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"Snow-covered village" newsreels and historical clips

Our region № 4 1991

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:00, published: 5/14/2017

Reel №1

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A snow-covered village.

People are wandering through a snow-covered field.

Novgorod region, the village of Parfino.

I.M. Smorodin, a member of the Committee of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on Economic Reform, gives an interview and talks about his life and the problems of development in the agrarian ...

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... agrarian region.

Winter fields under the snow.

Haystacks under the snow.

Destroyed and dilapidated houses and technical buildings.

Natura, Novgorod Neuropsychiatric clinic.

Students of the dispensary at work in labor workshops.

Papushin, a student at the dispensary, talks about his gift for predicting the future ...

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... the sidelines.

An evening of dancing at the psycho-neurological dispensary.

Footage of abandoned factory buildings under the snow.

People are wandering through a snow-covered field.


A snow-covered village, winter fields, Deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Red Square, a psychoneurological dispensary, computers.

Countryside news 1919

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:15, published: 3/25/2024

Scene №1 Rural Chronicle

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... people

Cow and a little boy standing at the well, the street people go

View of the snow-covered village.

Are people, children are running.

Woman pulls water from the well, stand near children.

Children run out of the village school.

Is a group of rural students; corrected boys hats, girls tied handkerchiefs ...


Country town

Village in winter


Soviet Ural Mountains № 15 1983

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:41, published: 6/23/2014

Reel №1

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1. Panorama of a snow-covered village.

Lobov O.I. (synchronously).

Panorama of the forest.

Cars with loads are traveling along the winter road.

Construction trailers.

Construction site.

Deputy head of Glavsreduralstroy (synchronously).

Construction of the frame of the gas compressor station building ...


Soviet Ural Mountains № 7 1982

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:34, published: 6/2/2014

Reel №1

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1. Uralmash workshop.

Brigadier A. Korolev.

The Korolev brigade is at work.

The Korolev brigade is coming from work.

2. Panorama of the snow-covered village.

A tractor is carrying a haystack.

A string of sledges carrying hay is driving along the road.

Director of the Kudymkarsky state farm N.Kudymov ...


Soviet Ural Mountains № 6 1986

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:05, published: 8/6/2018

Reel №1

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Snow-covered village.

The great bell in the tower of Nevyansk .

Close-up: the gear mechanism.

Yu. V. Lipatnikov (synchronously).

Covers of the magazine "Ural Pathfinder".

Wrought iron fence .

Layout of one of the oldest wooden houses in Sverdlovsk.

A. A. Pervushin at work in the workshop.

Shop of a metallurgical ...

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... metallurgical plant.

A. Pervushin (synchronously) about the old blacksmiths.

Cover of the book "Fence pattern mighty".

Forged candle holder.

Fire in the forge.

Smith A. I. Niravam at work.

Works of a blacksmith.

Old samovars.

Tea party with a samovar.

T. I. Shvaleva tells about the history of the Russian ...


Soviet Karelia № 2 1970

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:13, published: 12/18/2017

Reel №1

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Winter forest.

Snow-covered village.

Participants of the Amateur choir on the street of the village of Spasskaya Guba.

Petrozavodsk TV tower.

TV Studio in Petrozavodsk.

Performance of the Peter's People's choir.

Close - up: hands of an accordion player.

Filming in the TV Studio of the choir's performance ...

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... Petrozavodsk.


A horse-drawn sleigh rides along the village street.

Carved wooden balcony .

A woman embroiders.

There are several women sitting in the room, some embroidering, some spinning.

Large: hands spin the thread.

General view of the village.

A window with pots of flowers standing on it.

Paintings ...


Life of the village 1975-1987

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:04:25, published: 8/29/2022

Scene №1 Life of the village

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... three-storey buildings in the distance.

A plowed field, a row of village houses.

A minibus is driving along the village street.

A woman pours water into a bucket from a well with a crane.

In the foreground - a woodpile, in the background - village houses.

A woman takes water from a well with a collar.

A woman ...

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... man takes water from a well with a collar.

Village street.

A man is sitting on a bench near the house.

There is a motorcycle nearby.

The cow is lying near the fence.

Entrance to the gosplemzavod.

A village covered in snow.

A field covered with snow.

Village houses.

A field, with a forest in the background ...

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... background.

panorama of a snow-covered field.

The village in winter.

Village houses.

Snow is falling.

The general plan of the village.

Our region № 2 1974

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:13, published: 5/14/2017

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... Soviet and American spaceships in the Museum of the History of Cosmonautics.

The NPP building.

The control panel.

Kaluga radiolamp Plant.

A snow-covered village.

Repair shop.

First secretary of the Sukhinichesky district party committee A.I.Chekurov at the machine operators of the collective farm.

Timiryazev ...


Science and technology № 13 1961

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:12, published: 10/31/2017

Reel №1


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... over the hot key.

A concrete structure over a hot spring.

Compressors inside the structure that pump air into the well.

Instrument readings.

Snow-covered village.

Canteen in the sanatorium.


Reindeer harnessed to a sled.

Die Deutsche Wochenschau № 603 1942

Newsreel, 3 parts, duration: 0:29:31, published: 3/31/2015

Reel №2


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... German guns.

Germans in the village.

Rewarding distinguished soldier Iron Crosses.

The headquarters of the "Blue Division".


German General Georg Lindemann presents the award to the Spanish General Muñoz Grandes.

Delivery of ammunition on a snowy road.

Clearing roads of snow at 30 degrees of frost.

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Soldiers remove snow.

Soldier with mustache and frozen icicle under his nose.

Snow-covered village.

Passages made in the snow.

German observer.

Germans go on the attack.

German tanks.

Shoot German guns.


Fragments of the shootout.

The consequences of the Soviet bombardment by German artillery ...

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... artillery positions.

Destroyed tanks.

The corpses of Soviet soldiers in the snow.

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