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"Room" newsreels and historical clips

How it was 09/12/1998 1998

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:37:48, published: 2/20/2018


The search for the missing Amber Room.

Reel №1


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... chronicle:

Preserved photos of the room.

Fragments of amber ornaments: panels, figurines, panels.

1941 year.

Fascist troops on the territory of the Soviet Union.

The city of Pushkin, devastated after the German attack, was the former Tsarskoe Selo, where the Amber Room was kept.

1941 year.

Koenigsberg ...

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... The German military takes out art objects packed in wooden boxes.

Soviet troops in Koenigsberg.

In the castle, where, supposedly, there was an Amber Room taken out of the Leningrad Region.

Inspection of the halls of the palace, cultural values.

Andrei Przhezdomsky says that Professor Alexander Bryusov ...

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... Bryusov, who was in charge of the search for valuables exported by the fascists, examined the Royal Castle burned in Koenigsberg, decided that the Amber Room had suffered the same fate.

However, after a detailed inspection, these assumptions were not confirmed.

Video chronicle:

Liberation battles near Koenigsberg ...

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... for the search for the Amber Room.

Interview with Veniamin Krolevsky, who headed the first search commission.

Describes his meeting with the secretary of the Obkom, Vladimir Shcherbakov, who handed over Stalin's personal request to organize the search for the lost room.

Andrei Przhezdomsky talks about ...

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... (Kaliningrad).

Viktor Kuptsov demonstrates a metal frame, with which, according to him, you can find a lost room.

Valentin Yerashov tells about the existence of many versions of the burial of the Amber Room.

On the participation of the KGB and just adventurers in search works.

Video chronicle:

Sentenced to ...

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... imprisonment, staying in a Polish prison Erich Koch gives interviews, walks around the prison yard.

He made a proposal for a deal: he discovers where the Amber Room is located, and he is given the opportunity to go to the FRG.

The deal fell through.

Koch with Hitler, with children.

Tomb of Koch.

Andrei Przhezdomsky ...


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... question about the cost of the Amber Room, in case of its discovery, notes that jewelry amber, like any mineral, has its own useful life.

And even before the war, the staff of the museum, every day to collect pieces of rock, flaking from the interior of the room.


Amber Room.

Krolevsky Veniamin is the former Second Secretary of the Kaliningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU.

Kuptsov Victor - participant of search expeditions of the 1960s to discover the lost Amber Room.

Konyukhov Alexander - participant of the search group of the 1980s.

The lost Amber Room.


Communications.Server room 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:45, published: 9/3/2018

Scene №1 Server room.

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Common room 1971

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:42, black-white, published: 4/6/2023

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Dining room 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:47, published: 5/23/2013

Scene №1 Dining room

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Surgical room and operating room equipped with modern medical equipment. 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:07, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Medical equipment in the operating room and surgical room

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Innovative medical equipment.

Complex scanning.

Ultrasound examination.

Operating, doctors work.

In the next room on the monitor screens are displayed

images of the patient's internal organs.

Interview with a specialist.

Panorama № 22 1992

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:16, published: 1/19/2018

Reel №1


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... skeleton on the stand, the child with a balloon holding a skeleton hand.

The corridors of the theater.

Go to the audience.

Room with control panels.

The actor on stage.

PNRM. for theatre rooms.

The actor gives an interview.

Bus theater.

The operator at the control panel.

The actors and audience on the stage ...



clown, theatre Desk, playing guitar, art song, furnished dressing room, dressing room, benches, lights,

Our region № 24 1983

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:18, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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... Panorama of the Kremlin, tram rides.

Restaurant in the city of Smolensk.

The cook reads out recipes to the staff.

A handout in the dining room.

Service hall in the dining room.

Self-service table with snacks and bread.

The audience of the Institute.

Vending machines for food products in student canteens.

A ...

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... Smolensk District Executive Committee.

Visitors descend to the bar located in the basement.

Samovar and the range of products offered.

Self-service dining room.

Cafe visitors.

A woman feeds a small child.

Children drink milkshakes.

Interview with a visitor pyshechnaya.

The production process of crumpets.

Centralized ...

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... convenience store.

Self-service cafe.

Interviews with cafe visitors.

Interview with a cafeteria worker.

Training of canteen workers.

Shooting of the dining room staff.

Waiters bring the products of public catering enterprises into the restaurant hall.


food products


dining room

No room for error. 1989

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:40, published: 6/15/2014

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The series "Waiting Room" 1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:49, published: 7/14/2015

Scene №1 The series "Waiting Room"

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The series "Waiting Room" 1997

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:10:02, published: 7/14/2015

Scene №1 The series "Waiting Room"

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