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"solar" newsreels and historical clips

Cosmonautics. The Time of the Sun 2014

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:08:32, published: 9/1/2022

Scene №1 Cosmonautics. The Time of the Sun


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... what surprises the star closest to Earth has prepared for us, and to unravel the mysteries of the Sun.

The plot starred employees of the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Viktor Grigoriev, Vasily Pulyaev, Alexander Mordvinov, Sergey Lesovoy ...


Scientific Work of the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS.

Pulyaev V. - Senior researcher at the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS.

Mordvinov A.V. - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Solar Activity of the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS


Mathematical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory for monitoring solar Activity of the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS.

Polyakov V.I. - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior researcher at the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS.

Foreign newsreels № 7618 1990

News, 3 footages, duration: 0:07:59, published: 9/12/2016

Scene №3

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Science and technology – the Use of solar energy in the home and in industry.

Different solar panels.

Institute for the study of applications of solar energy (in Belgium).

Different drawings.

A collector for collecting solar rays.

Batteries-the batteries.

Solar Abkhazia 1952

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:34, published: 4/8/2016

Scene №1 Solar Abkhazia

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Science and technology № 1 1984

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:08:45, published: 12/8/2017

Reel №1

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"Science - production".

"The Sun and the Square".

Solar panels at the exhibition.

Solar power station.

Solar panels.

Silicon disks.

Square plates made of silicon.

Employees of the Institute of Electrothermal Equipment in the laboratory.

Silicon tape under a microscope.

Manufacturing of silicon ...



Solar energy

Solar and lunar eclipses 1940

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:38, published: 4/20/2015


The film in the popular form tells about the causes of solar and lunar eclipses.

Reel №1


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... chicken.

Chickens jump to roost.

Fully enclosed solar disk.

View of the village during a solar eclipse.

Drawings depicting the reaction of people to a solar eclipse in the Middle Ages.

Eclipse of the Sun (animation).

View of the village at the end of a solar eclipse.

Chickens come out of the barn.

Cows ...

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... showing the causes of solar and lunar eclipses.

View the telescope to study the sun.

A member of the observatory with a telescope works.

Animation showing the grainy surface of the sun and the stains on it.

Scientific while observing the sun through a telescope.

View of the solar corona during an eclipse ...

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... eclipse (animation).

Prominences in the solar atmosphere (animation).

Newsreel 1936: The participants of expeditions to monitor the operation of a solar eclipse.

People watching a solar eclipse, looking through dark glasses.

Map USSR passed through its territory of a solar eclipse (animation).

Maps parts of ...

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... of the territory of the USSR, where they will observe the solar eclipse, with dates (animation).

Night rural landscape.

View of the telescope to observe the sun.

Scientist looking through the eyepiece of the telescope.

Rural landscape during a lunar eclipse.

Want to know everything № 7 1958

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:44, published: 6/22/2015


1. The story about the use of solar energy and solar cells.

2. The plot of the fish.

3. The plot of the products of the chemical industry.

Reel №1

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... triangles out of tin.

The boy assembled a solar panel.

A boy cooks potatoes on a solar panel.

A young inventor is frying eggs on a solar battery.

Model of a solar power plant.

The fan is powered by a solar panel.

Operation of the radio from a solar battery.

Solar panels on satellites and space stations ...


Foreign newsreels № 6360 1980

News, 1 footage, duration: 0:08:23, published: 1/2/2015

Scene №1


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... of the city from the top point.

Vegetables in the greenhouse.

Gas production.


Alternative energy sources.

Solar panels.


Scientist in the lab.

Assembly of solar panels.

Solar panels on the roofs of houses.

Renewable energy in agriculture. 1989

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:03, published: 12/12/2015


The film tells of a solar collector for use in greenhouses and livestock farms.

Reel №1

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Natural scenery.


Pictures of various types of solar batteries.

The solar water heating, a man washes his hands and walks away.



Demonstration of water-lifting plant.

Various models of solar installations production management Tbilisi "Spetsgeliomontazh".

Natural scenery.

Milk ...

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... developing a new model of the solar thermal system.

water heating system.

Premises for pigs on a pig farm.

Solar panels on the roof of the pigsty.

The sun behind the tree branches.

Greenhouse with dirt battery.

View from inside the greenhouse.

Man caring for plants.

Blooming lemon.

Solar Turkmen NGO "Sun".

Chlorella ...


Reel №2


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... with solar batteries.

The portable photovoltaic installation.

Mobile "Mziuri" to work in the fields and pastures.

Water production.

Workers assemble the installation.

Transportation installation on the tractor.

House with solar batteries in the village of Krasnodar Territory.

Plans for new solar plants ...

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... plants.

Wiring solar refrigeration unit.

Experimental refrigeration unit.

Laboratory studies on waste management.

Mock treatment facilities.

Cereal field.

Estonian complex anaerobic digestion of manure.

Description biogas technology.

Production of organic fertilizers.

Fertilization of fields.

Pond Drive ...

Science and technology № 20 1960

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:07, published: 10/30/2017


1. For the mechanization of welding operations - on the introduction of a progressive welding method at the Kherson Shipyard.

2. Solar reflector-about the treatment of a number of diseases with intermittent sunlight.

3. To preserve for the ages - the work of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism on the preservation

Reel №1

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... Welding work.

Welding with a welding machine.

Semi-automatic welding.

Welder at work.

2. Solar reflector.

Panorama of the village of Bozhikovtsy.

The chairman of the collective farm near the medical complex.

Solar reflector.

The light spot collected by the reflector in one place ignites the paper.

The ...

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... married couple with two children.

Automated installation of a solar reflector.

the girl is lying on the couch under the solar reflector.

Girl learn to jump through the rope.

A girl rides a bicycle.

Mass preventive irradiation of children with a solar reflector.

3. To save it for the ages.

Repository of the ...


Thirty million degrees in the shade. 1977

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:34, published: 6/15/2014


The film is about uncovering the secrets of solar flares and the cooperation of various countries in the international program "Intercosmos".

Reel №1

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The solar corona.

Flash in the sunshine.

View of Earth from space.

Clouds in the atmosphere.

The solar corona.

Flash in the sunshine.

The sun in the haze.

Shooting of atmospheric clouds.

SRI "Crimean Astrophysical Observatory" (Crimean Astrophysical Observatory), the view from behind the trees.

Equipment ...

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... Astrophysical Observatory A.B.Severny.


Animation: the formation of magnetic fields in the solar corona during an outbreak.

Scientists working with the satellites.

These X-ray survey of the solar corona.

S.L.Mandelshtam colleagues studied graphics and pictures.

Participants of the international ...

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... There is a scientific council.

The scientist draws a diagram of the solar corona.

They look at X-rays flares.

Specialists work with optical telescope.

Animation: the surface of the sun, the formation of magnetic fields in the solar corona.




Solar energy.

Reel №2

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S.L.Mandelshtam colleagues.

The scientist draws a scheme for the formation of magnetic fields in the solar corona during an outbreak.

Scientists at the blackboard.

NG Basov.

The face of the scientist.

Astronauts on the station "Salyut-4".

Cosmonaut looking through a telescope.

Yu.V.Romanenko wrote in ...


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... determines the impact of outbreaks on the lower layers of the solar corona.

Preparations for the launch of the satellite.

Scientists in the hangar.

Transportation missiles.

Panorama Baikonur.

On the road passing bus on a background of the solar disk.

Scientist looking through binoculars.

The launch.

Man ...

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... formation of magnetic fields in the solar corona.

Dissolve: the face of the scientist, the formula on the blackboard, multrabota.

There is a scientific council, an expert deciphers graphics. S.L.Mandelshtam.

NG Basov.

Scientist makes corrections to a drawing of the solar corona.

Those scientists.

Particle ...





Solar energy.



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