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"builders" newsreels and historical clips

Secrets of Nature № 21 1994

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:35, published: 6/15/2014


Forest melodies; Frogs - climbers; Insects - builders.

Reel №1

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Newsreel consists of three stories.

In the story "Insects - builders" used special types of filming, allowing to see the processes hidden from the eyes.

The first part.

1st plot.


View of the river in the forest.

Fish in the aquarium.

Caddis larva at the bottom of the ...


For you, the builders 1986

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:06, published: 2/26/2017

Reel №1

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Animation - "Glavleningradstroy".

The title is "For you, builders".

Drawings of the building.

The crane carries a block container.

The welder is working.

The frame is made of metal.

Builders install the panels.

The builder installs the partition.

The drill drills steel.


Installing ...


Reconstruction 1989

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:45:36, published: 11/10/2015

Reel №2

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... Information stand.

Construction site of the new complex.

Workers laid scheme.

Commission's visit.

Alternation: Work on a building site, interviews with builders.

Posters on the stand.

Workers at the meeting.

The meeting is A.P.Shkaraput.

Lines under construction shop.


The rise of the stairs.

Monument ...

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... climb locomotive-monument.

Call on board the locomotive.

Winter blizzards.


Park in Magnitogorsk.

Monument to the first members of the Komsomol-builders.


Shkaraputa AP - Engineer, Hero of Socialist Labor, Honored Builder of the RSFSR.

Friends 1985

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:37, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №1

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Rural landscapes.

The field rides a cart with fresh hay.

German builder J. Colman and the Soviet builder A. Surovtsev go down the village street.

Coleman helps build log house.

Surovtsev caulk cracks between the logs.

Face Surovtseva.

Coleman's face.

Surovtsev running with an ax.

Colman hewing ax bark ...

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... cart with gifts.

Colman and Surovtsev go through the airport building.

Surovtsev Berlin among construction workers.

German builders are holding pigeons brought Surovtsev.

Builders Brigade Coleman standing at the entrance to the shed.

Surovtsev wears overalls.

Surovtsev and Coleman out of the cabins.

Surovtsev ...


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... of one of the houses in Berlin.

Face builder.

A crane lifts the concrete slab.

Surovtsev gives interviews (synchronously).

Newsreel 1969: German builders raised a banner with a portrait of Lenin erected on the roof of the house.

A general view of a new home.

Builders applaud during the solemn meeting. ...


Reel №2


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... help of a crane.

The builder feeds the pigeons.

Surovtsev's face.

A construction worker takes a flight of stairs lowered by a crane.

Surovtsev and Kolman during a visit to the construction of a residential building in Moscow.

The face of Surovtsev, talking with the builders.

Surovtsev and Kolman ...


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... the war.

Surovtsev and Kolman on the construction of a residential building.

Panorama of the construction part.

Surovtsev and Kolman among the builders during lunch.

Kolman talks about himself to his Soviet colleagues (synchronously).

Panorama of the village, a wooden house under construction. ...

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Kolman helps build a house in a Siberian village.

Surovtsev helps to lay logs.

Colman cuts out a cell in the log with an axe.

One of the builders during the rest.

Children sit on the unfinished wall of a log house.

Kolman and Surovtsev peel the bark from the logs.

The boy looks through binoculars ...



Surovtsev Anatoly Mikheevich - builder

Tech dispensary. 1985

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:02, published: 5/29/2014

Reel №2

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Computer-X-ray tomography apparatus.

Research on the device.

The image of the brain on the CRT screen.

Prevention Department at the MOTOR BUILDER software.

The candidate of medical Sciences E.K. Vlasova tells.

In-depth preventive inspection of the workers of the enterprise.

Automated system of annual ...



MOTOR BUILDER Production Association

Our region № 1 1964

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:59, published: 10/31/2019


plant of high voltage equipment (USWA), early implementation of the plan.

4. Ivanovo chemical technology Institute scientific-research work.

5. Best Builder of the Komi ASSR R. D. Izjurova.

6. Kaluga car repair plant, mobile avtokombinate.

7. The Yaroslav-the Spassky monastery, the exhibition for the anniversary

Reel №1

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Izjyurova R.D. -- Soviet Builder, production worker, Hero of Socialist Labor, the public figure.

Who agrees?Three etudes on a contemporary theme 1981

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:56, published: 4/6/2023


About young builders of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP.

Reel №1

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... stage, panorama of the hall windows.

Road - removed from traffic.

Meeting in the office.

The room, there is lighting equipment, appliances.

Workers, builders go up in the elevator, get out.

In the frame is Pavel Shalaev, head of the construction department.

Meeting in the office - employees argue, confer ...


Enisei River's Meridian № 3 Road Abakan - Taishet 1987

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:08:51, published: 8/26/2014


Special Issue on the Komsomol-builders route Abakan - Taishet.

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On the wide Volga № 8 1984

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:00, published: 5/3/2016

Reel №1

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Of Tatarstan. "Eugene Batenchuk builder."

Head Kamgesenergostroy Eugene Nikonorovich Batenchuk.

Photos EN Batenchuka.

KamAZ plant. Builders.

Construction of multi-storey buildings 1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:57, published: 5/17/2013

Scene №1 Construction of multi-storey buildings and structures

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Builders in orange uniforms on the floor high building.

Visible at the bottom of the house. Builders at work.

Fittings, building materials, building stairs, etc.

Iron fencing grill on high.

Visuals interrupted tuning striped table.

Construction of a residential quarter. Builders at work.

Tower ...

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... Tower cranes lift bricks, builders adopt them.

Boxes of houses under construction.

Construction machinery.

Worker lays bricks.

Top view of the construction site in the world.

The foundation and the first storey of the building from the top, etc.

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