You found 874 newsreels for query "fishermen"

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"fishermen" newsreels and historical clips

Fishing 1930-1979

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:06:57, published: 1/23/2013

Scene №1 Fishing

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70s.: Caspian Sea, fishermen pulling out net with the fish.

Bundles of fish.

50th years.: Fishing in Astrakhan.

Rybososa work.


30th years.: Fishermen prepare network.

Loading networks on the boat.

Boats on the water.

Fishermen pulling net.

Flocks of birds over the water.

Baskets of fish.

Fish in ...

In Far Eastern Seas 1955

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:33, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №1

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Stormy Sea.

Ship at sea.

Fisherman in sonar.

Nikolai Fomenko skipper at the helm, would command.

Fishermen lowered net.

Winches raise net with the fish.

The fish on the deck.

Rybonasosy pumped herring seiners from the deck to the beach.

Herring is conveyed to the fish factory shop ...

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... ​​Okhotsk.

Steamer "Petropavlovsk" in the Okhotsk Sea.

Fishermen on the deck of a floating base during the holidays.

Ship at sea in the fog.

Scientific staff of the expedition at work.

Herring near the shore with boats.

Driftnet herring.

Fishermen salted and packed sardines.

Barrels of herring in the ...

Science and technology № 15 1969

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:09, published: 10/19/2017

Reel №1

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... The Volga-Caspian Sea should be clean.

Sturgeon fish.

Fishermen take sturgeon out of the nets.

Drains drained into rivers.

Ships on the Rhine.

The Statue of Liberty.

View of New York from the bay.

Fishermen pull out a net with fish.

A fisherman with a huge sturgeon.

Oil rigs in the Caspian Sea.

Oil ...


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... Belorybitsa.

Artificial insemination of white fish eggs.

Apparatus for incubating eggs.

Fishermen dump fish from the trawl on the deck.


Packaging of black caviar.

Cans of black caviar.

Juvenile sturgeon.

Fishermen take sturgeon out of the net.

The march of time № 21415 1936

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:06:10, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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USA. New England.

Sailing vessels.

School sailors.



Canadian fishermen for fishing.

The conflict between the US and Canadian fishermen.

Trade in fish.

Production of fish products - manufacturing of various fish dishes of salmon

Traditional fishing in the province of Gifu 1995

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:32, published: 5/16/2013

Scene №1 Traditional fishing in the province of Gifu

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... Nagara River.

Fishermen in a boat.

Japanese dancers dancing.

Burns wood basket, suspended from a boat.

Cormorants are tied to the boat in the water.

Cormorant fishing in the water; cormorant pulled from the water.

Junks with burning wood-basket on the river.

Cormorants in the water, the fisherman pulls a rope ...

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... rope tied cormorant.

Fisher squeezes the bird's throat to pick up the fish.

Boats with the fishermen on the river.

My Dagestan 1971

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:49:19, published: 8/18/2014

Reel №3

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... cream in a jug.

A woman is rocking a cradle, shells are tied to it.

A boat at dawn in the fog.

Boats with fishermen, fishermen get the catch.

Boats with fishermen are returning.

The catch.

A fisherman takes a large sturgeon out of the boat.

Port cranes.

Port operation.

A cannery.


Monument to ...


A Clown is in the City. Oleg Popov in the city of Leningrad 1966

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:28:44, black-white, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №2


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... in Leningrad in the winter, fishermen on the river - LS., MS. PNRM.

Fisherman in the hole waiting for biting - CU.; Pulls bait with a small fry - CU.

PNRM. a fisherman in his backpack, you can see the neck of a vodka bottle out of the bag - CU.

O. Popov helps fisherman gimlet hole in the ice - MS ...

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... MS.; Fishing.

Fish lying on ice - CU.

O. Popov caught fish - MS., CU.

Fishermen laugh - MS.

O. Popov in the metal workshop with a master tinsmith make a device for circus number of fishermen.

O. Popov with a dog and a rooster is on Square, the children trooped run for an artist.

It shows the children ...

Volga lights № 7 The day before Christmas 1991

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:19, black-white, published: 7/11/2018

Reel №1


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... shaves in front of a mirror, sitting at a table.

Fishermen on the shore.

The fisherman lights a cigarette.

Loading a small fishing vessel before going out to fish.

View of a fishing village on the shore.

The oncoming vessel is on the Volga river, the fishermen greet him.

Broken ice on the Volga.

The ship ...

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... ice.

Faces of fishermen.

View of the bow of a ship going through broken ice.

The face of the fisherman.

The tug "Summer" pulls a barge through broken ice.

The face of the fisherman.

A fishing boat "Saratovets" passes by.

Saratovets crew on Board the ship.

Melting ice on the Volga.

Fishermen at the side ...

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... one of the Volga channels.

Unloading of wooden sledges on the ice.

Fishermen pull the boat out on the ice.

Fragments of twigs and prepared firewood on the outskirts of the village.

Bridges on the shore, the bridge is a boat, a fisherman throws a fish on the ice.

Cat sitting in the snow.

Rybak V. E. Statsenko ...


The Scomber 1971

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:03:30, published: 11/29/2015

Reel №1

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... the mackerel.

Large - fish in hand.

Underwater shooting - marine plants, fish, crabs.

Storm at sea, huge waves.

Fishing vessel - different frames.

Fishermen pull nets, unload the caught fish into large boxes.

Large - the caught fish beats.

Large - fish in hand.

Faces of young chefs-students.

The teacher ...



Fish, mackerel, fishermen, cook

Unknown India 1920-1929

Footage, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:45, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №2

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Fishermen weaving networks.


Fishermen go to sea.

Baskets with a fish market.

South village where farmers are poisoning your body with local wine "toddy".

Commercial wine in large jugs.

Women carrying pitchers on their heads.

Plowing wooden plow drawn by a bull.

Carts with cotton are ...


India, trade, farmers, fishermen

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