You found 23 newsreels for query "citadel"

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"citadel" newsreels and historical clips

Tonwoche № 502 1940

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:03, published: 12/18/2015

Reel №1

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... binoculars.

Court at dusk in the harbor of Copenhagen.

There is a discharge of troops, ammunition, ammunition.

Soldiers marching to the gates of the citadel, stronghold of the Nazi flag blows.

German soldiers removed the Danish flag, they spread it on the ground.

German planes are flying to Denmark, they ...


Die Deutsche Wochenschau № 511 1940

Newsreel, 3 parts, duration: 0:31:47, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1


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... tanks on the streets of the French town, burning buildings.

Artillery, infantry, machine gunners.

Infantry in the attack.

German observer at the citadel Fécamp, a major station on the way to Le Havre to inspect the area through binoculars.

The gunners at the parapet overlook the city.

Destroyed French ...


Afghanistan 1997-2001

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 1:47:30, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Afghanistan


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... walk the village.

Soldiers with machine guns in the field.


The boys buy food.

Armed patrols on the road.

Check the cargo and passenger cars.

Citadel of Herat (Castle of Alexander the Great).

Firing positions.

Afghan teenager with a dove, smiling into the camera.

Pigeons and armed Afghans.

National ...


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