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"Square" newsreels and historical clips

Squares and squares of Kazan 1974

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:57, published: 4/9/2021

Scene №1 Squares and squares of Kazan

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Square Swan song 1991

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:17, published: 4/6/2023


Decembrists Square.

Movie №1

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... Bronze Horseman".

View of the Peter and Paul Fortress from the opposite bank of the Neva.

Palace Square from the top point.


Isaac's Cathedral.

Sculptures on the Winter Palace.

View of the Senate Square from the roof.

Panorama from the embankment: the Admiralty, the Senate and the Synod are visible ...

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... Portrait of architect A.D. Zakharov- creator of the Admiralty building complex.

Admiralty Spire.

Passage along the Admiralty building complex.

Senate Square.

December Uprising (engravings).

Portrait of architect K.I.Rossi.

Senate and Synod buildings.

Construction of St.

Isaac's Cathedral (engravings).

Portrait ...

Fragments of the film "Three songs about Lenin" 1934

Footage, 8 footages, duration: 0:01:29, published: 7/20/2020

Scene №3

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Red square

Evening light

Scene №4

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Red square

Manezh Square MIFF XXIV 2002

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:52, published: 7/14/2015

Scene №1 Manezhnaya size is MIFF XXIV

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... man polishes the trunk of the car Mercedes.

A road sign with the word arena.

Logo International Film Festival XXIV. Brownie sign "Manezhnaya Square".

Manezh Square view of the Alexander Garden, Moscow hotel.


Manezh Square


Demonstration on Red Square 1920-1929

Footage, 1 part, duration: 0:00:14, black-white, published: 12/26/2012


Demonstration on Red Square

Reel №1 Demonstration on Red Square

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People in Red Square.

Pass members demonstrate in sports uniforms.


Red Square 2000-2009

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 1:01:18, published: 1/23/2013

Scene №1 Red Square

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Empty Red Square with Lenin's Tomb.

Ivan the Great Bell.

Closed Spassky Gate, sentry at the gate.

Spasskaya tower chimes.

Graves near the Kremlin Wall.

Chimes show 09:58.

The Kremlin wall, the windows of the building of the Kremlin.

Five-pointed star on the Spasskaya Tower.



Russian ...

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... Russian flag on the building of the Grand Kremlin Palace.

Empty Red Square with Lenin's Tomb.

Scene №2


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... entrance.

Chimes in the tower (10:20).

Monument to Minin and Pozharsky in the Pokrovsky Cathedral.


People come out of the mausoleum.

Empty Red Square.

The eternal flame at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Alexander Garden.

Sentries at the Eternal Flame.

Passers-by in Alexander Garden.

Zhukov monument ...

Red Square 1981

Documentary, 3 films, duration: 0:22:51, published: 9/12/2013


The film tells about the history of Red Square, its role in the formation and development of the socio - political and cultural life of the country.

Reel №1

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Panorama of the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square (top).

Views of Red Square, paving stones, St.

Basil's Cathedral (Pokrovsky), the mausoleum and the Spasskaya Tower.

The necropolis at the Kremlin Wall.

Buildings of the Historical Museum.

View of the upper part of the Spasskaya Tower.

Monument to Minin and ...

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... and Pozharsky.

Domes of the Intercession Cathedral.

Views of Red Square (top).

Vasnetsov's paintings depicting the Red Square and the white stone walls of the Kremlin in ancient Moscow, fragments of paintings.

Views of the Spasskaya Tower.

The clock on the Spasskaya Tower.

The work of the clockwork parts ...

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... the tower.

The clock on the Spasskaya Tower.

Ruby star on the spire of the Spasskaya Tower.

Views of the Spasskaya Tower and Red Square.

A painting depicting the Red Square and the Pokrovsky Cathedral in the 17-18 centuries, fragments of the painting.

Views of the Intercession Cathedral from different ...


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... the museum.

Paintings depicting the Pokrovsky Cathedral on Red Square.

Fragments of paintings depicting the daily life of Red Square in the 16-18 centuries.

The frontal place on Red Square.

Types of the Frontal area site.

Views of Red Square from different sides of the Frontal area.

Tourists at the entrance ...

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... on Red Square in front of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky.

Postcards of the 19th century with the image of Red Square and the monument standing in the center of the square.

View of Red Square and the building of the Historical Museum.

The facade of the historical museum from the Red Square.

Exhibits ...

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... display in the museum.

Works of art by Russian masters, displayed in the halls of the museum.

Views of the building of the Historical Museum and Red Square (top).

Reel №3

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... of Red Square (from above).

Pioneer solemn line on Red Square.

Welcome to the pioneers on Red Square, senior pioneers tie ties to join the pioneer organization.

Young pioneers give a salute.

Newsreel of 1924: members of the pioneer organizations of Moscow and the Moscow province on Red Square after taking ...

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... goes to Red Square.

The faces of the pioneers, pronouncing the words of the oath.

Take-off of a balloon from Red Square on July 27, 1920 during the celebrations in honor of the 2nd Congress of the Comintern.

The balloon rises above the building of the Historical Museum.

Panorama of Red Square and the territory ...

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... landing in Vancouver on June 20, 1937.

Demonstration on Red Square in honor of the first human flight into space on April 12, 1961.

Yuri Gagarin on the podium of the mausoleum, view of Red Square during the demonstration.

Cosmonauts on Red Square.

Students of the Moscow Military Music School open the military ...

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... on November 7.

View of the mausoleum grandstand.

On Red Square, students of military academies pass, the cameraman is shooting.

A unit of military sailors passes through Red Square.

Foreign military attaches are taking photos.

View of Red Square during the passage of military equipment (top).

Tanks pass ...

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... pass in front of the mausoleum.

Panorama of the demonstration on Red Square.

Banners and banners over the columns of demonstrators.

The clock on the Spasskaya Tower.

The pendulum of the clockwork, the next change of sentries goes to the mausoleum.

Change of sentries at Post No. 1 at the mausoleum.

A foreign ...

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... to the sound of the chimes.

Tourist buses pass the parking lot by St.

Basil's Cathedral.

Tourists on Red Square.

Tourists listen to the story of the guide, the faces of tourists.

Views of Red Square.


Heroes of Space



Parade on Red Square

Childhood and youth

International cooperation



Society, social activities and community organizations

Social life

World War II


Movie №1 Red Square

The history of Red Square, the historical and architectural monuments.

Pokrovsky Cathedral (St.

Basil), a monument to Minin and Pozharsky, etc.

The relationship of these monuments to the history of Russia.

Black Square 1988

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 0:56:53, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №1

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Pass people (from Rapid, through an aquarium).

The picture of Malevich "Black Square", etc..

On the quay playing gramophone mourners waving their hands, the ship sails.

Artists from the club "Avant-gardists" photographed on the deck.

The building of the river port, the deck of the ship.

Artists talk ...


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Newsreel 1930th years .: Stalin, Molotov, and others.

Pass through the territory of the Kremlin, Mikhail Kalinin passes.

May Day demonstration in Red Square are athletes, band, bear a portrait of Stalin, models.

Sculptures discus thrower, etc. plovichhi.

Pushkin Square 1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:38, published: 2/5/2016

Scene №1 Pushkin Square

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Pushkin Square.

She buys balloons.

Young people with balloons.

It powered fountain.

The helicopter in the sky.

An improvised stage, the portals of columns on the steps of Russian cinema.


Monument to Alexander Pushkin.

Girls at the fountain.

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Moscow, Pushkin Square.

Red square 1980-1985

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:45, published: 6/6/2019

Scene №1

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General plans of red square, St.

Basil's Cathedral, Spasskaya tower, the queue to the Lenin mausoleum, changing of the guard.

Panorama of the Kremlin and the regions adjacent to red square.

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