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"seagulls" newsreels and historical clips

Film-travel almanac № 112 1976

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:56, published: 2/16/2015

Reel №2


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... Jackdaw on a tree.

View of the river.

Blossoming willow.

Grouse on a lek.

The spring flood in the forest.

Seagull walks on ice.

A flock of seagulls in the sky.

Seagull dives.

View of the river.

Seagulls walking on the ice, fly over water.

Rooks above the trees.

Rooks sit on the branches.

Bird goes down into ...

Lower Povolzhie № 23 1965

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:08:48, black-white, published: 3/22/2018

Reel №1

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Seagulls in the desert.

A flying Seagull.

View of the artificial reservoir in the desert.

A Seagull flies over the water.

View of the steppe, flooded with water.

The sun behind the clouds.

Steppe landscapes.

Camel with camel grazing in the steppe.

The camel's head.

The hind legs of the horse, the cart ...


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... pumping station.

The water flow in the channel in the vertical pipes.

A worker opens a valve on one of the partitions.

View of the pond.

A flying Seagull.

View of the flooded steppe, panorama rice fields.

Scientists=soil scientists and reclamation specialists check the level of salinity and oborachivaniya ...


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... irrigation ditch.

B/Fishermen catch fish in the artificial pond.

Hunter ducks in the reeds of the artificial pond.

Panorama of the pond, seagulls flying over the water.

Seagull flies in the sky under the clouds.

Foreign newsreels № 3395 1973

News, 8 footages, duration: 0:11:22, published: 12/6/2013

Scene №2

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Port of Aberdeen in Scotland, working in the port, seagulls.

Reporting in the city.

Passers-by on the streets.



Masters of the stage. 1946

Documentary, 9 parts, duration: 1:17:52, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №4

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... Knipper-Chekhov.

Photos O.L.Knipper-Chekhov starring.

Poster of the play by Anton Chekhov's "The Seagull."

Photo Anton Chekhov on the table. O.L.Knipper-Chekhov tells of the first staging of the play "The Seagull."

The story is punctuated by photos, album pages and directing the instance of the text, theater ...


Australia 1978

Footage, 6 footages, duration: 0:21:31, published: 10/19/2022

Scene №2

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Bridge over the river.

People are relaxing on the lawn near the pond.


A flock of seagulls on the lawn.

Sydney Harbour.

Starlet № 32 1981

Newsreel, 5 parts, duration: 0:46:19, published: 9/15/2015

Reel №2

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Paintings by the artist Pereyaslavets.


Seagulls on the lake.

A nest with eggs.

Swans on the nest.

Goslings in the grass.

A duck with a brood.

The drake.

Drakes in the water.

Seagulls feed the chicks.

Duck with ducklings in the water.

An old man with a fishing net.

The fox.

The fox grabbed ...


Autumn landscapes 1975-1985

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:47, published: 7/15/2019

Scene №1

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Autumn natural scenery (ponds, parks, groves, etc.).

Surf, fly over the waves seagulls.

River, shooting from a helicopter.

Rocky riverbed, river rapids.

Foam on the water.

Holiday "Bastille Day" in the pool "The Seagull" 1995

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:20, published: 2/5/2016

Scene №1 Holiday "Bastille Day" in the pool "The Seagull"

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View from the top of the pool on a bath "Seagull".

Guests pass into the stands basin among them Eduard Limonov.


On the makeshift stage over the water, the musicians rehearse.

People dancing.

Man swimming in the pool.

On stage, the ensemble plays the black musicians.

The sun over the river 1965

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:14:49, published: 3/1/2021

Reel №2

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... architectural monument.

Small minaret.

Sabantuy Holiday.

A motor ship on the river.

Houses with wooden carvings.

People in the sanatorium.


Seagulls over the Volga.

Evening landscape.

Moscow Art Theatre 1959

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:10:19, published: 1/24/2013

Scene №1 Moscow Art Theatre

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1959 -

O. actress Olga Knipper-Chekhova tells staging "The Seagull" (synchronous).

House Chekhov in Yalta, alley park, swings, sea.

MAT curtain with the logo "seagull."

Billboard called the play by Chekhov.

Photos Knipper-Chekhova.

A scene from the play "The Cherry Orchard" with O.Knipper-Chekhov, Stepanova ...


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