioneers - LS., CU.

Factory shop - different.

Letter pioneers Tagore - MS.

Photo: Tagore among people - MS.

Soviet and Indian students out of the building ...

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... building of Moscow State University, go down the stairs - LS.

Girl Pioneer in English reads poetry Tagore (synchronous)

Portrait of Tagore in Moscow school № 26, the table in the sitting room, the Pioneers - CU.

Hands skim - CU.

Girl with books at the table - MS., PNRM.

Book featuring Tagore - CU.

Boy in ...

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... in English talks about Tagore (synchronous) - MS., Departure, PNRM. the girl

Streets filled with cars - LS.

People walk up the stairs - LS.

Books Tagore - MS., PNRM.

A woman takes a book from the shelf Tagore - MS.

The woman's face - CU.

A book of Tagore - CU.

Hand flipping through the book - CU.

Newsreel ...


Reel №2

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... room at the table of Russian and Indian writers and scholars greet each other - LS., MS.

Russian scientist talks with Indian women at the Institute of Oriental Studies - MS., PNRM.

Professor Serebryakov welcomes Indian scientist - MS.

Sitting at a table, Soviet and Indian scientists - are different.

An ...

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... An excerpt from the play of the theater "Daile" named John Rainis in Riga on the play "Raja": is a girl with a candle, hands on the keys, a man sitting in dark glasses, "silver" tree (simultaneously in Latvian) - Various.

Says the actor, who plays R. Tagore (synchronously in Latvian) - MS.

Hand flipping ...


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... Tagore; PNRM. the hall with scholars and writers - LS., MS., PNRM.

Indian singer songs T. Morozova welcomed in the foyer of the Indian women - LS ..


Those people in the audience - CU., MS.

People at the table - LS., MS., PNRM.

Indian woman's face - CU.

PNRM. the legs and hands of pianist - CU.

Morozova ...

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Morozova plays piano and sings (simultaneously in Bengali)

Morozova plays and sings while sitting on the floor, Indian instrument (simultaneously in Bengali) - LS.

House of Writers - LS., PNRM.

Indian delegation in the House of Writers at the reception of the Union of Soviet Writers, the portrait of Tagore ...

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... Tagore on stage - LS.

Facilities - Various.

PNRM. the faces of those present - MS., CU.

Moscow Street, go machine - different.

Faces of the girls, girls - CU., MS.

Passers - MS.

Animation: Photo Tagore paintings NK Roerich - different.

The USSR-India: Holidays and Weekdays. 1989

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:09, published: 4/15/2014


Trading in the stores in Moscow Indian goods.

The restaurant "Delhi" in Moscow.

Preparation of Indian national dishes at the restaurant.

Gandhi monument in Moscow.

Learning the language "Hindi" in the cultural heart of the Embassy of India (synchronous), yoga, study of Indian national dances.

EducationFriendship of Peoples.

Patrice Lumumba.

Filming "Black Prince" - working together Indian and Soviet filmmakers.

Types of Tashkent.

Construction of 14-storey hotel in the town square, carried Indian firm.

The work of Indian scientists in the laboratories of the Institute of Catalysis of the Siberian Branch

Reel №1


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... anniversary of the Soviet-Indian treaty: the Presidency, are the Soviet and Indian speakers, participants listen, applaud.

Newsreel, 1971: Delhi.

The visiting Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR AA Gromyko down the plane, greeted with occurring, together with the Indian representative to sign the ...


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... Gandhi takes part in the Soviet-Indian talks.

Map of India.

Metallurgical Plant in India: look and shop.

Dam power plant (all built with Soviet assistance).

Memorial plaque with the inscription in English and Hindi.

Installation works on oil.

Talk, Soviet and Indian workers.

Moscow: building, sign ...

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... Krasnaya Presnya in Moscow.

Exhibition samples of Indian products in the Center; Indian representatives say.

Conveyor shoe factory "Paris Commune".

Shop factory.

Work at work.

Woman packs shoes.

Shop "Ganga": plate, Showcases.

Shopping Facilities: Indian goods (statuettes and other) on the shelves.

Buyers ...

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... Buyers and sellers in the store.

The first joint Soviet-Indian venture - a restaurant "Delhi" (appearance).

Indian chef at work.

Hands wrapped pancakes.

Ready meals in the kitchen.

The restaurant hall, visitors - Russian and Indians - at the tables.

Moscow River.

Monument to Mahatma Gandhi on the Lenin ...

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... inside the building.

Lesson Hindi.

Yoga instructor demonstrates an exercise; girls gymnastics.


Indian dancing, learning Russian girls.

Dancing girl.

Soviet and Indian women are held in the park.

Soviet and Indian young man talking on the street.

Students at the University of Friendship of Patrice ...

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... №19 Masha Shashkova dancing Indian dance.

Pupil of the boarding school speak Hindi.

Film set at the studio.

Directed by Gennady Vasilyev and Shashi Kapoor (India), actor George Darchiashvili, Indian actors Avrik Puri hyun Sanam, Rishi Kapoor, Amitabh Bachchan (star of Indian cinema) on the set of joint ...

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... joint film "Black Prince".

Report on the streets of Tashkent, and fountains.

The building of the Indian company "Tata Limited ..." Open the gates of the construction site of the company, drives a truck.

Construction site, where the company "Tata ..." builds hotel.

Builders of India for work.

The building ...

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... Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Akademgorodok.

Scientists are on the ladder.

Laboratory Institute.

Indian and Soviet scientists at work.

Moscow: Soviet and Indian youth passes through the park.

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