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"lake Baikal" newsreels and historical clips

Lake Baikal 1975-1985

Footage, 15 footages, duration: 0:10:19, published: 7/8/2019

Scene №1

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Diverse natural landscapes in the vicinity of lake Baikal.

Buryatia 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:22:12, published: 9/5/2018

Scene №1 Nature and ethnography of Buryatia

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Baikal landscapes.

Lake, beaches, flowers, mountains.

The boat sails along Lake Baikal.

A sailer, seagulls.

Ivolginsky datsan.

Fragment of the Buddhist service.

Waves on Lake Baikal.

Night, shooting water from the ship.

Forest, mountains, lake.

The moon over Baikal.


Surf, flowers. ...

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The Baikal seal.

Seals on a rock, in the water.

Russian folklore and ethnographic ensemble.

Song wedding ceremonies on the beach.


Herbs, flowers, birds.

The squirrel eats berries.

Trees on the shore of Lake Baikal.

Flower meadow.

Stormy mountain stream.

Baikal landscapes.

Mountains in misty ...


Ecology of Lake Baikal 1990

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:06:53, published: 12/29/2015

Scene №1

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City Bratsk Bratsk HPP. City Amursk: Amur HPP. Lake Baikal.

Polluted lake shore.

Sewage treatment plant on Lake Baikal.

Polluted water.

Taking water samples.

City Balabanovo: plant for processing of wood waste.

Apparatus for the production timber.

Ready timber.

№ 14 A Monument Near the Baikal Lake.[BAM film chronicle] 1982

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:52, published: 11/10/2012


Construction of tunnels along Lake Baikal during the construction of the Baikal-Amur Railway.

Construction worker 16 th tunnel detachment.

The explosion of underground rocks.

Removal of rocks at the trucks MOAZ. At Lake Baikal sailing research vessel.

Water sampling.

Construction of sewage treatmenttreatment plants Severobaikalsk.

Collection builders tonnelschikov 16 th tunnel unit, discusses the protection of the coastal zone of Lake Baikal, the punishment of violators of ecology.

Stands head Chemical Laboratory F. tumors.

Hero of the film - a brigade of drivers MAZ, public inspectors to combat poachersfishermen and hunters.

Workers rally to mark the completion of construction of tunnels.

Monument: MOAZ on a pedestal on the road on the shore of Lake Baikal.


The 14th film of chronicles of the Baikal-Amur Mainline about the protection of nature in the area of construction of the line.

Reel №1

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Driver Moaz, public inspector D. Pedan sits at the grave of his dog balls on the shore of Lake Baikal, puts her monument.

A film crew interviews DI Pedal, he says (synchronously), sitting by the fire.

Dog - CU.

Cape tunnel, work in the tunnel, explosion.

Leaves truck, D. Pedan driving.

Workers at ...

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... buy food at the store, the house collects backpack comes with the dogs, riding on a boat is on the shore of Lake Baikal, is on the coast.

Lake Baikal.


Work on the shore of Lake Baikal.

Capes tunnels (helicopter).

Members of the commission are going by boat, visiting the tunnel.

Former party ...


Reel №2

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DI Pedan rides a motorcycle.

Baikal sailing research vessel.

Sampling of water.

FA chief chemical laboratory tumors in laboratory, with the crew on the shore of Lake Baikal.

Shield with the inscription: "Builder BAM, friendly to the environment!".

Construction of treatment plants, F. tumors with ...

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... with a film crew in the construction said the Protection of Lake Baikal (synchronously).

Work on the shore of Lake Baikal.

The meeting of the party office, he said the Protection of Lake Baikal (synchronously).

Competition anglers, Judge D. Pedal to the competition, says (synchronously).

Competitors ...

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... the tunnel.

Rally appear AI Podzarey and D. pedal (synchronously).

DI Pedany and others hand gifts.

Moaz monument.

DI Pedal on the shore of Lake Baikal.

The Russians № 14 1992

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:01, published: 9/8/2014

Reel №1

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... International Student Forum-92. Citizens in the central square.

Go delegation Youth Asia-Pacific region.

Students in their national costumes.

Speaker ensemble.

Baikal shore, boat.

Senior Researcher Buryat cultural center I.S.Urbanaeva says Mongolian civilization (synchronously).

Festival of Mongolian peoples.

Students ...

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... territory of the monastery complex.

The shore of Lake Baikal, the forest.

Young people sitting on the bank of the lake, play volleyball.

Speak Mongolian Youth Federation workers S.Chimid and B. Sangathan (synchronously).

People relax on the shores of Lake Baikal.

People on the boat.

Says the chairman of the ...

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... singing.

The route along the shore of Lake Baikal.


They say a student from Japan Mayumi Okimura and Buryat student (synchronously).

Says the chairman of the Union of Youth Jury Ananin Tuva (synchronously).

Festival participants are singing on the shore of Lake Baikal.

The walk along the coast, throwing ...

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... throwing stones into the lake.

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The upper village Oriole

Monologue about Baikal 1974

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:08:55, published: 7/18/2014


A species sketch about Lake Baikal.

The Buryat writer M. Zhigzhitov tells about the lake.

Reel №1

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The rocky shore of Lake Baikal.

M. Zhigzhitov weaves a fishing net.

The shore of Lake Baikal.

Panorama of the lake from a boat.

A steamer on Lake Baikal.

Fishing boats.

Baikal landscapes.

A boat in the waves of the lake.

Mountain river.

A boat with people is floating on the lake.

Two tourists with backpacks ...

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... backpacks are walking along the shore.

A man swims in the lake, goes ashore.

A tent on a raft.

Tents on the shore.

A village on the shore.

Fishermen take out a net with fish.

Panorama of the forest.

A huntsman with a dog is walking through the forest.


The dog barks at the beast.

Sable in a hollow ...

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... hollow tree.

The bear is walking on a fallen tree.

People on the open deck of the boat.

A man feeds a bear cub on the deck.

Baikal landscapes(sunsets).

With a Camera Along the Taiga And Tundra. 1958

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:29:14, published: 11/29/2015

Reel №2

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Lake Baikal landscapes.

Head Baikal port Rila AI Persons port authority employees.

Rila on board the boat, talking with members of the film group.

Coastal landscape.

The face of Rila, the interviewee.

View of the lake Baikal (on top).

Coastal landscape.

Types of beds of rivers flowing into the lake. ...

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... landscapes.

The ship "Komsomolets" floats on Lake Baikal.

A sailor from the mast down.

Captain on the bridge of the ship.

The boat sails on Lake Baikal.

People on the deck of the ship.

Those children, who sail on the boat.

View of one of the islands on Lake Baikal.

Those passengers.

People stand at the side ...

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... ship.

The boat with the crew sailing on Lake Baikal in Lovetskiy Stan.

Coastal landscape.

Face the captain of a fishing trawler.

A flotilla of fishing collective farm during harvesting.

The boat tows a boat with people.

Those women.

Rocks on the shore of the lake.

The fishermen throw nets.

Standing fishing ...

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... catch of Baikal omul.

Fish in networks.

People fried fish on the fire.

Members of the film group in the boat waving goodbye to fishermen.

Fishermen on shore waving back.

Type of board boats.

The wave behind the boat.

Coastal landscapes of Lake Baikal.

Little House on the shore of Lake Baikal.

Trees with ...

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... water homemade boat.

Rocks on the shores of Lake Baikal.

The owner of the house Belozertsev GV He leaves home and goes to work.

Belozertsev goes through the woods.

Belozertsev up the wooden stairs to the lighthouse.

Belozertsev check beacon operation.

View the lake from a boat.

Lights lighthouse on a cliff ...

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... cliff.

Coastal landscapes of Lake Baikal.

Kinogruppa goes through the taiga.

Bear sits on a tree.

Cameraman and geologists are on the taiga.

Taiga landscape.

Members kinogruppy talking to geologists.

Members of the film group and geological party moving through the taiga.

Reindeer campfire.

Those women ...


The Baikal Pain. 1988

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:15, published: 4/16/2014


On the struggle for the cleanness of Baikal Lake, the Irkut River.

Reel №1

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View of Lake Baikal, the setting sun on the horizon.

Coastal waves of Lake Baikal.

Smoke a pipe of the Baikal pulp and paper mill.

Treatment facilities at the plant.

Rally against the construction of a pipeline for sewage into the river Irkut.

Girl reading (synchronous and behind the scenes) the resolution ...

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... sign the appeal.

Poster "conveyor belt of death - no!".

Is a demonstration, carrying a banner "Save Baikal and Irkut".

Rally participants listen to speakers.

Posters "all the world to protect the lake and Irkut", "Citizens of the USSR are obliged to protect the environment".

PNRM. system of treatment ...

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... Protection Agency that the waste before discharge into the lake well cleaned.

Director of the Institute of Environmental Toxicology says (synchronous and behind the scenes) about the harm to wildlife of Lake Baikal.

Smoke a pipe of the Baikal pulp and paper mill.

Academician gives interviews (synchronously) ...

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... (synchronously) of the possibility of irreparable harm to the lake.

At a rally girl read (synchronous and behind the scenes) appeal "to all people of good will."

Man with two buckets and a yoke fits the snowy ice to the river Irkut, buckets to collect water.

View of the river from the top of the beach.

PNRM ...

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... plaque at the entrance to the office of "Head of the nature and water Sizov Eugene A.".

Interview Sizova EA (Synchronously) on water pollution of Lake Baikal.

A man carrying a bucket of water on a yoke.

The village in winter, from the chimney on the roof of the house is smoke.

The building of Ministry ...


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... discuss the problem.

Says Valentin Rasputin (behind the scenes and synchronously) on the unreasonableness of the conduit.

Poster "Post Protection of Lake Baikal", PNRM. people signed the papers on the street.

Writer Valentin Rasputin also signed the paper deals with people.

Reel №2

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... defense of Lake Baikal.

View from the top of the people in the square, runs a rally against the pollution of Lake Baikal and the Irkut River.

Poster "50,000 signatures - for the purity of the Irkut."

People listen to an appeal to the central authorities of the country.

Posters "Save Baikal and Irkut" ...

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... Irkut", "Baikal - our soul" of the Irkutsk regional party committee secretary Ivanitskii stands on the podium of the rally.

Demonstration with placards walking down the street.

Printing of newspapers.

An article in the Irkutsk regional newspaper "...

After the rally. "

Among the demonstrators is a boy with ...


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... Irkutsk, pedestrians.

People read the information on the stand, signed the papers in defense of Lake Baikal.

Woman on the street says (synchronously) on the detention of activists by the police to protect the lake.

Eyewitnesses Group (synchronous and behind the scenes) of demonstrators clash with police.

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... street passing police car.

Dock on the lake.

Says Valentin Rasputin (behind the scenes and synchronously) about public opinion.

The boat floats on water.

Go pedestrians.

Snow-covered glade in the forest.

The street is a demonstration, carrying a banner "Save Baikal and Irkut".

PNRM. the pipes lying on ...

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Go pedestrians.

View of Lake Baikal.

Coastal waves.

Smoke a pipe.

PNRM. by the participants of the rally in defense of Lake Baikal.

A man with a placard "Publicity - Weapon restructuring".

Participants of the meeting talking.

Man sets poster "Post Protection of Lake Baikal".

Lake View.

Sailing boat on ...

Baikal limnologists 1974

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:27, published: 11/10/2015


A film about the scientists of the Siberian subdivision of the USSR Academy of Sciences who explore lakes and water reservoires.

Reel №1

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Lake Baikal.

In the frame - employees of the Institute engaged in the study of lakes and artificial reservoirs of Siberia.

The building of the Institute.

The sign is "Limnological Institute".

Scientific vessel "G. Yu.


People in the mountains, looking at the lake from a height.

Various ...

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... frames - lake, plains, hills, rocky ground, field, etc.

Large - a branch of a coniferous tree with cones, bagulnik, Daurian rhododendron, autumn trees, sandy plain.

Panorama of the Baikal Mountains, research scientists climbing up the mountains.

A rock on the island of Olkhon on Lake Baikal.

Scientists ...

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... knife.

Panorama of the lake, the skeleton, the shores.

A man on a big stump by the water.

Scientists are clearing the trunk of the tree at the bottom, sawing off part of the trunk.

Close-up - the hand points to the annual rings on the trunk section.

Shooting from above - a lake, rocky ramparts on the ...

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... Bratskaya HPP. Lake, Baikal Mountains.

A mountain river flows.

Large - curly lily (wild lily).

A branch of alder.


Stones in the water near the shore, they are visible plaque of mineral salts.

Water samples are taken.

A small river flowing into the lake.

Panorama of the lake, a scientific ...

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... scientific vessel in the distance.

View of the lake and mountains.

Scientists are working on the ship.

A box with different water samples in test tubes.

A container is lowered to the bottom to take water from a certain depth.

Laboratory, on the table bottles of Baikal water from different depths.

Laboratory staff ...

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... liquids.

A woman on a boat drinks water from Lake Baikal.

Water is poured into cans.

A special cage is taken out from the depth.

In the laboratory, various microorganisms from the lake are examined under a microscope.

Shots with different endemics of Lake Baikal - sponges, crustaceans, fish, seals.

Viviparous ...


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Limnologists, scientists, Lake Baikal, scientific vessel, Bratskaya HPP, laboratory, endemics, fish



Reel №2

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... diver dives into Lake Baikal, to a depth of.

Different shots of underwater shooting at depth.

Scuba divers collect plant samples.

Scuba diver with special equipment for filming.

On the ship, scientists are watching underwater surveys on the monitor.

The underwater inhabitants of Lake Baikal are in the frame ...


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... scientist makes notes of observations in a notebook.

View of the frozen Lake Baikal.

A scientist at the ice hole, taking measurements.

A baby seal in the snow.

The scientist strokes the cub, takes it to the hole.

There is a storm on the lake, a ship is sailing.

A group of scientists makes their way through ...

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... ground.

Chicks on the rocks.

The scientist has grown-up chicks in his hands.

Large - chicks.

Stone island on Lake Baikal, birds nest.

The scientist looks through binoculars.

Panorama of the lake, mountains.

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Lake Baikal, scuba diver, seal




Sacred Baikal 1980

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:42, published: 7/29/2014


In a discussion form the film tells about what the future of the North-Baikal region in connection with the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline.

Reel №1

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The shore of Lake Baikal.

A fisherman in a boat on the lake.

The explosion of rock, a cloud of dust.

BAM builders are paving the rails.

Map highway.

Says the director of the Limnological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences G.I.Galazy about the disadvantages of BAM (synchronously).

Tourists take ...

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... the lake.

Says Secretary of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan Severobaykalsky N.I.Kryuchkov about the advantages of BAM (synchronously).

Construction site of a residential district.

Welders work.

Builders with guitars.

Working construction equipment.

Farmer sharpening a scythe.

Boat on the lake surface ...

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... shore of Lake Baikal.

Tractor-terrain vehicle rides in the woods.

Coastal destruction.

Oil terminal on the coast of Lake Baikal.

Says the head of the Integrated expedition to explore Lake Baikal, Ph.D. V.T.Bogdanov (synchronously).

Excavator clears the embankments, Bulk soil and rubble into the lake.

Trucks ...

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Trucks on the shores of Lake Baikal.

Diver jumps into the water.

Scuba diver explores the bottom.

Fish, algae.

Baikal seal swims.

Says the director of the Limnological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences G.I.Galazy (synchronously).

Construction of the tunnel capes.

A fisherman on the shore of the ...

Reel №2

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... USSR Academy of G.I.Galazy (synchronously).

White ship on the water surface of Lake Baikal.

Says Head North Baikal exploration expedition Z.A.Norekyan (synchronously).

Says the head of the Integrated expedition to study the lake, Ph.D. V.T.Bogdanov (synchronously).

River banks, clear water.

Cisco goes to ...

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... to spawn.

Cisco catch in a fishing boat.

Mineral springs with steam.

Waterfall, rocky shore.


Baikal landscapes.

Bear, deer, owl in the woods.

Rainbow over the lake.

Says Secretary RK Severobaykalsky CPSU N.I.Kryuchkov about the pros of BAM (synchronously).

Sign on the building of the Buryat Regional ...

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... Regional Party Committee.

Said the first secretary of Party Committee of the Buryat A.U.Modogoev (synchronously).

Title "Lake for all" in the newspaper.

Baikal water surface.

The boat floats down the river.

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