You found 329 newsreels for query "lawn"

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"lawn" newsreels and historical clips

Australia 1978

Footage, 6 footages, duration: 0:21:31, published: 10/19/2022

Scene №2

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Bridge over the river.

People are relaxing on the lawn near the pond.


A flock of seagulls on the lawn.

Sydney Harbour.

Science and technology № 22 1978

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:08:58, published: 12/7/2017

Reel №1


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... carry out defibrillation.

"Ambulance" on the street.

"Flying lawn mower".


Lawn with flower bed.

Scythe mowing grass.

Large grass mow wheeled lawn mower.

A man mowing the lawn mower wheel.

A man mowing the new lawn model mower SK-20.

Large lawn mower SK-20 at work.

Work the mower on a steep slope.

The ...

Tokyo 1989-1990

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:06:07, published: 12/16/2017

Scene №2

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Students rest on the lawn, read books, draw from nature, eat.

Young people talking while sitting on the lawn by the bike.

A student is reading a book while lying on the grass.

The artist paints a picture, sitting on the lawn, the artist's face, the view of a part of the park, the resting people sit on ...


Rome (Italy) 2005

Footage, 86 footages, duration: 3:49:46, published: 2/14/2019

Scene №30 Dog walking in the city aqueduct

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Dog breed Doberman and Dalmatian on the lawn of the structure of the aqueduct.

The construction of one of the ancient Aqueducts of Rome.

Materials for the film "Gates Of The Heaven" 1993

Footage, 6 footages, duration: 0:13:54, published: 10/3/2020

Scene №3

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A man with a movie camera.

Different types of Lotus temple, blooming lawns around.

People of different ages, adults and children go to the temple.

The city is your big house 1963

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:08:33, published: 7/20/2019

Reel №1

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... throws the ice cream wrapper in the trash.

Teens on the go throw the wrapper on the ice cream on the sidewalk.

The young man throws the wrapper on the lawn behind the fence.

People walking down the street.

Girl with ice cream walks along the fence.

View of the littered beach on the banks of the river Kazanka ...

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... throwing wrappers on the road.

People crossing the lawns on well-trodden paths.

Woman watering lawn with a hose.

Tracks, trampled on the lawn.

A sign saying "Course not!".

A woman crossing the lawn at the trodden path.

A wooden fence of one of the lawns.

Old advertising posters and billboards with lost ...


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... littered with trash part of the territory of the Kremlin.

View of road bridge, lights with missing bulbs.

A broken bench in one of city parks, garbage on lawns, words carved on the list of benches.

Failure in the concrete fence on the embankment of the bent iron plate.

View of one of the intersections.

Entangled ...


Scene №17 We held out with faith: the Milyukov family

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... family of Alexandra Gavrilovna and Fedor Grigorievich Miliukov.

A suburban village near Moscow.


Fences in the garden.

Pensioners cut the lawn with a lawn mower.

Summer holiday home.

Cluse-up: Bumblebee on blossoming rose.

Inflorescences of strawberries on beds; greenhouses.

Pensioners work in the ...


Foreign newsreels № 799 1962

News, 8 footages, duration: 0:09:49, published: 9/1/2014

Scene №2

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... in Washington.

Meeting with the President of the United States John F. Kennedy.


The two leaders and their wives on the White House lawn.

In Askania Nova 1971

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:09, published: 1/6/2015

Reel №1

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... rides on horseback.

Zebras, Przewalski's horse.

Bulls Watussi, antelope, deer, llamas, bison.

Flamingos on the lake, cranes, ducks, swans.

On the lawn, pheasants, ostriches.

The scientific staff of the animals.

Henri de Saint-Simon. 1990

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:23:13, published: 3/29/2023

Reel №1


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... flowerbeds, lawns; Visitors; cars on the forecourt of the gate; street vendors; monument of Louis XIV (Ich., IIch.).


Pere Lachaise Cemetery: family crypt kind Saint-Simon; tombstones on the graves; alleys (Ich. - IIch.).

View of the old manor.

Bride and groom sitting on the lawn in front of ...


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