You found 11726 newsreels for query "Stalin-era building"

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"Stalin-era building" newsreels and historical clips

Newsreel Russia 1916-1941 years. 1916-1941

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:17:43, published: 8/30/2013

Scene №1 Newsreel Russia 1916-1941 years.


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... departs.

the street is Red Orchestra, followed by a string of people.

Column Hall of the House of Unions, hang slogans delegates.

L.M.Kaganovich acts, Stalin smiles hall votes.

Rallies in the villages for the collectivization of the peasants.

Port, street, Red ship tiles on a cart, a woman lay on the pavement ...


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... with a delegation to the White Sea Canal.

On the balcony of the House of Unions sitting party leaders - Kirov, Ordzhonikidze, Kaganovich, and others,

Stalin, Kalinin.

Congress delegates are sitting in the hall, close-up - Budennyi and Khrushchev.

People's Court, the judges are seated at the tables, the ...


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... demonstration in Red Square on the podium Beria hugs Ordzhonikidze.

In the workshop of the sculptor sculpts the figure, the two girls posing Sportwoman.

Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov, and Yezhov in the construction of Moscow-Volga Canal, the crowd waving his hands from afar rulers.

Prisoners - builders channel ...

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... (charge punctuated by shots of buildings Gulag)

The inmates are building the Moscow-Volga Canal, face prison.

Stalin delivers a speech on "life is better, it was fun ..." audience applause.

Jazz Band at the club, dancing couple, sit at a long table people drink for Stalin standing.

Grandma in the cafeteria ...

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... cafeteria pours himself a glass, drink looking at the portrait of Stalin.

1937: counter bookstore with books and portraits of Stalin, the Red looks, a portrait of Stalin.

A man stands at the microphone, "We do not touch."

Red Army Ensemble performs the song "do not wind walks on the field," Red Army soldiers ...

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... soldiers, armor, guns, sentinel.

1939: Red commanders confer on the field, watching cards.

The ruins, are the portraits of Stalin, Molotov, burning tank, dead tank on tank,

The prisoners wounded soldiers


History of Russia

The Stalin era



Soviet Ural Mountains № 17 "The debate continues" 1989

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:53, published: 9/1/2014

Reel №1

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Typography printed newspaper.

Article writer K.Logunova "Coast publicity."

Interview with the writer and academician K.Logunova S.V.Vonsovskogo about the Stalin era.

N.Andreevoy Letter to the Editor "Tyumen truth."

Insomnia 1989

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:51, published: 2/27/2018


Stalin's era




Reel №1

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... talks about his arrest in April 1941, reads his poem about Stalin, which served as the reason for the arrest, talks about people's political folklore of the 1930-ies, the attitude of the people to Stalin, about the nicknames given to Stalin by the criminals in the camp, about the beginning of the war ...

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... about the hunger strike declared by Vavilov, the receipt of the indictment in his case (synchronously).

Fragments of paintings, symbolizing the Stalin era, reflecting political repression.

The paintings of Peter Belov's "Dandelions", "Hourglass".

Fragments of paintings.

The Picture Belov "Meyerhold" ...

Truth and fire 1991

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 0:58:12, published: 4/19/2024



Stalin's era

Social life



The film is about the explosion of the Temple of Christ the Savior in Moscow, of the destruction and the destruction of religious shrines in the Stalin era.

Reel №2

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... the project of Christ the Saviour architect KA Ton Sketch project.

Color engraving depicting the construction of the temple.

Photos fundraisers to build a temple.

Fragments of the picture-splint, depicting the construction of the temple.

Photo erected the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Newsreels: The ...


Reel №3

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... the project of Christ the Saviour architect KA Ton Sketch project.

Color engraving depicting the construction of the temple.

Photos fundraisers to build a temple.

Fragments of the picture-splint, depicting the construction of the temple.

Photo erected the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Newsreels: The ...



Ilyich Lenin - statesman and political figure

Gorky Gorky - writer

Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin - statesman and political figure

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin - statesman and political figure

Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin - statesman and political figure

Grigory Zinoviev Evseevich - statesman and political figure

Reel №4

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... Mikosha says (synchronously).

Newsreel 12.05.1931 g .: The destruction of the Temple of Christ the Savior.

H ..

Khrushchev and L. Kaganovich.

Workers build a fence around the church.

Site preparation work for the Palace of Soviets.

Layouts and architectural designs of the Palace of the Soviets.

Pool "Moscow" ...


Russian chronicler № 7 Engelsina daughter Commissar. 1995

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:56, published: 3/25/2014


on a fallen monument to Stalin.

A woman photographs.

Stalin Engelsinoy on hand (photo).



Reception in the Kremlin Buryat delegation.

Applaud the members of the delegation, Stalin, Voroshilov.

The award MI Kalinin.

Members of the delegation give Stalin gown.

Stalin takes Engelsinu arms.

Newspapers in typography.

Sculpture "Stalin Englsinoy."

Newspapers with portraits of Stalin and Engelsiny.

Engelsina talks about his father's arrest in November 1937 (synchronously).

On night road passing car.

The car with the words "bread."

Lubyanka building.

Registration letters in the mail.

PostalPostal truck at the airport.

Handling messages in flight.

Drove the car with the prisoners.

Girl gives flowers to Stalin.

Reception of the Federal Security Service.

Engelsina out of the building.

Reel №1

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... a fallen monument to Stalin.

Woman photographed.

Stalin Engelsinoy hands (photo).




Reception in the Kremlin Buryat delegation.

Applaud the members of the delegation, Stalin, Voroshilov

Awards MI Kalinin.

Members of the delegation give Stalin gown.

Stalin takes Engelsinu hands ...

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[_] Sculpture "Stalin and Engelsina.

Newspapers with portraits of Stalin and Engelsiny.

Engelsina tells about father's arrest in November 1937 (synchronously).

Newsreel 1930-1937 gg.:

On the night the road passes through the machine.

The machine with the words "Bread".

The building of the Lubyanka.

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... mail.

Postal truck at the airport.

Handling letters to the plane.

Wagon rides with prisoners.

Girl gives Stalin flowers.

[_] Reception Federal Security Service (FSB).

Engelsina out of the building.

Operation "Helium". Film 4. "We can not predict." 1992

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:39, published: 2/28/2014

Reel №1


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... in the laboratory (re-enactment).

English physicist W. Crookes conducted experiments with radium (re-enactment).

Type part of Montreal (above).

The building of the University of Montreal (Figure).

E. Rutherford talks about the study of radioactivity of thorium in the University of Montreal in 1903 (synchronously ...

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... the opening of investigations into the nature of radon and helium (synchronously).

View of the tower of Big Ben in London.

London Bridge.

Types of Building, University of London.

Scientist talks about the experiments with helium at the University of London in the early 20th century (synchronously).

Scientist ...


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... about the experiments with helium (synchronously).

The scientist holding a sample of a mineral produced from the formation, formed in the Carboniferous era and talks about the process of determining the age of ancient forests with the help of helium isolation from minerals (synchronously).

The painting, ...

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... uranium salt.

The scientist continues the story (synchronously).

Mineral samples formed in different geological era.

The painting, depicting the Jurassic era.

Paintings depicting the Archean era.

Rome 1942-1943

Footage, 1 part, duration: 0:12:28, black-white, published: 11/5/2016

Reel №1

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... ancient Rome.

Ruined palaces of the era of Nero.

Via dei Trionfo.

Arch of Constantine.

The buildings of the Renaissance.

Roman forum.

The ruins, walls with frescoes.

The Colosseum and the park around it.

The fountains of the city.

The ruins of the Roman era of Tiberius, surrounded by the city's ...

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... city's traffic and modern buildings.

Tiber-its embankments and bridges.

View from the plane on a university town.

Mussolini Stadium.

Pillar obelisk Mussolini.

Huge sculptures around the stadium arena.

Fortress-Adriana seen the dome of St.

Peter's in the Vatican.

Rural road.

Seacoast citizens to buy ...

Arrival W. Churchill and Harriman A. Moscow 1942

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:36, black-white, published: 7/28/2016

Reel №1


... ancient Rome.

Ruined palaces of the era of Nero.

Via dei Trionfo.

Arch of Constantine.

The buildings of the Renaissance.

Roman forum.

The ruins, walls with frescoes.

The Colosseum and the park around it.

The fountains of the city.

The ruins of the Roman era of Tiberius, surrounded by the city's ...

... city's traffic and modern buildings.

Tiber-its embankments and bridges.

View from the plane on a university town.

Mussolini Stadium.

Pillar obelisk Mussolini.

Huge sculptures around the stadium arena.

Fortress-Adriana seen the dome of St.

Peter's in the Vatican.

Rural road.

Seacoast citizens to buy ...

Starlet № 23 1977

Newsreel, 6 parts, duration: 0:51:46, published: 6/20/2017

Reel №5

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4 plot.

Yurka is a moor.

Moscow region, Zelenograd.

Stray dogs and cats run around the building slabs, near the "Era" cinema, along the streets of the city.

The janitor drives the dogs off the playground.

Children swing on carousels and swings.

A re-enactment: a boy Yura is torturing a kitten.

An elderly ...

Building a skyscraper Chrysler Building 1940-1949

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:03, published: 3/25/2024

Scene №1 Building a skyscraper Chrysler Building

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Building a skyscraper Chrysler Building in New York.

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