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"poetry" newsreels and historical clips

Quay incurable 2011

Documentary, 1 film, duration: 0:26:52, published: 12/26/2016

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Poetry, poetry, fog, views of Leningrad

Death of Vladimir Mayakovsky. Movie 2. "Output No ..." 1994

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:25:23, published: 2/26/2014

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Newsreel 1920: Vladimir Mayakovsky reads his poetry.

Bust Mayakovsky front of the museum of Mayakovsky in the Lubyanka.

A sign of the museum.

Coming down the stairs journalist Skaryatin B. Cover the criminal case of the death of Mayakovsky.

Skaryatin Leafs deal.

The room in which he lived Mayakovsky ...




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... in the newspapers.

Newsreel 1929: festive demonstration in Moscow.

Portrait of Mayakovsky period of the 1920s.

Newsreel 1920: Mayakovsky reads his poetry.

Mayakovsky bust in front of the museum.

Panorama Lubyanka Square.



Vladimir Mayakovsky. 1951

Documentary, 4 parts, duration: 0:35:49, published: 8/21/2015

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... "Izvestia" in 1922.

Illustrations for an article.

Lenin's speech, which was published in the newspaper "Izvestia".

Newsreel 1920: Mayakovsky writes poetry.

Editions Soviet periodicals.

The texts of the poems of Mayakovsky, published in newspapers.

Sheets of one of the works of Stalin IV

The manuscript ...



Reel №3


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... Furmanov D.

Travel Map Mayakovsky for the USSR. Posters announcing the performances of Mayakovsky, against the backdrop of newsreel with Mayakovsky, read poetry.

Detail maps trips Mayakovsky country.

View of the building of Kazan University.

A plaque on the wall of the university dedicated to Lenin.

Detail ...




Sight 11.07.1997 1997

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:40:28, published: 4/14/2017

Reel №1


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... the guitar at the Grushinsky Festival.

Yuri Kublanovsky and Dmitry Muratov talk about the "core" in the human soul, about the conjuncture in Russian poetry and art in different periods of time.

Fragments of performances of participants of the Grushinsky festival.



Evgeny Baratynsky 1979

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:13, published: 4/6/2023

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Poetry, poems

Alexander Pushkin's birthday 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:08:57, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Alexander Pushkin's birthday


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... puts flowers at the monument.

People on a bench near the monument to Pushkin.

People talk with a reporter about his attitude to Pushkin, Pushkin's poetry reading.

Children's drawings based on works by Pushkin on the bench.

Interview an elderly man.

Interview with a young man.

Reporter writes the liner ...


literature, poetry

Song of the unfortunate in love 2008

Documentary, 1 film, duration: 0:26:28, published: 12/26/2016


form registration of foreigners in Italy, in the column "nationality" is written: "The Italian.


In the film, we confine ourselves to love poetry of the poet, which sounds bitter fate "unloved", or just with the French "ill loved one."

Movie №1


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... fortifications and others .

The photo shows Louise de Coligny-Chanion, Apollinaire's lover.

Apollinaire's drawing is a female silhouette made of lines of poetry (calligraphy, figured poems).

Chronicle of 1914-1917 - The First World War, soldiers after the battle, wounded in the frame, one soldier is carried ...



Poet, poetry, poetry, painting, artist, World War I, silent films

Joseph Brodsky 2002

Documentary, 1 film, duration: 0:26:19, published: 12/26/2016

Movie №1

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Chronicle of the 1990s - poet Joseph Brodsky on stage at the microphone with a notebook, reading poetry.

Sky with clouds, Baltic marshes, sea, algae.


Petersburg, the canal, the stone embankment, bridges, views of the city, St.

Isaac's Cathedral, etc.

The water washes the granite of the embankment ...


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... at the microphone with a notebook, reading poetry.

Chronicle of the 1990s - Brodsky with his wife Maria Sozzani in Venice.


Petersburg, embankment view, houses.

Chronicle of the 1990s - Brodsky with his wife Maria Sozzani in Venice.

Brodsky is reading poetry at a table in a street cafe on the embankment ...

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... show his friends.

Says Brodsky.


Petersburg, entrance courtyard, panorama of the building.

Says Brodsky.

Chronicle of the 1990s - Brodsky reads poetry from the stage, forgets the poem, starts again, forgets again, jokes in English, then a book of poems is handed to him.

Photos of the young Brodsky ...



Poetry, poems, emigration


Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:07:55, published: 6/3/2014

Reel №1

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Poetry; The Romanovs

In my cruel age I praised freedom 1977

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:55, black-white, published: 4/6/2023

Movie №1

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Poetry, poet, Pushkin

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