You found 77 newsreels for query "rooster"

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"rooster" newsreels and historical clips

Zookonferentsiya on Disarmament. 1991

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:14:42, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №2


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... pose.

Rooster at the microphone.

Wolves go around the tree with the bait.

Aquarium fish.

Wolf running through the woods.

Running wild boar.

Bear in the grass.

Raccoon Dog in the meadow.

Cock flies from branch to grass.

Rooster interviews forest dwellers.

Howling wolf.

Wild boar grunts.

Rooster with a ...

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... a microphone.

Bear paws grasping a branch.

Rooster with a bear face to face.

Rooster shaken.

Screaming Eagle.

Record player.

Monkey draws.

Monkey studies children's potty.

He returned the second chimpanzee.

The hostess wiped off with a tissue.

Guest has paws on the suitcase and runs across the room. ...

Want to know everything № 131 1980

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:31, published: 2/21/2014

Reel №1


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... turns on the engine.

The catamaran sails.



Rooster breed plymutrok.

Chickens in the yard.

Rooster and hen of the Minorca breed.

Rooster on the fence .

Chickens breed Orel print.

Gudani - crested chickens.

Fighting roosters.

Chinchin paces around the yard.

Cock kaingin among chickens ...

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... chickens.

A man feeds chickens in the yard.

A man holds a rooster in his hands.

A Clown is in the City. Oleg Popov in the city of Leningrad 1966

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:28:44, black-white, published: 11/14/2012


and other numbers (all sync.).

Oleg Popov in his office in the museum, at home with his wife and daughter, skiing, fishing, is engaged in training; roosters and dogs, the assistant prepares a new number.

Reel №2


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... make a device for circus number of fishermen.

O. Popov with a dog and a rooster is on Square, the children trooped run for an artist.

It shows the children trained dog and rooster.

Kids have fun laughing, trying to catch the rooster.

Reel №3

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O. Popov in kindergarten shows young viewers my room with a dog and a rooster.

Children laugh - MS., CU.

One girl was frightened cries, scared rooster and dog - CU., MS.

Circus poster with the program "Princess Nesmeyana» - PNRM.

Speech O. Popov and other artists with a program "Princess Nesmeyana" ...


Starlet № 3 1967

Newsreel, 5 parts, duration: 0:43:20, published: 6/20/2017

Reel №1

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1. "In the house of animals".

The rooster crow, sitting on a perch.

The pig sleeps near his house.

A dog tied to a tree.

Pelican and porcupine.

Entrance to the corner of V. L. Durov.

The elephant sweeps the enclosure with a broom.

The wolf "takes" the broom from the servant.

A cat in a cage with ...

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... of a wooden house.

The raccoon takes a bucket of water from the well.

Begins to "erase".

A food cart is brought to the elephant enclosure.

The rooster and the fox eat from the same bowl.

The monkey eats with a spoon from a plate.

The beginning of the performance in the Theater of animals.

Performance ...

Peru - one thousand and three years. 1972

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 1:00:37, published: 11/14/2012


Matador Domingin in the arena.

Holiday "purple Christ." Removal of the icons.

Pass priests.

Trading in the market.

Showcase jewelry store.

Fighting roosters in the city of Lima.

There is a boxer K. Clay.

The spectators place their bets.

Housing construction, dams, ships.

Mining, ore.

Amazon River.


Reel №5

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Fight roosters sitting judges - CU.

The spectators in the stands, bet - LS., CU.

Hands count money - CU.

Owners of roosters in the arena - CU., Departure.

Hands tied cock spur knife - CU., PNRM.

A man is holding and kissing the cock - CU., PNRM.

Musician - CU.

One of the strongest boxers Cassius ...

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... Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) among the spectators cock fight - CU., PNRM.

Roosters fight in the arena of the club "Pachikamak" - different.

Viewers react violently, applaud - different.

Hands spun yarn - CU.

People are working with a pick, shovel, building roads, housing - MS.

The man at the hut - MS ...


Journey to the Islands of Guadeloupe 1910-1929

Footage, 4 parts, duration: 0:34:15, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №2

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... horsemen.

In the hands of their cocks.

Preparing for a chicken fight.

Weigh the cocks.

Scraping of claws on the feet.

Donning special steel spurs.

Roosters given water.

Trial fight.

The crowd of spectators.

Cocks an special arena.


The cocks and their owners,encouraging their"fighters" ...


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... down a waterfall into the river.



Two horsemen galloping along a forest path with cocks in hands.

Preparing for a chicken fight.

Roosters are weighed,cleaned them spurs,wearing leather strips with needles.

Watered before the fight.

The audience.

The owners take care of the cocks between ...

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... waterfall,river.

Natives roll down the stream


Two horsemen galloping along a forest path with cocks in hands.

Preparing for a chicken fight.

Roosters are weighed,cleaned them spurs,wearing leather strips with needles.

Watered before the fight.

The audience.

The owners take care of the cocks between ...


Panorama № 22 1981

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:11, published: 12/26/2017

Reel №1

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1. Yaroslavl region.

Kolkhoz "Krasny Luch" of the Nekrasovsky district.

Potato harvesting.

2. Vladimir.

Vocational school No.8. Master Roosters teaches students locksmithing.

3. Ivanovo.

Melange plant.

Mentor Kiseleva teaches knitting threads.

4. Vladimir.

Inspector of the Criminal Investigation Department ...


The Old Testament history 1992

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:28:38, published: 7/24/2014

Reel №2

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... matzo.

The tractor plows the land.

Birds on a tree feed their chicks.

Residents slaughtered a bull on Easter.

Residents are butchering a bull.

The rooster drinks water.

The market in Voronezh.

The ensemble plays German marches.

They are raising money to save Russian culture.

Villagers sell meat at the ...


Safety mail delivery 1988

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:05, published: 3/24/2023

Reel №1


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... The postman puts the mail in the boxes.

The postman hands the recipient a registered letter.

The boy releases a pigeon into the sky.

On the way, a rooster attacked the postman.

The postman does not cross the road by crossing.

Stress. 1993

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:25:27, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №1


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... escapes from the clutches of a fox.

Foxes in a hole.

Real fox and wolf.

2nd part.

Deer in the meadow.


Fight deer.

Roosters in the paddock.

Fight roosters.

Monkeys in the branches of trees.

Bunch of monkeys in a clearing and around the lake.

Crocodile swims in the lake.

Frightened ...


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