You found 6334 newsreels for query "Trains"

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"Trains" newsreels and historical clips

Hospital train 1915-1916

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:21, published: 1/1/2015

Scene №1

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A military doctor gives orders subordinates.

Of the wagon train endure a stretcher with wounded.

Medics lowered the stretcher with the bandwagon.

The doctor asks about the health of the wounded.

Medics carry a stretcher.

Dog Training 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:09:43, published: 9/5/2018

Scene №1 Dog Training

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Park area.

Playground for taming dogs.

The trainer works with dogs of various breeds.

Dogs overcome obstacles (many shots).

Trainer shows gestures training for dogs.

Train station 1970-1979

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:02:57, published: 2/15/2020

Scene №1

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Train station, people on platform, top view.

People walking on the platform.

Porters with baggage carts.

Passengers disembarking from the car.

The people at the box office.

Passengers read information on the scoreboard.

To Board the train.

The view on the top platform.

People out of cars.




Sectors of the economy

Scene №2

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... machines.

Railway station, cash hall.

People come out of the station.

The entrance to the station, the train schedules.

People buy tickets at the box office.

Access to the platform.

To Board the train.




Sectors of the economy

Train rolls 1986

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:26, published: 3/3/2014



Childhood and youth

Youth oriented


Sectors of the economy

Social life


Children's cognitive film introduces the history of the emergence of the first trains.

Reel №1

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Passenger Express train.

Freight train.

Children's railway, the train arrives at the station.

Young drivers.

People at the station.

All in cash.

To purchase tickets.

To Board the train.

A man with a child on his shoulders.


The guides help children to get into the car.

Children look out of the ...

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... of the train.

The view from the last carriage on the platform.

The passengers of the train.


Animation: mechanisms, portrait, burning fire.

Excerpt silent film: people and the first self-propelled mechanisms.

Excerpts of silent films:

A trip on the steam locomotive of Stephenson.

The train starts ...

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... starts moving.

A man jumps on the train.


Firemen on the wagons with coal.

The people turn away from the ways of the cow.

The young driver of the children's railway.

The whistle of the train.

The passengers in the car.

The blur of the scenery outside the window.

Alternation: paintings, drawings of ...


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... film:

People meet steam locomotive.

The passengers of the train.

Split screen: the kids in the car, figures moving on the window screen.

Paper model locomotives.

Excerpt silent film:


Disembarkation of passengers.

The man whistles.

The train travels over bridges.

The engine in the way.

Movement in ...

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... in the mountains.

The entrance to the tunnel.

Exit from the tunnel.

Wheels of the train.

The alternation controllers check tickets, passengers on the train.

Excerpt silent film:

The controller checks the tickets.

The ticket placed in his hat.

A dog with ticket on collar.

The smoke above the locomotive's ...


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... traveling by train.

Ship to the bridge.

A Volley Of "Aurora".

Revolutionaries on the train.

Flipping locomotive's wheels and pipes.

The view from the locomotive on the rails, the smoke.

The train arrives.

People train at the station.

The youth went to the construction site.

The soldiers on the train.

Train ...

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Train in the Museum.

Steam locomotives-monuments.


The train arrives at the Kiev station.

Children's train.

The engineer controls the train.

The train arrives at the station.

Reel №2

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... asleep sand.

Duty at dial post.

The train passes the post.

The view from the train on the platform.

Passengers boarding.

The departure of the train.

The driver gives the signal.

Children are awarded certificates.

Pioneers in the ranks.

Driver helper run the train.

Girl looking out the window.

Assistant ...

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... stop.

Emergency braking.

Kittens on the tracks.

Girl takes kitties and runs away.

The train starts moving.

Girl with kittens looks after.

The movement of the train.

Views of the road from the cab drivers.

The train brakes in front of the arrow.

The negotiations of the driver Manager.

The Manager opens ...

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... signal for departure.

The train goes to the station.

Assistant engineer.

View of the road.

Working adults managers on duty.

Of a freight train.

The alternation duty at the control, the dissolution of the compositions on the hump.

The formation of the teams.

A freight train on the railroad.


Locomotives ...

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... team.

The movement of the toy train.

Experts watching the movement.

The children gather model locomotives.

Adults examine models and discuss them with the children.

Demonstration of working models.

The wheels of a moving train.

The train passes over the bridge.

Oncoming trains.

The passenger in the compartment ...

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... compartment.

The movement of the train in the twilight.



The view from the cab.

High speed train overtakes the passenger.

The passengers in the dining car.

The view from the train window.

The train arrives at the station.

Alternation: a children's train in the pines on duty at the post ...

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... post.

The arrival of the train.

Disembarkation of passengers.


Computed training. 1987

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:07, published: 12/24/2015


The film tells about the training of computer specialists in the USSR and the structure of training centers.

Reel №1


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... the computing center, the center staff at work.

Map of the USSR indicating the centers of the intersectoral training system.

A sign with the name of the All-Union Intersectoral Research and Training Center for Computing and Computer Science.

The educational process in one of the classrooms of the center ...

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... center.

The director of the center, P.S. Puparev, talks about a differentiated approach to computer training of specialists in research and training centers, about the number of specializations, about work based on the principles of economic calculation, about the age and job range of students (synchronously) ...

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... Educational Center.

View of the building of the training and computing center.

The director of the center S.I. Spiridovich talks about the work of the center, about the material and technical base of the center (synchronously).

Panorama of equipment in one of the training rooms of the center.

Lesson in one of ...

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... listeners working at computers.

The preparation of the program by one of the listeners.

Students in an auditorium equipped with technical means of training - televisions and a codoscope.

The teacher demonstrates visual aids using a codoscope.

The faces of the teacher and listeners.

The teacher with the ...


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... cooperation of the Tbilisi Scientific and Educational Center with higher educational institutions of the republic, about expanding the possibilities of training specialists in computer technology (synchronously).

Making a drawing using a computer.

People are resting on the shore of the pond (panorama).

High ...

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... creating a propaganda train promoting the achievements of computer technology (synchronously and behind the scenes), a panorama of a computer classroom, students work at computers.

The campaign train "Komsomolets of Georgia" passes by the station.

Personal computers "Agat" in one of the train cars.


Institutions of science



Life and leisure

Social life


Social life


Sectors of the economy

Reel №2

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... the Komsomolets of Georgia campaign train and get acquainted with working on computers.

Young people are trained to work on a computer, the faces of teachers and listeners.

Study of the device of the computer system unit and its individual elements.

The campaign train is on its way.

View of one of the ...

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... Asian branch of the Moscow Scientific and Educational Center.

The director of the branch B.S. Zahidov talks about his work, about the profiles of training specialists (synchronously).

Students during the next practical lesson.

Inserting a floppy disk into the drive, the listener at the computer.

The ...


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The building of the Kazan Scientific and Educational Center.

View of a part of the computer training hall.

Listeners work at computers, data is displayed on monitor screens.

Foreign students in one of the training classes of the center, the faces of the listeners.

The Cuban listener talks about the large ...

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... favorable conditions for successful training (synchronously, in Spanish, through an interpreter).

Foreign students while learning to work on computers.

Bulgarian engineer Panayotov talks about computer technology produced in Bulgaria, about the continuous exchange of training specialists between Bulgaria and ...

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... computer in one of the classrooms.

Director of the All-Union Intersectoral Research and Training Center for Computing and Computer Science Puparev speaks about the main directions of development of the intersectoral training system for computer specialists, about increasing the number of specialists in computing ...

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... computing complexes and systems, about expanding the network of research and training centers, from systematic technical re-equipment (synchronously and behind the scenes).

Panorama of one of the computer classes.

Samples of new computer technology.

Interior view of the cafe-bar of the scientific and educational ...

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... of the monument, view of the monument.

The building of the Minsk Scientific and Educational Center.

The campaign train "Komsomolets of Georgia" is on the way.

The building of the training center in Tashkent.


Towns and countries

International cooperation

Life and leisure



Geography and Nature


Social life

Culture and Arts


Sectors of the economy

Military training 2000-2009

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:21:11, published: 2/20/2018

Scene №1 Military training


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... the road (there is abnormal vocabulary).

Inspection of weapons.

Platoons run to their cars.

Continuation of shooting, working off moves under fire.

Training with shields, actions during street riots.

Shooting in the trenches, tank attack.

Pass the obstacle course in smoke.

The BTR column stops on the road ...

Glass train 1937

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:08, black-white, published: 9/22/2017

Reel №1

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A documentary about the trip by mountain railway from Munich to Innsbruck.

Train Berlin-Munich, a married couple says goodbye to the man from the train window.

When sending the husband falls hat.

Station Munich.

Spouses give luggage porter, and with it go in the hat shop, porter advised ...

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... showcase saw a poster about the journey to the "Glass Train" and timetable, they decide to go.

From out of the tunnel the train, the first model of the "glass" train 1865, the conductor in the form of old standing on the platform.

The modern "glass" train preparing for a trip, railway officials inspect the ...

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... the car, check the box.

Spouses among the train passengers.

Types Alps from a train window

Reel №2

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... next station.

House in snow on winter road wheeled sled pulled by a horse.

Mittenwald Train Station, the men removed the snow lopatmmi.

Seefeld station, station employees escorted the train.

The movement of trains up through the tunnels.

Arrival in Instbruk through the railway bridge.

City lights ...

A train 1967

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:15, black-white, published: 3/6/2018




Sectors of the economy


The film tells about the workload of the railway workers-the drafters of the trains.

Reel №1

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... buffer hit each other.

Types of railway node (top), it takes a freight train.

The drafters of the trains at the control panel, hands toggle switch.

The faces of the controllers.

Female managers at the console.

The drafters of the trains at work.

The point of the formation of convoys.

The faces of the controllers ...

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... beside a moving car.

Moving freight train wagons.

Dump truck "BELAZ" on the train platform.

Passing train with vans.

The cars move along the tracks under the rain.

Wagons and platforms with goods and equipment go different ways.

Rail node during the formation of trains (top).

The types of masts of electric ...

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... electric lighting (from below), passing by trains with supplies.

Girls watching passing trains.

Are trains with different loads.

The view of the Orthodox Church in the gaps between the cars.

Children waving to the passing train.

Is a counter of railway tanks.

The scenery outside the window of the car.

view ...

Train "Sokol". 1996-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:14, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Train "Sokol".

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VNIITransmash two lecture rooms.

The drawings on the wall "running of the train Sokol"

"VNIITransmash for rail transport."

In drawing a lecturer with the pointer.

The audience for the party.

Lecturer of the federal program

designed for a speed of 200 km / h (synchronous).

Specialist on privatizing the ...


Train, Falcon

Firm trains 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:21:34, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Firm trains

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... express train "Russia" route "between Europe and Asia."

Compartment of a train.

The passenger compartment.

Booklet in English and Russian languages.


"The Presidential Express": car train compartment.

Interview A.Dreshina, head of marketing and advertising company "Rus Rail": says the trains, "Orient ...

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... "Orient Express", "President-Express" and the tourist train "Russia", about routes and prices.

Trains at the station.

It takes a train "Russia".

Photos of trains and travelers.

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