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"Portraits" newsreels and historical clips

Portrait of Rachmaninoff. 1992

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:12, published: 4/29/2014

Reel №1 Portrait of Rachmaninoff.

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Creative portrait of Biktimirov 1967

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:10:58, published: 4/27/2021

Scene №1 Creative portrait of Biktimirov

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Self-portrait 1989

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:35, published: 9/17/2015

Reel №1

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... sitting on the steps of the author.

Among the smoking ruins dancing people.

Cluttering the room, on the walls of the set of drawings, paintings, portraits.

General view of the room, the author stands on the ladder.

Alternating: The author on a stepladder with grapefruit in hand, fragments of paintings ...


Three portraits 1981

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:02, published: 10/4/2016


Three of the female portrait: E. CH Novikova – Deputy Minister of health of the USSR;, EA zhigulenko – film Director, hero of the Soviet Union; D. O. Skulme – people's artist of Latvia.

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Family portrait 1980

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:48, published: 10/4/2016

Reel №1


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... of the halls on a chair.

Close-up: watch face.

Tourists are walking around the hall.

The guide (synchronously).

The faces of the visitors.

Family portrait (artist Van Dyck).

The attendant on the chair.

Lunch break at the attendants.

Nina Petrovna (synchronously) about herself.

Painting Madonna and Child ...


Reel №2

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... (synchronously).

Portrait of an old man (Rembrandt).

The Return of the Prodigal Son (Rembrandt).

Portrait of an old woman (Rembrandt).

Empty halls of the Hermitage.

Schoolchildren on an excursion.

The guide (synchronously).

Nina Petrovna shows photos (synchronously).

Family portrait.

Nina Petrovna is ...

Yaroslavl portrait 1985

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:55, published: 4/6/2023


The film was shot in the ancient Russian city of Yaroslavl, which in 1995 marked the 985 years.

The core of the film - portraits of inhabitants of Yaroslavl from the distant past and our contemporaries: the workers, restorers, engineers, and artists.

Reel №1

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... Pre-revolutionary photos of Yaroslavl and its inhabitants.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral.

A woman embroiders.

memorial plaque on the house of the 17th century.

Portrait of a merchant family (a picture from the Yaroslavl Art Gallery).

Panorama of the faces in the picture.

A violinist plays in an art gallery.

Bridge ...

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... laundry on the street.

Old photos of residents of Yaroslavl.

Pensioners sit on a bench in the yard.

An instrumental ensemble plays in an art gallery.

Portraits from the art gallery.

Frescoes of one of the temples.

Raising the cross to the dome.

Panorama of the faces of modern Yaroslavl residents.

Aerial view ...

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... the 20s.

A worker in a spinning mill.

Photos of the 20s.

Yaroslavl tire shop.

Commodity composition.

View of the Volga and the city from the air.

Portraits are hung in the gallery.

The faces of Yaroslavl residents in the bus window.

The orchestra plays at the festival.

Boat on the river.

Sculptural portrait 1965

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:42, black-white, published: 4/6/2023

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Yaroslavsky portrait. 1993

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:14:52, published: 4/15/2014

Reel №1

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Artistic portrait of 18-19 century.

Excursion to the museum, paintings on the wall.

Prerevolutionary newsreels 1900-1916 years .: Yaroslavl street, passers-by.

Local market.

View of the theater named Volkov.

Portraits of citizens and merchant family of the 19th century.

Walking through the city.

Travel ...


Reel №2


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... of the river Kotorosl, PNRM. in the gazebo on the waterfront.

PNRM. Yaroslavl on the top point.

Artistic portrait of the 19th century.

Pushkov says (synchronously) on their plans.

Artistic portrait of a man of the 19th century.

Academic portrait 2004

Documentary, 1 film, duration: 0:39:30, published: 12/26/2016


RAS and RAMS, Director General of Research Cancer Center.

Blokhin, oncosurgeon of international renown - Mikhail Davydov.

The main feature of his "portrait" - the drama of permanent contact this fun, open, cheerful person with death - in his profession, in his risky adventures, his personal tragedies

Movie №1


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... home, hunting, with friends, family, colleagues, celebrities, at work, etc.

The photo shows Davydov's daughter Tatiana.

Says Davydov.

Panorama of portraits of Soviet and Russian doctors on the wall.

Doctors are in the hall, listening to Davydov's report.

Panorama of the hall, doctors in white coats are ...


Two station. 1954

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:29:25, published: 7/24/2014

Reel №2

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a portrait of Stalin, money, station, suitcase, book of

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