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"columns" newsreels and historical clips

Alexander Column, St. Petersburg 1995

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:07, published: 12/17/2015

Scene №1 Alexander Column, St. Petersburg

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Palace Square.

Bottom view of the Alexander Column and lamppost.


Alexander Column

Pigeons 2005

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:02:53, published: 4/2/2019

Scene №2 Pigeons on ancient columns

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Pigeons on the ancient columns of the facade of the Mausoleum of Constantina (Santa Costanza) on the Eastern outskirts of Rome.

The secret of Alexander column 1994

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:39, published: 4/6/2023


The film tells about the history of the construction of the Alexander Column in St.

Petersburg, explains the meaning of the symbols used to decorate its pedestal.

Movie №1

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... Petersburg with the Alexander Column in the middle (top).

The figure of an angel on top of a column, a view of the Winter Palace building.

View of the Alexander Column from the pedestal to the top, view of the Palace Square.

The figure of an angel with a cross on top of a column.

Double-headed eagles without ...


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... the Alexander Column, approved by Nicholas I.

The original design of the monument in the form of an ancient Egyptian obelisk with bas-reliefs, proposed by the architect Montferrand.

A variant of the top of the column in the form of an Orthodox cross (drawing).

View of the Alexander Column through the arch ...

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... July Revolution of 1830 in France and the uprising of 1830 in Poland.

Graphic drawing of the figure of an angel with a cross in his hands on top of a column.

Photo of the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris.

Paintings depicting the streets of Paris, Amsterdam and Warsaw in the 19th century.

An engraving depicting ...

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... depicting one of the episodes of the Russian army's military operations against the Polish rebels.

Sculptural bas-reliefs on the pedestal of the column, the inscriptions "Vistula" and "Neman" on the bas-reliefs.

A double-headed eagle on the corner of the pedestal.

Panorama of one of the bas-reliefs.

Memorable ...

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... capture of Warsaw by assault", a copy of which was laid at the base of the column.

A painting depicting Nicholas I on horseback.

Paintings and color engravings depicting the stages of manufacturing and transporting the column to the installation site.

Image of the face of an angel with a portrait resemblance ...

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... angel.

View of the Alexander column through the patterns of the metal lattice.

The figure of an angel on top of a pillar.

Views of the Alexander Column, a panorama of the Palace Square (top).

Portrait of the architect Auguste Montferrand.

Portrait of Nicholas I.

Alexander column on the Palace Square.

Bas-reliefs ...

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... Bas-reliefs decorating the pedestal of the column.

Western bas-relief, symbolizing mercy and justice.

The lion's head on the bas-relief.

Bas-relief depicting the goddess of wisdom.

A shield with a crowned eagle at the feet of the goddess.

View of the central bas-relief, fragments of the bas-relief, symbolizing ...

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... pedestal and column (from bottom to top).

Paintings and color engravings depicting episodes of the installation of the Alexander Column on Palace Square, an engineering structure for lifting the column.

Paintings depicting the Palace Square and the opening ceremony of the Alexander Column in 1834.

Portraits ...

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... Portraits of Alexander I in different years.

The figure of an angel on top of the Alexander Column, views of the column and the Palace Square.

Panorama of the Palace Square with the Alexander Column in the middle (top).

For the correct use of gas 1985

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:06, black-white, published: 10/4/2016

Reel №1


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... takes a handful of grain and feeds the parrot.

Large - a cat on the floor.

The man turns the lever on the gas column, lights a match, tries to set the column on fire, he fails, he picks at the column and so on.

A man at the kitchen table is chopping cabbage, looks at the open window, then closes it.

The man ...

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The man takes a jar of salt out of the closet and sees that the salt has run out.

The man takes off his apron, goes into the hallway.

Large - gas column.

A man in a jacket and cap, carrying a package, leaves the house, crosses the street, walks past a boy who looks at a poster about the gas service ...


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... apartment with a stretcher, a limp man lies down on a stretcher.

Gas service employees come into the kitchen, turn off the gas supply tap in the gas column, turn off all the burners on the stove, check the gas concentration in the apartment, open the window.

The view from the window - there are emergency ...


Gas, gas column, gas stove, emergency service, ambulance

Transfer of a column of tanks 1942

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:38, published: 10/13/2013

Scene №1 Transfer of a column of tanks

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Transfer of a column of tanks, built with the money of workers Dzerzhinsky district of Moscow.

Are the tanks in tankers.

Column takes the tanker, the Hero of the Soviet Union Serebrjakov.

Combat vehicles going to the front.

the column "Science and Technology" 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:20, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 The plot for the column "Science and Technology"

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News column of the Politburo program dated 16.04.1993 1993

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:06:10, published: 2/20/2018

Scene №1 News column of the Politburo program

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Rehearsal of a musical rock band 2013

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:08:51, published: 1/16/2019

Scene №1 Rehearsal of a musical rock band

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Hard rock.

Heavy metal.

Guitar soundboard.



Sound recorder.

Scene №2 Playing the guitar

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Hard rock.

Heavy metal.

Guitar soundboard.



Sound recorder.

High Density Polyethylene 1967

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:49:09, published: 7/30/2015

Reel №1

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Gas fractionation unit.


Rectification column.

Fine purification of ethylene.

Transfer of the column of tanks "Dmitry Donskoy" 1944

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:04:30, published: 7/21/2023

Scene №1 Transfer of the column of tanks "Dmitry Donskoy"

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Western Front, March 7, 1944.

Transfer of a column of tanks built at the expense of Orthodox Christians by Metropolitan Nikolai (Yarushevich) of Krutitsky The Red Army.

Tanks are passing by, an orchestra is playing.

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