You found 249 newsreels for query "countryside"

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"countryside" newsreels and historical clips

From Your Own Works. 1983

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:12:08, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №1

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... market, selling vegetables, baked goods.

Buyers and sellers.

View of the market square.

Market under the roof.

Meat, vegetables, fruit.

Views of the countryside road.

Landscape: birch in the foreground.

The sign "Kolyshley."

Construction of the house, the crane lifts the plate.

AI Collateral in the office ...


Soviet Ural Mountains № 14 1982

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:08:19, published: 3/24/2023


Sverdlovsk region.

3. Here was born scientist, educator Zakir Shakirovich Shakirov in 1881 (his father one regional committee secretary Bashkiria) Countryside Karaz-Elga Kushnarenkovskogo district of Bashkortostan.

Participation takes daughter, Leah Zakirovna Shakirova

4. 10th competition of young biathletes

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A Poem About the working Class. 1971

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 0:52:16, black-white, published: 11/26/2015

Reel №2


... the party of our Leninist Bolsheviks, be able to ensure the victory. "

Cheering workers - an outline

(30 years) The first tractors in the Soviet countryside, peasants enthusiastically greeted them.

Working 25-thousanders sent by the Communist Party to rebuild the village on socialist lines, one of whom ...

... get on the train.

Locomotive comes with a poster: "The assault on the reorganization of agriculture" - close-up.

Putilov first tractor in the countryside - farmers demonstration with banners and flags are going through the village, passing in front of the tractor.

Photo of the party committee of the ...


Agricultural rehabilitation 1941-1947

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:07:57, published: 2/13/2015

Scene №1 Agricultural rehabilitation


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... sharpens scythe to mow the grass starts.

People mow grass on coastal meadow.

Ate on the river bank.

General view of the river.

General view of the countryside, on a hill stands the church.

People in the meadow mowed grass.

Women overturned hay rake.

Rural landscape.

Black clouds covered the sky.

Sunflowers ...


Soviet Ural Mountains № 13 "Measure twice ..." 1991

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:16, published: 9/1/2014

Reel №1

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... the foreground, a tractor plowing a field.

Tractor driver in the cockpit of his car.

Preparation techniques for planting.

The drive through the countryside.

Church in a dilapidated condition.

Photos of the era of collectivization.

Meeting in the office of Veterans Agriculture.

Order on the jacket, tipazhnosti ...


Soviet Ural Mountains № 23 1989

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:02, published: 6/2/2014

Reel №1

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Scene 1 "Long Way Home" bus rides in the countryside to a halt.

American boy Tony Aliendzhen (pilot) among Russian children to summer camp.

Tony Aliendzhen ride on the carousel and other attractions.

Big bonfire in the meadow.

Tony Aliendzhen near his aircraft "Cessna", corrects problems, chat with girls ...


Sight 25.07.1997 1997

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:42:48, published: 2/20/2017

Reel №1

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Videopismo Sergei Bodrov of Mogilev region: the story of the children's vacation in the countryside Radcha.

Return to the village 15 years later.

Conversations with local residents about the changes over the years.

(Open records).

Promotion furniture showroom in St.

Petersburg: the life of couples in ...


Sight 22.03.1999 1999

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:39:55, published: 2/28/2017

Reel №1


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... on the train with the architect Ivan Knyazev.

Charitable activities in the village Tyarlevo.

The participants talk about the life and work in the countryside.

Discussion of registration with the village administration head Podporozhsky district Vladimir Nikiforov.

entrepreneur's dream - a private school-lyceum ...


Protecting the public 1982

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:45:57, published: 3/18/2014

Reel №2


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... work, installing security doors.

Entrance to the protective structure.

People dig the ground on the construction of the simplest shelter in the countryside.

Types of the simplest shelters.

The production process in one of the workshops of the weaving factory.

View of a part of the car maintenance line ...


Reel №3


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... Arrival of evacuees to their destinations in the countryside.

A column of evacuees is moving to the emergency evacuation center.

Registration and distribution of people by place of residence.

The settlement of evacuated people in the houses in the countryside, the owners of the houses meet them.

Scheme of ...


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... get gas masks at their place of residence.

Gas mask adjustment at the gas mask fitting station.

Issuing protective equipment to evacuees in the countryside at the receiving evacuation center, determining the size of gas masks.

Issuing a protective child camera to a woman with a child in her arms.

Training ...


F / o 1989

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:10, published: 9/10/2013

Reel №2


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... passenger plane in the air.

The chief of dispatching service of the airport, a meeting, face the speakers at the meeting.

Map of England, English countryside (above).

The students during classes in a foreign language lab, the face of the teacher.

A lesson in geography courses, the teacher responds and ...


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