You found 26 newsreels for query "Healer"

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"Healer" newsreels and historical clips

Peak hour 07/19/1995 1995

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:22:14, published: 2/20/2018

Reel №1


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... Restoration.

Grigory Gorin expresses the opinion that the real satire should "tease" the authorities and point out the shortcomings, and humor is the healer from any situations.

Regarding the powers that be, the writer cited Baron Munchausen's quote - that a brave person is not afraid to look ridiculous ...


Opening the shrine with the relics of St. Mitrofanii Voronezh 1930

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:16, black-white, published: 6/27/2016

Reel №1


... building of the clinic.

A group of scientists.

The specialist explains something.

Caution from wrong, artisanal methods of treatment and traditional healers, charlatans.

A selection of pseudo stateek and brochures about the "curability" of cancer.

Samples of fake elixirs and salves

SShA.Reklamny prospect ...


Foreign newsreels № 4077 1974

News, 17 footages, duration: 0:32:49, published: 4/27/2013


Japan - Fire testing of passenger trains.

Newsreel of the fire in the tunnel (1972).

Thailand - Flooding in Bangkok.

Philippines - Thirteen-boy - "healer" of sick and crippled.

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Orthodox encyclopedia (№ 7 ) 18.02.2012 2012

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:26:08, published: 12/7/2017

Reel №1


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Nastya's grandmother.

Anastasia Zhukova talks about church life.

Service in the temple.

Personal photos of Anastasia.

Service at the Moscow Church of healers Cosmas and Damian.

Says Archpriest Theodore Borodin.

The final word of the priest Alexei Uminsky.

Foreign newsreels № 4146 1975

News, 20 footages, duration: 0:31:18, published: 4/27/2013


leader of the moderate democratic party Seni Pramot, voting, Pramot talks to reporters.

Philippines-Pilgrims and cripples flock to Filipino religious healers.

Cyprus and Greece - protest Demonstrations in Nicosia and Athens against the Turkish partition of Cyprus.

Cyprus-Greek Cypriot Strikes and demonstrations

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Baranovsky: the approach to personality 2011

Documentary, 1 film, duration: 0:26:29, published: 12/26/2016

Movie №1


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... City in Yaroslavl.

Says architect Vyacheslav Safronov.

Chronicle of the 1920s - the Vladimir Gate on Lubyanka Square, the chapel of Panteleimon the Healer, in the frame of a tram, pedestrians, etc.

People choose books at a bookstore on the street.

Kolomenskoye Park Museum, white brick buildings in the ...


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