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"Ships" newsreels and historical clips

Ship Caravan 1972

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:28, published: 3/26/2021

Scene №1 Ship Caravan

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Ship church 2005

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:04:13, published: 11/12/2018

Scene №1 Ship church

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Ship "Fdmiral Levchenko".

Open Sea .- +

Building on the deck of the ship.

The priest reads a prayer.

Deck of a warship.

Sailor cleans the deck on the ship.

Ship cook in the kitchen of the ship (cook in the galley).

The sailors in the dining room (saloon).

Ship church.

Combat helicopter on the ship.

Helicopter ...

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... exercises.


Warships at sea.

Sailor with binoculars on the deck.

Parade in the UK, fireworks.

Prince Michael - Duke of Kent on the ship.

The wishes of Prince Michael ship team (synchronously in Russian).

Warship at sea.

Storm, wind, strong pitching.

Flag of the Navy of Russia (large).

Foreign newsreels № 334 1961

News, 2 footages, duration: 0:05:59, published: 7/29/2021

Scene №2

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A report from the captured Portuguese passenger ship "Santa Maria".


Cruise Ship

Malta 1975

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:10:41, published: 10/27/2022

Scene №2 Valetta

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Valetta, ships.

The Winged Ship. 1960

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:32, published: 7/9/2019



Lumber rafting on the river, the movement of ships.

City of Moscow.


Movement of ships through the channel name of Moscow.

Movement of the ship "Rocket".

The Volga River.

Test ship "Meteor", among the passengers of the ship builder - R. E. Alexeev.

Khrushchev talks with Robert E Movement of the motor boat "Lightning".

The city of Gorky.

Plant Red Sormovo.

Construction of the ship "Sputnik. R. E. Alekseev at work in the design office.

Personnel chronicles.

Movement of the ship. [Boatmen] at work.


About the creation of the new passanger motor ship on underwater wings at the plant "Krasnoe Sormovo" ["Red Sormovo"].

Historical note

New passenger ship "Meteor hydrofoils (150 seats), built at the factory" Red Sormovo "(Gorky) under the leadership of R. E. Alexeev.

Designers create and build the plant trehsotmestny winged ship "Sputnik".

Reel №1


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... Union for control of T. Devyatayev - the average plan.

He caught glimpses of water - close-up.

Boats on the river - the overall plan.

Sweeping winged ship "Meteor" - different overall, medium, large plans.

Landscape beach with traffic - the general plan.

"Meteor" is taking place under the bridge - the ...


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... Ignatov Shvernik, AB Aristov, Mikhail Suslov talk with the designers after the inspection of ships - a common, big plans.

Motorboats "Lightning" is the river - the general plan.

Two girls and a sailor in the ship "Lightning" - medium, large plans.

Boat on the river is "Kazanka" hydrofoil - some general ...


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... the plant - discussed building a new high-speed vessel "Sputnik" - different overall, medium, large plans.

Figure ship "Sputnik" - panorama.

Workers work on the construction of the ship "Sputnik" - different plans.

Welders are working - some middle ground.

Design team headed by R. E. Alekseev in the ...


Satellites, ships, stations. 1984

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:49, published: 12/22/2017

Reel №2


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... cosmonaut during the launch, about the difficulties of working under conditions of weightlessness (synchronously), the views of the Earth and the take-off ship.

The space crew works under conditions of weightlessness.

Ground training of cosmonauts in zero-gravity conditions.

Portrait of Yuri Gagarin with awards ...


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... and the Interkosmos program (synchronously).

Grechko tells schoolchildren about a series of space ships "Soyuz" (synchronously).

The Soyuz spacecraft in outer space on the MCC monitor screen, docking ships and crew meeting.

Photographs of astronauts aboard a spaceship.

One of the international crews aboard ...


Bryusov ship - Casino 1997

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:23, published: 3/19/2017

Scene №1 Bryusov ship - Casino

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Crimean embankment.

View of the ship - Casino Bryusov monument to Peter the Great and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Ship "Maxim Gorky" 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:18:12, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Ship "Maxim Gorky"

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... in the port.

Ship "Maxim Gorky" in the port.

Captain tanker Grishin, VS passes through the deck.

Beeseda with the Northern Fleet commander Vladimir N. Chernavin.

Interview with captain of the ship "Maxim Gorky".

Different premises ship.

Barber, a cinema, a shop and restaurant on the ship.

Waitresses served ...

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... served the tables.

The cooks in the kitchen boat.

Pass along the corridor ship.

Stand information (Reception) on board.

Trap "Maxim Gorky" machine at the gangway.

Rain on the pavement.

Are the cars and motorcycles.

Lifebuoy "Maxim Gorky".

Direct dial telephone.


Ship Hotel


Russian ship building 1995-1997

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:17, published: 8/31/2018

Scene №1 Russian ship building

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Leningrad chronicles № 5 1985

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:14, published: 9/19/2019

Reel №1

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1. The plant named after him.

Ordzhonikidze, nuclear-powered ship "Russia".

2. The plant "Banner of October", the automation of production.

3. The stone for the obelisk "For the 40th anniversary of Victory" on Vosstaniya Square.

4. 65 years of medical school No. 3.

5. Malyutka Palace, 25000th Leningradets ...


Lamehov A.A. -- the captain of the nuclear icebreakers of Murmansk shipping company, honorary polar Explorer of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor.

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