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"Pushkin" newsreels and historical clips

The exhibition "Pushkin, from the sublime to the ridiculous" 1998

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:14, published: 8/21/2015

Scene №1 The exhibition "Pushkin, from the sublime to the ridiculous"

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Saint Petersburg.

All-Russian Pushkin Museum.

Exhibition of objects and goods issued in 1899 on the centenary of his birth.


Alexander Pushkin - Russian poet, playwright and novelist.



In my cruel age I praised freedom 1977

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:55, black-white, published: 4/6/2023


The film is about the main Russian poet - Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin.

Movie №1

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... of A. S. Pushkin.

The staircase is in the front, there is a bust of Pushkin, next to flowers.

Panorama of the windows and the entrance to the apartment.

Washing, broken ice.

Neva River, embankment.

Portrait of A. S. Pushkin (a portrait of Benkendorf appears in the corner).

Portrait of Pushkin and Goncharova ...


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... engravings with views of Kazan, Orenburg, on the theme of the Pugachev uprising.

Portrait of Emelyan Pugachev.

Boldino, Pushkin's estate.

Portrait of A. S. Pushkin.

Illustrations to Pushkin's works.

Monument "The Bronze Horseman".

A fragment of the manuscript of the "Bronze Horseman" with edits by the censor. ...

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... - there are Sovremennik magazines on the table.

Portraits of Pushkin and his associates.

Portraits of Gogol N. V., Odoevsky V. F., Pletnev P. A., Zhukovsky V. A. Portrait of Pushkin.

Sovremennik magazine, poems, novellas, novels by Pushkin.

Illustrations for the "Captain's Daughter".

A fragment from ...

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... Dantes.

Portrait of Dantes.

Pushkin and Goncharova in the picture.

Portraits of Pushkin.

The Black River, a monument on the site of the duel between Pushkin and Dantes.

Paintings on the theme of Pushkin's duel, Pushkin wounded in the apartment.

Posthumous portrait of Pushkin.

Pushkin's death mask.

Books ...

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... Books with Pushkin's works in different languages, Chronicle of the 1910s-1920s - Pushkin monument on Strastnaya (Pushkin) Square in Moscow.

Footage from the festival on the field.


Poetry, poet, Pushkin

Our region № 30 To the 175th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Pushkin 1974

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:21, published: 10/18/2019

Reel №1

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... path and a bench in the park.

A plaque with a line from a poem by A.S. Pushkin.

Pushkin Mountains.

The Sorot River.

Horses graze on the field.

There's a cart coming down the road.

A lake with bridges.

The artist draws a sketch.

Pushkin Trail.

View of the Wolf estate in Bernovo.

Memorial plaque on the House ...


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... An open book with a poem dedicated to A.P. Kern.

The exposition is an office in the Mikhailovskoye Museum.

Portrait of Byron in the study of A.S. Pushkin in Mikhailovsky.

Mikhailovskoye Museum-Reserve.

Park in Mikhailovsky.

The Sorot River.

Wooden humpback bridge in Mikhailovsky Park.

Windmill in Mikhailovsky ...


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... territory and the poet's grave.

Soldiers lay flowers on the grave of A.S. Pushkin.

Birch grove.

View of the restored Svyatogorsky monastery.

The delegation of the creative intelligentsia lays wreaths at the grave of A.S. Pushkin.

Close-up of the members of the delegation of different nationalities.

Chronicle ...

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... Chronicle of 1944.

Soldiers lay flowers at the grave of Alexander Pushkin.

A meeting of the creative intelligentsia on Mikhailovskaya Polyana to celebrate the poet's anniversary.

Monument to A.S. Pushkin in Mikhailovsky.

Monument on Pushkin's grave.

Candles are burning.


Pushkin, poetry, manor, museum

Museum-apartment AS Pushkin after restoration 1995

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:24, published: 6/16/2015

Scene №1 Museum-apartment AS Pushkin after restoration

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Petersburg Museum-apartment AS Pushkin.

The sign "Moika Embankment, 12".

The restored house, courtyard with benches.

Panorama of the rooms, the interiors of apartments.

Pushkin's death mask.

Bookcase, desk poet.

He says the museum (synchronously).

Portrait of a box and Natalia Goncharova.

Furniture, ...

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... flowers on the table.

Portrait of Pushkin brush Orest Kiprensky.



Our region № 31 1958

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:12, published: 3/28/2017


Pushkin Mountains, the village of Mikhailovskoye.

Pushkin's holiday.

The holiday of Friendship of the peoples of the USSR.

Reel №1

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Medallion with the image of A.S. Pushkin.

Panorama of the Pushkin Mountains.

Guests of the Pushkin Reserve carry wreaths to the grave of A.S. Pushkin.

Monument on the grave of A.S. Pushkin.

The solemn laying of a new monument to the poet.

Guests in national costumes go to the Pushkin festival.

People are walking ...

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... friendship of peoples.

Greeting of local pioneers.

Delegations in national costumes walk in Mikhailovsky Park.

Book bazaar, visitors buy works by A.S. Pushkin.

Belarusian artists perform.

Festivities in Mikhailovsky Park.

Members of the delegations ride on swings and carousels.

Guests can go boating on the ...


Pushkin A.S.


Pushkin Mountains


Events for the 158th anniversary of the death of Alexander Pushkin 1995

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:35, published: 6/16/2015

Scene №1 Events for the 158th anniversary of the death of Alexander Pushkin

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Moscow, Sink, 12. The exhibition at the Museum-apartment AS Pushkin.

Visitors view the paintings and engravings of Pushkin's time.

Portrait of Pushkin brush Orest Kiprensky, flowers.

Prints kinds Petersburg.

Portrait of Princess Natalia Petrovna Galitzine (prototype Queen of Spades).

Graphic weaning ...



AS Pushkin

Pushkin 1949

Documentary, 7 parts, duration: 1:04:04, black-white, published: 11/9/2012


The film tells about the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin.

Reel №4

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... works of Alexander Pushkin.

The Tsar's resolution on the novel "Eugene Onegin".

Michael Winter.

Alternation: a room in a house babysitting poet winter blizzard (footage from the film).

Types of winter forest.

View of the house from the trees.

Picture NN Ge "Pushin visiting Pushkin in St.


Picture ...

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... coin.

Pushkin manuscripts with drawings.

Paintings and drawings.

View of the bridge over the river (town in one of the countries of Eastern Europe).

The school building.

Russian language class.

Schoolgirl reading a passage from the novel "Eugene Onegin".

Edition of the works of Alexander Pushkin in different ...

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... different languages.

Quote VG Belinsky.

Portrait of Alexander Pushkin.

Reel №5

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Figures dedicated to exiled Decembrists.

Answer Decembrists Pushkin.

Page of the newspaper "Iskra".

View Shushenskoye the river.

House Lenin.

A room in the house-museum.

Manuscripts Lenin.

Portrait of Alexander Pushkin.

Art dedicated the battle of Poltava.

The frames of the film "Peter the Great", 2nd ...

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... letter to the local authorities about the arrival of Pushkin in Tbilisi.

Paintings and drawings dedicated to the battles against the Turks.

Alternating: the pages of the Literary Gazette, portraits of famous writers and poets.


Pushkin in Boldino autumn landscapes.

Types of estates.

Drawing ...

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... Drawing.

Pages of manuscripts of the poet with pictures.

Written works in Boldin.

Picture: Pushkin in Moscow ball.

Portrait N.N.Goncharovoy A.P.Bryullova brush.

Portrait of Alexander Pushkin brush PF Sokolov.

The house in Tsarskoye Selo.

A room in the house-museum.

Desk poet.

Manuscript "The Tale of Tsar ...

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... Tsar Saltan".


Students read the story in the lesson.

Children at their desks.

Portrait of Alexander Pushkin on the wall of the class.

Reel №7

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... Petersburg.

Picture N.P.Ulyanova "Pushkin and his wife at the ball."

Portrait of Nicholas I. The fragment pattern N.P.Ulyanova.

Cabinet Pushkin museum exhibits.

Personal library of the poet.

Desk Pushkin.

Dueling pistols in a box.

Portrait Zh.



Cabinet Pushkin.


Replying to a letter A ...

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... Ishimovoy.

Paintings devoted duel Pushkin and Zh.



The corridors of the house.


The sofa in the library.


Picture: dying Pushkin.

Shelves with books.

Alternation: Notes friends of the poet, the fragments of the picture.


The painting "Pushkin in the coffin" brush AA Kozlov ...

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... Svyatogorsk Holy Assumption Monastery.

The grave of the poet.

Works of Alexander Pushkin.

Dissolve: books on the shelves, people in the reading rooms, the students in the classroom, a girl with embroideries.

Portrait of Alexander Pushkin.

Moscow № 74 Compasses history. 1987

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:58, published: 3/25/2014

Reel №1


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... Soviet.

Secondary school №353 Pushkin.

There is a lesson to the children at their desks.

Teacher talks about the place of birth of Alexander Pushkin (synchronously).

Dorofeev polls young people on the street near the school (synchronously).

Cafeteria workers talk about Pushkin House on-site dining (synchronously) ...

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... (synchronously).

Construction site, fence, pipe, slush.

Picket citizens against the construction.

Poster "In Defense of Lefortovo.

For the creation of Pushkin conservation area. "

Says the young Picket (synchronously).

People in the picket sing with a guitar (synchronously).

Architectural monuments in a dilapidated ...







Around the USSR № 77 1970

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:36, published: 3/25/2014


1. Story of the Hero of Socialist Labor, the Lenin collective farm chairman N. Yuldasheva

2. Pushkin places

3. Footage of world and European champion in 1970 in sports ice dancing Pakhomova L. and A. Gorshkov

Reel №1


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... St.


Portrait of Alexander Pushkin.

Prints with views of St.

Petersburg, Moscow, the Caucasus.

Portrait of Pushkin near the sea.

Pskov region, the village of St.


Autumn forest landscape, yellowing leaves.

House of the poet, interiors, desk.

Pushkin manuscript, pen.

House nanny Arina ...








Stairs of feelings 1981

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:23:46, published: 2/22/2014


Reflections connoisseurs of folk art of the songs of Alexander Pushkin and their significance in his life.

Reel №1

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Winter landscape.

Pushkin Museum-Reserve "Mikhailovskoye."

The rooms of the museum.

Blogs poet pictures, text ticker.

Portrait of Alexander Pushkin.

Winter Forest (a trip to the top three, shot from the crew).

Ticker: poems of Pushkin.

The text is printed on the machine. V.D.Berestov for the typewriter ...

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... Berestov.

Plan unwritten article on Pushkin Russian folk songs.

The rooms of the museum.

Portrait of Alexander Pushkin.

Types of Leningrad.

Alternation: diaries and letters of the poet ticker portrait N.N.Pushkinoy (Goncharova), types of the museum, portrait of Pushkin.

Tells V.D.Berestov.

The museum card ...

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... card file.

Portraits P.V.Kireevskogo and Pushkin.

Alternation: V.D.Berestov portrait P.V.Annenkova, page 7 of the first volume of the first collected works of Pushkin House Museum.

Portraits and quotes researchers Pushkinists.


Berastau VD - Poet, translator and memoirist, Pushkin scholar, researcher.

Reel №2

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Alternation: page manuscript Pushkin, tells V.D.Berestov, portraits and quotations researchers Pushkinists.

Portrait A.R.Yakovlevoy, nanny Pushkin.

Portrait of Alexander Pushkin and his wife.

Ticker: the poet's letters to his wife, the comparison of texts of letters and words in the song.

Alternation: ...


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... Volkonskoy Moika have Stables Bridge, Pushkin Apartment Museum.

The rooms of the museum.

Animation: Portrait of Voltaire, Pushkin manuscript.

On the desktop, Pushkin portrait of Voltaire, candle in a candlestick, figurine.

Cabinet Pushkin.

Portrait of Alexander Pushkin.

Tells V.D.Berestov.


Berastau VD - Poet, translator and memoirist, Pushkin scholar, researcher.

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