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"Sculpture" newsreels and historical clips

Sculptures Tsereteli 1990-1999

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:12:29, published: 7/5/2019

Scene №1

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The house of Zurab Tsereteli in Moscow, the artist's Studio and sculpture Park in the yard.

The gods as people 1986

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:54, published: 4/6/2023


Russian wooden sculpture.

Movie №1

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... Collection of wooden sculptures of the Perm Art Museum.

Wooden crucifixes.

Each crucifixion is made in a unique manner.



A wooden idol.

Wooden church.


Sculptural depiction of saints.

View of Perm from the Kama River.

The figure of Jesus Christ.

Storage of wooden sculptures in the art museum ...

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... museum.

Wooden angel.

Sculpture of Jesus Christ.

The sculpture of Jesus Christ has scars from a whip on its back.

The bare feet of a saint.

A carver's tool.

Sculpture by Nikola Mozhay.

Restorers are working.

Sculpture of Jesus Christ.


The audience views the sculptures.

Sculptural image of ...




Folk traditions.

Sculpture and us. . . 1983

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:55, published: 6/15/2014


The film is dedicated to the First all-Union exhibition of sculpture in Moscow, where were presented more than two thousand works of different genres, the role of sculpture in our lives.

Reel №1

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View of the building of the Central exhibition hall in Moscow.

The street cleaning machine drives past exhibited on the street busts.

Sculpture installed in front of the exhibition hall, the entrance to the hall.

The lawnmower man mows the lawn tractor with the mower.

View of part of one of the halls ...

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... exhibits in the exhibition halls and panoramas of the halls.

Sculpture depicting a ballerina.

Visitors to the exhibition halls.

Busts of V. I. Lenin in the exhibition halls.

Sculptures on the theme of revolution and civil war.

The sculpture is dedicated to the underground fighters of the great Patriotic ...

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... Peter I created in the style of the 18th century, presented at the exhibition.

Sculpture Of Kozma Minin, Mikhail Lomonosov, Lev Tolstoy, A. S. Pushkin, A. P. Chekhov.

Sculpture dedicated to the world of childhood.

The sculptures on the theme of the struggle for peace, triptych "Caution."

The sculptor kneading ...

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... process in the smelter, drying to finished sculpture.

Sculptures made by casting, depicting the workers of various specialties.

Sculptor working with a chisel on wood, the creation of wooden sculptures.

Wood sculptures, presented at the exhibition.

Sculpture of a shepherd with a dog, created by the artist ...

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... artist from Turkmenistan.

The work of Armenian sculptor.

Colored sculpture created by an artist from Lithuania.

Reel №2

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... the face sculptor.

The creation of a marble sculpture of a soldier of the great Patriotic war.

Sculptural portraits of marble in one of the halls of the exhibition.

Panorama of one of the halls of the exhibition, visitors visiting the exhibits.

Sculpture of Adam and eve, created ironic, humorous style ...

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... composition "Retired".

Sculpture of a wrestler and balalaika.

Sculpture installed in front of the main exhibition hall, the types of garden sculpture.

Sculpture dedicated to the marine flora and fauna.

Animal sculptures created by artists-animal, visitors to the animal sculptures.

Sculpture on the theme of ...

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... of theatre arts.

Sculpture of sailor with a balalaika.

Sculptures depicting people dancing the dances of the peoples of the USSR.

Sculpture dedicated to the circus arts.

In the exhibition halls the lights go out.

View of the building of the Central exhibition hall in the evening.

Ice Sculpture Park 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:50, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Manufacture of ice sculptures

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Sculptors working on ice sculptures - different plans.

Watching passersby.

Foreign newsreels № 3529 1973

News, 8 footages, duration: 0:12:15, published: 9/25/2014

Scene №5

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The annual open-air sculptures in Oronske.

Exhibition of sculptures on the highway from Warsaw to Krakow.



Sculptor N.A.Konenkova 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:20:52, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Sculptor N.A.Konenkova

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Tapestry, Sculpture and We 1986

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:17, published: 3/4/2014


Products All-Union Exhibition tapestries and sculptures.

Says (synchronous) displays the exhibition R. Glukhovskaya.

About says (synchronously) Secretary of the Union of Artists sculptor Yuri Chernov.

Customers visiting the exhibition.


A running commentary from the All-Union Exhibition of Tapestry and Sculpture held in the Central House of Artists located in Krymskiy Val (the Crimean Bar).

The role of these types of the art in the everyday life is demonstrated.

Reel №1

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... windows, are different.

Sculpture (head) - Various.

Tapestry - CU., Hitting.

Sculpture artist against tapestry - MS., Departure.

Crimean Bridge - LS.

The Central Exhibition Hall of the House of Artists on the Crimean shaft - LS., Hitting.

PNRM. the hall of the exhibition "Sculpture and Tapestry" - different ...

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... different.

Said display unit of the exhibition Rufina Gluhovskaya (synchronous) - Various.

Sculpture Exhibition: athlete, man with a pig and other - different.

People at the show - different.

Hanging tapestries (side view) - LS.

Woman says - visitor, textile artist (synchronous) - LS., MS.

Man photographed ...

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... of exhibits - MS.

People walk past sculptures and tapestries - different.

Sculpture - Pushkin - LS.

Says the sculptor Victor Dumanian (synchronous) - Various.

Sculpture of a woman with a goat (black clay) - CU., PNRM. the hall.

Sculpture rider - LS.

Sculpture (bronze) head of a man - LS.

Tapestry ...

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... - CU.

Sculpture - porcelain seagull - CU.

See the man, a man with a child - different.

The figure of a tree - CU.

Olive-gray tapestry (composition) - CU.

Sculpture of man - CU.

Sculpture - Suvorov - CU., Hitting.

Suvorov monument in the square in

Frunze - LS., PNRM., Hitting.

Sculpture in the ...

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... the exhibition - M. Keldysh (head) - LS.

Sculpture in the town square - M. Keldysh - LS.

Sculpture: the girl on the background of the tapestry (exhibition) - MS.; Woman with a child (tree) - CU., Departure.

A man looks at a sculpture - CU.

Says the sculptor (synchronous) - MS.

Children watch and ask ...

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... ask questions (synchronous) - Various., PNRM.

The sculpture "Family» - CU., MS., Departure.

Reel №2

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The sculptures in the exhibition - LS.

New district of Moscow - LS., PNRM.

Embankment of the Moscow River - LS., PNRM., Departure.

Sculpture in front of Yuri Gagarin - LS., Departure.

Sculpture in the Park, the

Frunze - different., Departure.

Children walk - LS., Departure.

PNRM. through the halls ...

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... departure, PNRM.

Foreigners pass sculptures - LS., PNRM.

Sculpture girl - CU., PNRM.

Visitors to the exhibition - are different., PNRM.

Tapestry (sports theme) - Various., PNRM.

Sculpture - working - MS., Departure.

They say visitors (synchronously) - CU., Hitting.

Sculptures: hippo and rhino - CU., Departure ...

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... PNRM., Departure.

Sculptures on the background tapestry - CU., Departure.

The boy is on exhibition hall, a man with a girl;

woman with a little girl at the show - different., MS.

The man says (synchronously) - MS., Departure; girl (synchronous) - CU., Departure.

Sculptures: running girl, circus ...

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... window.

Says the secretary of the Union of Artists sculptor Yuri Chernov (synchronous) - LS., MS.

The transportation of sculptures (closing of the exhibition) - CU., MS.

The sculptures on the floor - different., PNRM.

The workshop of the sculptor - LS., PNRM., Departure.

Exhibition building - LS., Departure ...

Science and technology № 6 1965

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:19, published: 12/4/2017


3. "When the sun rests" On the automated production of fluorescent lamps.

4. "Russian wooden sculpture" About the exhibition of Russian wooden sculpture in Moscow.

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Spring night 1973

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:59, black-white, published: 4/6/2023


In Leningrad, a city sculpture is washed before May Day.

Movie №1

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... on the University Embankment.

The Bronze Horseman.

The sculpture of Klodt on the Anichkov Bridge.

The head of Atlanta.

The lion's head.

Fire trucks are leaving the garage.

The passage of cars on the night street.

A firefighter washes the sculpture of a Cdodt with a powerful jet of water.

A jet of water ...

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... Monument to Alexander III.

Monument to Catherine II.

Washing sculptures in the Summer Garden.

The lion's head.

"Cupid and Psyche" (Summer Garden.


Removing protection from sculptures in the Summer Garden.

An old man is watering a sculpture of Cupid from a watering can.

Alley in the Summer Garden ...

The Soviet Exhibition Hall in Izmir. 1962

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:07, published: 11/14/2012


not only the creator, and destroyer.

All that has been created by mankind over tyasyachelety, vulnerable to the threat of thermonuclear holocaust.

Sculpture of ancient Greece, ancient Egypt (the Sphinx, Nefertiti), "David", "Moses" of Michelangelo B., "The Thinker" Rodin, A.; Assyrian reliefs.



Works of art - paintings, sculptures,. temples, constructed by the people.

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