You found 105 newsreels for query "Keyboard"

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"Keyboard" newsreels and historical clips

Hand, Comrade PC! 1983

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:59, published: 11/10/2015

Reel №1


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... of the production process.

Large - numbers on the device, a laser beam.

Computer department at the enterprise, employees work, a woman types on the keyboard.

The device automatically draws a diagram, a panorama on the wall with the computer system blocks.

Animation insert - a caveman with bills, a computer ...

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... man.

Color graphic image on the monitor.

Computer, a woman inserts a cassette reel.

Computers, equipment, a woman typing on a keyboard, etc.


Hands on the keyboard, panorama on the monitor.

Large - in the hands of an integrated circuit.

The woman puts the diagram under the microscope, looks ...


Reel №2


Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... hall is a large high-speed machine.

Frames with various equipment.

Large - snail.

Automatic writing device.

Employees at the monitors, typing on the keyboard.

A set of standard devices in the computer room.

Employees work with the equipment of the complex.

A classroom at the institute, where they study ...

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... working on the keyboard, a hand-drawn character appears on the monitor, which gives comments.

Large - the employee behind the monitor.

Information is displayed on the monitor in figures and diagrams.

Panorama of equipment, monitors, hands at the keyboard.

An employee is working at the keyboard, an image appears ...

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... appears on the monitor.

Close-up image on the monitor, various color schemes, etc.

Close-up - the employee's face, hands on the keyboard, the image on the monitor screen.

Computer room, employees work.

A graphic image appears on the monitor screen.

Says academician Nesterikhin Yu. E. Computer room, large ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... a computer room, an employee is working.

Says Nesterikhin.

Computer room, computer equipment complex, employees work.

Large - hands typing on the keyboard.

The letters and numbers of the program appear on the monitor screen.

The rolling mill of the Novosibirsk Metallurgical Plant.

The letters and numbers ...



Computer, computer, computer center, metallurgical plant, rolling mill, monitor, keyboard

Stars of Russia № 1 Documentary theater. 2002

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:49, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №1

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... actor V. Skvortsov go down to the basement where the theater is located.

Interview with M. Ugarov.

Close-up: voice recorder.

Hands on the computer keyboard typing text.

Text on the monitor.

Ugarov's monologue.

V.Skvortsov (portrays Ugarov, synchronously).

Actress O. Lapshina (portrays Mikhail's wife, ...


Absolute Solo. 1990

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:28:15, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №3


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... lap at the coastal rocks.


Fluctuations in the level of sound on a synthesizer.

Tells M.G.Chekalin.

The lights on the night streets.

Keyboard synthesizer.

Hands of the musician.

"Press Center" of the film festival, the work of the staff, MIFF XXVI 2004

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:07:16, published: 8/10/2022

Scene №1 "Press Center" of the film festival, the work of the staff, MIFF XXVI

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... building.

A young man in a T-shirt with the inscription "SIV MEDIA - PRESS SERVICE" is working with documents.

The girl at the computer, typing on the keyboard.

Text and tables on the monitor screen.

Girls at computers in the press accreditation hall.

General view of the Press Center stand.

Employees of the ...

Gregory Kogan. Transcription. 2004

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:30:07, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №1


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... NPL

Animation: Photo by G. Cogan, shkolnayatetrad - MS., NPL, impact

Posters - CU., NPL

Animation: Images - MS., PNRM., Departure, NPL

Piano keyboard - CU.

NDP: Belgium, Brussels, World Fair 1905 god - MS.

Stills from the film:

The doctor and the Shah of Persia - LS.

Shah - CU.

Mom greets guests ...

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... - MS.

Shah - CU.

PNRM. on fabric - CU.

Medical bag - CU.

Mom's face - CU.

Doctor, PNRM. the mom - CU.

Mom smiles - MS.

Poster - CU.

Piano keyboard - CU.

Animation: Billboard - CU.

Posters - CU., MS.

Tickets - LS., Hitting

Photo by S. Rachmaninov - CU.

Hands - CU.


Waterfall - ...

Michael Prishvin 1948

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:02:17, published: 2/13/2015

Scene №1 Michael Prishvin

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... passes, sees the tops of trees, next to the dog run.

Prishvin sitting at his desk, ponders, reads the text starts typing.

Prishvina hands over the keyboard of the machine.

Prishvin prints at his feet lies a dog.

People in the audience greeted Prishvina.

SY Marshak congratulates Prishvina his 75th birthday ...

Automating the process of making original maps 1986

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:19, published: 3/24/2023

Reel №2

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... from the spherical surface of the Earth to the flat surface of the map (animation).

Training of future cartographers in the use of calculators and keyboard computers.

Lesson in the display class of the Institute of Geodesy of Aerial Photography and Cartography.

Automatic map construction.

The meteorologist ...

Chaikovsky 1958

Documentary, 8 parts, duration: 1:07:51, published: 7/11/2016

Reel №4

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Rural landscapes Kamenka.

House sisters Tchaikovsky.

Living room.

Keyboard piano.

Notebook composer.

Living room.

Sunset over the river.

Fog over the water.

Women in traditional dress on the beach.

Blooming garden.

Dissolve: flowers, hands pianist.

Performed 1st concerto for piano and orchestra, the ...


Soviet Ural Mountains № 29 "Operation" dandelion " 1986

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:32, published: 6/2/2014

Reel №1


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... lessons in school - students in white coats at the computer.

Interview teachers about informatics challenges facing students in her class.

The computer keyboard.

Schoolchildren-school students in white coats at the computer.

Students talk about the science.

Articles in newspapers about computer science and ...


Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... Cube".

Girls on the bench, one plays in the electronic game "wolf catches eggs", the other looks over the process.

Boys at the computer, hands on the keyboard, the screen play pro tennis.

Deserted streets.

Teacher sitting in class at the table talking about prioritizing school subjects.

Large - hands cool ...


Want to know everything № 187 1989

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:08:10, published: 2/21/2014

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame


A man gives a lecture.

Robot lecturer at the Polytechnic Museum.

Control panel.

Photos and formulas appear on the monitor.


N. N. Sokolov and his students-the creators of the mechanical lecturer.


Two men at the airport, one holding a model airplane.

Astronauts in zero gravity.

Training ...


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