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"Real Russia" newsreels and historical clips

Peak hour 07/30/1998 1998

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:20:11, published: 2/20/2018

Reel №1


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... excursion into history and parallels with modernity.

Why modern Russia does not intend to engage in "treasure hunt".

Comments of VG Sirotkin to the business plan of the Russian Privatization Center "Evaluation of the Russian Federation's Real Estate Abroad and Recommendations for its Most Effective Use" ...

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... history of gold, stored in Japan since 1916.

Cyclicality of history on the example of wars, credits and debts.

VG Sirotkin's book "Gold and Real Estate of Russia Abroad."

Gosha Kutsenko, interviews MIFF XXIV 2002

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:02:50, published: 12/17/2015

Scene №1 Gosha Kutsenko, interviews MIFF XXIV

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Gosha Kutsenko (real name - Yuri Kutsenko) - Russia ACTR.

Scene №2 Gosha Kutsenko, interviews XXIV Moscow International Film Festival Part 2

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Gosha Kutsenko (real name - Yuri Kutsenko) - Russian actor.

Peak hour 09/26/1996 1996

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:20:30, published: 2/20/2018

Reel №1

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... Statistics of the consequences of the accident on April 26, 1986.

The danger is theoretical and real.

The state of radiation "burial grounds" in the exclusion zone.

The future of nuclear energy in Ukraine and Russia.

Joint work of Russian and Ukrainian scientists at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Answers ...

Financial-industrial groups (FIGs) in Russia 1996-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:28:04, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Financial-industrial groups (FIGs) in Russia

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... Union of Manufacturers,

Chairman of the Board and President of the Association of Financial and Industrial Groups of Russia.

Talking about Yeltsin's decree on the establishment in Russia FIG (1993);

the privatization and restructuring of production;

of enterprises of the military-industrial complex (MIC) ...

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... adoption of the Law on the State Duma FIG (1995);

on applications for the creation of financial-industrial groups in the Ministry of Industry;

on the real economy and investment; relationship FPG with the government;

of international projects;

corruption and the state of affairs in the aluminum industry ...

Religious sects 2005

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:07:02, published: 11/12/2018

Scene №1 Photinha's sectarian movement based on the worship of the president

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... about the "enlightenment" that descended to her-that the spirit of the Apostle Paul is in the President of Russia.

Interview with the victim of the "sect".

He talks about how he lost his real estate.

The temple of Fotigny.

Fotinha talks about the "miraculous" finding of money.

Interview with the ...

one-on-one 11/17/1996 1996

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:26:03, published: 2/20/2018

Reel №1

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Russia on the eve of the 5th anniversary of the collapse of the USSR.

The guests of the program are Vladimir Lukin, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Policy, and Viktor Ilyukhin, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security.

Discussion of the proposal of Alexander Lukashenko ...

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... Lukashenko on the union of Russia and Belarus.

Real and hypothetical integration problems.

Profile of V. P. Lukin.

Counting the pros and cons of the association, a list of "pros" and "cons".

Opinion on the territorial claims of the former Soviet republics against Russia.

Profile of V. I. Ilyukhin.

Profile ...

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... Profile of A.V. Ryabov.

What Belarus can become for Russia in the event of a new union (opinion of Andrey Ryabov, comments of V. I. Ilyukhin and V. P. Lukin).

Profile of B. P. Guseletov.

Boris Guseletov on the speech of Alexander Lukashenko in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Profile of M. A ...


Parliamentarians of the Republic of the Green Cape Island in the USSR. 1982

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:11, published: 9/3/2015


The first visit of the delegation of the Republic of Cape Verde, headed by Carlos Fernandes dos Reis in Moscow.

Inspection of the delegation sights of Moscow, Volgograd, Odessa, Kiev.

The conversation in the Kremlin.

Reel №1

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... the Republic of Cape Verde - Chairman of the Standing National People's Assembly Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs Carlos Fernandes dos Reis.

At a reception at the AP Shitikova present members of the delegation - Deputy of the National People's Assembly of the Republic, Carlos Lopes and Pedro ...


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... the soil plow.


Guests of the Republic of Cape Verde in the field, visiting the farm machinery.

Operate tractors, harvesters.

Carlos Fernandes dos Reis considers grain.

Members of the delegation make a cruise on the Volga - sitting on the deck of the ship.

Ship sails.

The Black Sea port of Odessa. ...


Reel №2


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... Darnitsky silk factory.

Works machine.

Members of the delegation observed the operation of the machine.

Workers on the shop floor.

Carlos Fernandes dos Reis says goodbye to the women workers of the plant.

Passing cars.

Members of the delegation ROZMA in the Park of Glory in Kiev, laying a wreath at the Eternal ...


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... Giorgadze, AP Shitikov, and other officials.

The building of Sheremetyevo-2 airport.

Seeing parliament of the Republic of Cape Verde - Carlos Fernandes dos Reis shakes hands with AP Shitikova.

Flags of the Soviet Union and the Republic of Cape Verde.

Writer Alexandra Marinina, interviews 1995

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:28, published: 11/19/2015

Scene №1 Writer Alexandra Marinina, interviews

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Marinina (real name - Marina A. Alekseev) - Russian writer and novelist.

Peak hour 11/27/1996 1996

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:21:25, published: 2/20/2018

Reel №1

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The guest of the program is Judge Yuri Sidorenko.

Preparation of the 4th Extraordinary Congress of Judges of Russia.

Discussing the problems of financing the judicial system.

Who is profitable to destroy the judicial system of the country, the political background.

The role of the RF Ministry of Finance ...

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... of the Russian Federation in relation to the judicial system.

Security by law and the president on paper and the actual defenselessness of judges in real life.

Corruption in the organs of justice.

Answers to the questions of spectators.

Real people 2010

Documentary, 1 film, duration: 0:52:26, published: 3/1/2013

Movie №1 Real people

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