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"roll" newsreels and historical clips

Rolling Stock - 71. 1971

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:14, published: 7/24/2014


The film tells about the international exhibition "Rolling - 71", which took place at Moscow train station "Sherbinka." Opening of the exhibition;  : Chairman of the Presidium of the All-Union Chamber of Commerce Borisov, Minister of Railways Beschev.

Exhibition halls Italy, Sweden, Yugoslavia, England

Reel №2

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... Vibration testing device.

Japanese electron microscopes.

Demonstration of equipment at the test site.

Demonstration of brake structures on Soviet rolling stock.

At the press conference, the deputy speaks.

Minister of Railways of the USSR Muratov.

An Austrian machine replacing sleepers.

German wagons ...


Scout camp in Anapa 2009

Footage, 15 footages, duration: 1:49:40, published: 5/25/2021

Scene №15 Baking communion bread in the field

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Teenagers from the camp the scouts cook their own dough in a kitchen: add the flour, roll the dough with a rolling pin, molded wafers for baking.

Wipe the pan with oil.

Communion bread on a baking sheet.




A field kitchen.

Rolling pin.


The most important thing 1969

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:26, published: 1/6/2015


The film is about the director of the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant Ya.P.Osadchego.

Reel №1

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The award ceremony Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant (ChTPZ) commemorative banner.

The view from the car window on the way.

On the passenger seat of the Director of ChTPZ Ya.P.Osadchy.

Production processes in the shops of the plant.

The main building of the plant.

The meeting in the manager's office.

Receptionist ...



Osadchy JP - Soviet economic figure, the director of the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant (ChTPZ), Hero of Socialist Labor, honorary citizen of Chelyabinsk.

And Every Evening at Seven o'clock Sharply. 1988

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:01, published: 12/17/2015


Training of athletes before competition for dancers sporting rock-n-roll.

International Sport rock-n-roll (sinhr.).


About the development of a new sports in the Soviet country - acrobatic rock-and-roll.

Reel №1

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The girl at the door of the gym.

Train MSU students - members section acrobatic rock 'n' roll, face, legs (in the gym).

The light display electronic watches.

The trainer demonstrates exercise.

Dancers rest.

Tickets for the championship.

Girl rides the bus, smiling.

People on the bus: sit down, punch ...


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... shoveling snow with the words "Rock and Roll".


Small arena Luzhniki: pass and entering the arena, participants of the national championship on sports rock-n-roll.

Illuminated display with the words "Open tour of acrobatic rock 'n' roll.

Rock and Roll 88 ".

By participants of the championship ...

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... winners; passes athlete with flowers.

Dancing athletes and spectators.

The audience applauded, waving.

Trained members of the section, acrobatic rock 'n' roll, the girl's face.

Smiling coach.

Production of intermediate rolling profiled steel sheet 1967

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:56, published: 8/27/2015

Reel №1


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... from the mills.

Then the ingots enter the heating wells department.

Ingots are heated to a temperature of 1250-1300 degrees before rolling.

The heating wells of modern rolling shops work on the hot landing of ingots.

The ingots are planted and heated in an upright position with some inclination.

This ensures ...

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... process is automated.

Monitoring of the heating process.

A cartoon explaining the operation of recuperative type heating wells.

Ingots heated to the rolling temperature are removed and placed on an ingot carrier.

In modern crimping workshops, self-propelled bullion trucks are used, which operate according ...



Preparation of the ingot for rolling.

Reel №2

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Slabs are rolled from ingots, going to the production of sheet steel.

This process is carried out on powerful crimping mills, slabs

and the Blumings.

This is a slab, its working crate is the main part of the mill.

A cartoon explaining the work of the slab.

Before the start of rolling, it is necessary ...

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... the strip by rolls and engine power.

The rolls of the crimping mills have an individual drive from two reversible DC motors of high power.

The slab is a duoreversive universal mill.

The operator adjusts the mode of the main drive of the regime mill from the remote control.

During the rolling process, the ...

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In the first passages, scale is removed from the surface of the ingot.

A cartoon explaining the processes in the ingot during multiple rolling.

The ingot is rolled out to the specified size and enters the fire stripping machine, which burns the surface layer of metal with oxygen along with defects. ...

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... marked and sent to the warehouse.


The main purpose of bluming is the rolling of a semi-product

large square cross-section - blooms going to long products.

First, the ingot is rolled on the smooth part of the roll barrel.

Then it is transferred from caliber to caliber.

The square section gradually ...

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... process of rolling in bluming.

After leaving the rolls of the mill, the blum roll is also sent to the fire stripping machine.

From the machine, the rolling is fed to the scissors for trimming the head and bottom parts.

The blums are sent to a warehouse or to a blank mill.

In modern rolling shops, continuous ...

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... are installed directly behind the bluming for rolling blums into a long billet.

Such mills consist of two groups of working crates.

The first group has 8 stands and is designed for rolling large-section workpieces.

Cages with horizontal and vertical rolls are used.

The second group consists of six horizontal ...

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... horizontal and vertical stands and is intended for subsequent rolling of workpieces to small cross sections.

The rolling speed in each subsequent cage increases.

At the exit from the mill, flying scissors automatically cut a strip of metal into measured lengths of the workpiece.

After cutting, a stamp ...


Design of rolling bearings. 1993

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:04, published: 3/29/2023


Film for students of technical colleges in the course "Machine parts". (Part 1 - Film for higher technical school. Rolling bearings.

Various design options och.horoshie and clearly photographed.)

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Rolling with multilateral compression. 1986

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:07:53, published: 2/22/2017


Promotional film shows the advantage of the new method of rolling maloplastichnyh metals.

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Hot rolling of metal 1980

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:11, black-white, published: 10/4/2016


The film tells about the main technological operations during metal rolling.

Reel №1

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Hot rolling shop.

Heating of metal in heating wells.

Control and measuring devices.

Rolling mill.

The device of the rolling mill (figure).

The crimping mill.

Storage of slabs.

Sheet mill.

The operator is at the control panel.

Cutting the finished sheet.

The blank mill.

Fire stripping.

The device of the ...

Reel №2

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... wire.

Rail-beam mill.

Quality control of rental.


Checking the composition of steel. its mechanical properties.

Automated control system of the rolling mill.

Thin-sheet mill.

The control panel.

Operator of the computing complex.

Design bureau.

Hand, Comrade PC! 1983

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:59, published: 11/10/2015

Reel №2


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... of the program appear on the monitor screen.

The rolling mill of the Novosibirsk Metallurgical Plant.

The letters and numbers of the program appear on the monitor screen.

Dashboard with buttons.

Metallurgical plant workshop - production processes.

Rolling mill.

Computer monitors.

The production process ...

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... process in the factory shop.

Dashboard with buttons.

The cover of the brochure is "Computer analysis program for calibrations of rolls of varietal mills".

Rolling mill.

A graphic image appears on the monitor screen.

Says Nesterikhin.

Panorama of the computing center.

Various devices and equipment of the computing ...


Computer, computer, computer center, metallurgical plant, rolling mill, monitor, keyboard

Stan "Tandem". 1986

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:06:51, published: 3/24/2023


Promotional film about the cold rolling mill steel tubes.

Reel №1

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Rolling shop.

Pipe cold rolling mill.

Rolls of the Tandem mill.

Cyclists on the bike track.

The work of the Tandem mill.

Obtaining the desired pipe diameter in a Tandem mill (animation).

The worker serves the rhinestone two mills.

The control panel of the mill.

Finished pipes.

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