You found 10635 newsreels for query "Summer day"

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"Summer day" newsreels and historical clips

Summer day on the Moscow River 1937-1940

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:18, published: 1/19/2015

Scene №1 Summer day on the Moscow River

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20 hot summer days 1974

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:30:10, published: 8/18/2014

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Reel №3

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Summer days in Grunewald 1910-1919

Footage, 1 part, duration: 0:05:08, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

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Latvia squad for women's basketball team - winner of the VIII Summer sports days of the USSR. Sports photographer Sergei Kivrin.

World record holder for high jump Tamara Bykova.


1. The final match of basketball at the VIII Summer Games of the Soviet peoples.

2. Sports photographer S. Kivrin.

3. Pole vaulter Tamara Bykova.

Reel №1

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1. Flag raising ceremony event at the VIII Summer Games of the Soviet peoples.

Stand basketball teams Soviet republics.

The panel of judges.

Standing members of the women's basketball team in Latvia.

Fragments of the match between Latvia and the RSFSR. Views Latvian National Team coach R. Karnetis.

View ...


Foreign newsreels № 3188 1972

News, 7 footages, duration: 0:12:06, published: 6/18/2013


Poland - a Report from Sopot in the days of the XII International pop song festival.

German - French pop singer Mireille Mathieu singing in the background the Olympic stadium in Munich.

Austria - the Annual music festival in Salzburg.

Goes public in extravagant costumes.

Conductor Herbert von KarajanKarajan in rehearsal.

Germany - "memories of the hot summer days of new music" - youth singing, dancing on the beach.

Cars on the road (humorous story).

Morocco - People on the beach, children on the beach and in the sea rescue service.

France - "Commune" storks in Colmar.

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Soviet Sport № 11 1955

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:17, black-white, published: 11/14/2012


The opening of the stadium "Dinamo" Moscow Summer Sports Day: competition athletes in running.

Opening in Rostov-on-Don, USSR championship in pentathlon.

Competitions athletes in fencing, shooting, swimming in, in the running.

Football match between Spartak and CSKA Moscow at stadium "Dynamo".


Reel №1

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1. The opening of the stadium "Dinamo" Moscow Summer Sports Day: competition athletes in running.

2. Opening in Rostov-on-Don, USSR championship in pentathlon.

Competitions athletes in fencing, shooting, swimming in, in the running.

3. Football match between Spartak and CSKA Moscow at stadium "Dynamo" ...

Fountain-Rotunda "Natalia and Alexander", the Great Ascension Church in Moscow 2003

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:04:51, published: 12/7/2017

Scene №1 Fountain-Rotunda "Natalia and Alexander", the Great Ascension Church in Moscow

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... the Great Ascension (where the wedding of Alexander Pushkin and Natalia Goncharova took place).

Construction of the bell tower of the temple.

(Summer, a sunny day).

Daily News / A Chronicle of the day № 45 1976

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:00, black-white, published: 3/25/2014


dictionary Dahl. 5syuzh. - Moscow Machine-Tool Plant.

Ordzhonikidze: work in the shops. 6syuzh. - Working in the greenhouses of the farm "Summer". 7syuzh. - Days of culture of peoples and nationalities of Yugoslavia.

Speeches artists.

Reel №1


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... Moscow Machine-Tool Plant.

Ordzhonikidze: work in the shops, USSR State Prize Laureate - turner plant.

7. Work in the greenhouses of the farm "Summer".

8. Days of culture of the peoples and nationalities of Yugoslavia in the Soviet Union.

Speeches artists.,

Foreign newsreels № 5655 1978

News, 7 footages, duration: 0:11:38, published: 6/8/2014

Reel №1


... studio "Barrandov" - "I'll be good, Grandpa."

Dir. P. Shulhof.

Duplication at the studio "Barrandov" Romanian historical film "The Story of a summer day."

Czechoslovakia - 18th Festival of Films for Children in Gotvaldove.

Interview children.

Drawings and photos from movies.

Kids in the Hall ...




The rally at the stadium in Moscow athletes 6 th summer sports days of the USSR. Handing Cup team Russia.



Men's high jump, run.

Athletes with medals. 2 syuzh.

European Cup swimming in Luzhniki, Moscow.


Handing Cup V. Bure. 3 syuzh.

Windsurfing at Pirogov reservoir

Reel №1


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... jumping.

Finishes runner.

On the field, the stadium cost the team - the winner sports contest.

Close-ups of athletes with awards on his chest.

Sports day is a fire.

2. Swimming in the Luzhniki Stadium.

Pioneer presents flowers athletes - participants of the competitions in swimming at the European Cup ...


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