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"soup" newsreels and historical clips

Want to know everything № 261 2002

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:47, published: 10/4/2013


the newsreel tells about the preparation of first courses (soups).

Reel №1

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The newsreel tells about the preparation of first courses (soups).

The host of the issue is actor B. Khimichev.

Animated story about what slaves ate and what the pharaohs ate in ancient Egypt.

The story of how the first soup was cooked.

Chickens walk in the yard.

Scheme of origin of chickens from small ...

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... of water put the meat (animation).

Cook roast with carrots and onions.

The cook puts in a pot of food for soup.

The cook pours the soup into a tureen and puts it on the table.

The girl eats soup.

Series №1 Want to know number 261

Newsreel tells of the preparation of the first dishes (soups).

Master-class from the chef of the restaurant 1993-1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:08:18, published: 9/3/2018

Scene №1 Preparation of various dishes of Russian cuisine


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... (Large).

Pear in wine sauce (Large).

Sturgeon with vegetables and sauce (Large).

Dish with crawfish (large).

Cook tells about Russian cabbage soup.

Russian cabbage soup pot (large).

Production Association "Colossus" 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:06:38, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Production Association "Colossus"

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... frozen potato products, on food additives (synchronously).

Package "Soup holiday" large.

Shop "Colossus", the addressing plan and signs.

Shelves with goods.

Buyers pay at the cash register.

Package "B Ready", "potato pancakes"

"Chicken Soup" on the shelves, large.

The President of Turkey in the Soviet Union. 1969

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:04, published: 6/16/2016


1h. -H. V. Podgorny and Kosygin met with Turkish President D. soup.

Reception at Podgorny in the Kremlin; reception by Kosygin.


The delegation lay wreaths at the mausoleum.

The delegation of the Bolshoi Theater.

Visit to Leningrad.

Examine the Smolny, laying a wreath at Piskarevsky.

Visit todelegation of the President of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of Georgia Dzotsenidze.

A visit by the delegation of the Taman Division.

Negotiations DA soup and NV Podgorny in the Kremlin, at the airport.

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defeated Germany 1945

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:03:46, published: 4/8/2016

Scene №2


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... face, a pot of soup liquid.

People with pots and cans in hands stand in line for free food.

Unloading closed tanks with soup from a truck platform.

Determination of the level in the tanks soup.

People stand in a queue.

People are beginning to go into the room where the handing out free soup.

People waiting ...

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... waiting in line.

Distribution of soup, a woman receives a piece of bread.

Those people in the queue.

People come out of the dining room.

Faces of people entering the dining room.

Soup poured into pans and pots, the woman waiting for their turn.

Vilnius after the accession of the Lithuanian army 1939

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:22, published: 9/30/2016

Scene №1 Vilnius after the accession of the Lithuanian army


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... line the whole length of the sidewalk.

The distribution of the men soup from the field kitchen in the town square, people crowding at the field kitchen.

Soldiers-the cook pours soup in served him capacity.

People stand in line for soup, panorama and view of the square filled with people.

People are cook ...


Opponents of the Nazi regime in the concentration camp 1939-1945

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:32, published: 3/20/2014

Scene №1 Opponents of the Nazi regime in the concentration camp

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Column arrested rebels.

Distribution soup prisoners.

The prisoners behind the fence.

Guards fences.

A line of prisoners.

Prisoners with things in their hands.

The invasion of Nazi troops in Poland 1939

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:57, published: 3/18/2015

Scene №1 The invasion of Nazi troops in Poland


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... railway bridge.

The man is exhausted old man.

The man's face, put a plaster on his temple.

Refugees ralivayut soup.

Women eating bowls of soup, sitting against the wall of the house.

Man eating soup.

Women with a bowl in his hand standing in line for food.

Effects of starvation and destruction in Soviet Russia 1922

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:58, published: 3/18/2016

Scene №1 Effects of starvation and destruction in Soviet Russia


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... Industrial landscape (top).

The farmer prepares to plow plowing.

Pass Children with pots in her hands.

A woman is sitting on the rails and eat soup from a bowl.

People eat soup sitting on the rails.

Woman in exhausted from hunger baby in her arms.

Those hungry people.

Distributing bread to the starving.

A poster ...

Tonwoche № 673 1944

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:56, published: 4/15/2016

Reel №2


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... the organization clean vegetables, cook them soup.

The woman opens the oven gets the meat, which is put into the soup.

The boy comes to a woman sitting at a table, it removes voucher coupon.

For tables, refugees, women poured into soup plates.

Woman pours soup bidonchik that stretches girl.

From the entrance ...


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