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"the bend of the river Yenisei" newsreels and historical clips

Film-travel almanac № 192 1984

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:36, published: 2/27/2015

Reel №1


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... over the river.

Soligenix house in the village of Gorki.

The room in which he met Lenin and the peasants of the village.

A squirrel runs through the snow.

Snow-covered forest.

Gazebo in the Park.

"The youth of ancient Saiyan".

Sayan, taken from the Yenisei river.

Village on the Bank of the Yenisei river ...


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... Housing.

Marble quarry on the banks of the Yenisei.

The Village Of Cheryomushki.

On the streets of the city.

The children move out on a sled with slides.

The kids on the carousel.

On the streets of the city bus rides.

The General plan of the mountains and the Yenisei.


Enisei River's Meridian № 3 140 years of shipping on the Yenisei 2003

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:44, published: 8/6/2015


Sea and river transport


Sectors of the economy


This issue is dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the river shipping company Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Reel №1

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Buoy on the river waves.

Felling ferry.

Top view of the deck.

The ladder slides down to the shore vehicles.

The captain looks out from cuttings.

Village streets.

A man sweeps the ladder.

Children playing in the "palm".

People are going on holiday.

Administration officials welcomed Eniseyska ship captains ...

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... flag.

At the microphone captain.

Guests of the festival, adults and children.

Supports children's dance ensemble.

Security officers.

The head of the Yenisei district V.N.Sidorkin with accompanying children with balloons.

Bust front of the building.

Sailors bring flowers to the monument to the heroes of ...

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... Spectators.

A man with a child in her arms.

Cargo ships to berth suitable passenger ship.

People's faces.

Says Advisor to the General Director of JSC "Yenisei River Shipping" I.A.Bulava.

Ships at berth.

The hand turns the steering wheel.

View from side to piers.

The view from the window of the door: on the nose ...


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... on board.

View from the water at the church.

Deck passenger ship.

The view from the cabin.

Tells I.A.Bulava.

Workers at a shipyard, repair work.

The river is a barge.

Man looks out the window.

The boat passes under the bridge.

Tells I.A.Bulava.

The ships on the way to the dock, developed in the wind flags ...

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... on the embankment.

At the microphone the abbot of the monastery of the Assumption of the Yenisei.


Captain salutes.

A military band marching through the city.

Students pass in front of the Yenisei River Shipping Company.

Honor guard at the steps.

Captains and representatives of the city administration ...

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... facade of the building, the students on the steps.

The solemn speech at the opening of a memorial plaque dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the Yenisei River Shipping Company.

Applause listeners.

Operators with cameras.

On the streets marching cadets.

View of the port from the steps.


Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:23, published: 2/26/2017

Reel №1


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... The ship on which the exiles were sent to Siberia(photo).

Local historian, veteran of the Yenisei Shipping Company N. I. Tychkov about the history of the steamship "St.

Nicholas" (synchronously).

Yenisei river port.

Subbotnik on the steamer "St.


The Captain Of The "St.

Nicholas" By A. G. Duncan ...

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... "Saint Nicholas" opens the navigation.

The ship's bell of 1895.

An old photograph of a steamboat (1897).

Cabins of the ship.

The right bank of the Yenisei.

Pre-revolutionary photos of Krasnoyarsk.

Radio station on board the historic steamer "St.

Nicholas" (synchronous transmission).

Tourists on board ...

Enisei River's Meridian № 8 Article fifty-eighth.Special Issue 1989

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:28, published: 5/17/2018


Former prisoners of the Stalinist camps, journalist Rudakov and captain of the Yenisei River Shipping Company Bryukhanov talk about their arrest and the years spent in the camps.

Reel №1


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... examines photos of former camps.

A former prisoner of the Stalinist camps (synchronously)tells about how he was arrested.

Bryukhanov N. V. sits on the river bank by the fire and tells (synchronously) about the arrest and the camps.

Enisei River's Meridian № 6 1982

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:23, published: 3/18/2015


Special Issue of the sailors into the Yenisei.

Reel №1

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View on the Yenisei.

1. Seven days in July ...

Ship-pusher on the river.

The crew working on deck.

Cargo platform.

Captain V.G.Yakovlev.

The son of the captain, Yuri.


The ship drops anchor.

The team in the wheelhouse.

A view of the loading platforms.

Alternation: Captain directs maneuvers, sailor ...

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... sailor sends signals.

River view astern.

Cargo platform.

The captain takes command.

The ship is part of.

A boy sits at the edge of the board.

Fisherman on the boat.

2. Three days in August ...

The ship arrives at its destination.


Port cranes.

Captain on the bridge.

Simple ships in the port. ...

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... ship enters port.

Pocket watch.

Captain on the bridge.

3. The most difficult day.

Morning fog, the ships leave the port.

The sun in the clouds.

The river is a pleasure boat. V.G.Yakovlev takes workplace.

The team is working on the deck.


View Osinovsky threshold.

Captain looks through binoculars ...

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... caravan near the island Boat in the late evening.

4. ...

And another day.

The ships arrive in port.

The captain climbs the ladder.

Ships on the Yenisei.

V.G.Yakovlev looking through binoculars.



Sea and river transport


Sectors of the economy

Science and technology № 24 1979

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:36, published: 12/7/2017


laboratory" On chemical modifiers for rubber.

4. "The era of new technologies" Without a pilot.

On the implementation of reliable and efficient posting of river vessels through the Neva bridges.

Reel №1

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"Five years on the March".

"The Yenisei river, the working river."

The Yenisei.

A small boat on the river.

Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station.

The vehicle rise over the dam in a special chamber -tub.

Remote lifting control of the vessel.

The impeller for the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP.

"Health service" ...




Sea and river transport


Automobile transport



Sectors of the economy


Combine harvester "Yenisei - 1200" 1987

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:08:44, published: 6/4/2018

Reel №1


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Combine harvester for the non-Chernozem region - "Yenisei-1200 N".

"Yenisei-1200 R" - for harvesting rice and crops cultivated on moist soils.

Operation of the threshing device of the combine "Yenisei-1200 R" (animation).

Combine harvester "Yenisei 1200-1".

Combine harvester in the field.

Harvester ...

Where the run takes Yenisei 1978

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:11, published: 2/28/2014

Reel №1 Where the run takes Yenisei

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Obelisk on the bank of the Yenisei River, marking the geographical center of Asia.

Tuvan mountain landscapes (top).

Panorama of the lake.

Panorama of the taiga cedar forest.

Panorama of pastures and steppes.

View of the taiga lake with rapids.

A stream of water runs through the rapids.

Landscapes in ...

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... in the sources of the Yenisei.

River landscapes.

A Tuvan man sits on a rock and smokes a pipe.

Types of rocks with coniferous trees growing on them (from above).

A herdsman on horseback goes around grazing horses.

Panorama of the steppe and lakes.

The face of a master carver.

The master carves a figure ...


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... flock of sheep.

Fishermen pull nets out of the water.

Catch fish in nets.

Harvesting by combine harvesters.

The confluence of the Big and Small Yenisei.

River landscapes and foothills.

Panorama of the part of Kyzyl-the capital of Tuva.

Views of the streets of Kyzyl, people on the streets.

Flower shop ...


Reel №2


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... Ak-Dovurak.

Entrance to the House of Culture.

A cargo ship is moving along the Yenisei River against the current.

Panorama of the wooded shore, passing an oncoming ship.

Ships on the Yenisei, river landscapes.

Rafting on the Yenisei river.

Felling wood with a chainsaw.

A bricklayer conducts masonry work on the ...


Around the USSR № 58 1969

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:10, published: 12/20/2018


pipe at the construction site of the pipeline.

Tractor cuts the ice on the Yenisei River.

A diver Ostashenko lowered into the hole to the bottom of the Survey of the Yenisei River.

Pipe-laying gas pipeline under the river.

Literature lesson in one of the Moscow schools.

Pupils write an essay on

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"Sotsialisticheskaya industriya" ["Socialist Industry"] Newspaper 1971

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:15, black-white, published: 11/14/2012


the Riga factory "VEF"; meeting of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, the harvest of grain in one of the farms, hydroelectric dam on the river Yenisei.

Reel №1


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... passing cyclist - MS.

"BelAZ" and a car on the highway (Winter) - MS.

Powered digger - LS., CU.

The overlap of the Yenisei: passing trucks, the inscription on the rock "Submit Yenisei!» - LS.

Installation of high-voltage lines - LS.

Welders working on the construction - LS., PNRM.

Pipe plant - MS.

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