You found 452 newsreels for query "tubes"

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"tubes" newsreels and historical clips

conductive grandfather 2012-2013

Footage, 9 footages, duration: 0:05:35, published: 3/18/2016

Scene №6

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Large hands, nails inserted into the socket, take the wires and attach them to the nails hands, fluorescent tube lights.

Scene №7

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Large hands, nails inserted into the socket, take the wires and attach them to the nails hands, fluorescent tube lights.

Scene №9

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Hands in the outlet tube with nails and burning.

Vologda meeting 1979

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:45:42, published: 5/29/2014

Reel №5

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Combiners in the field.

Livestock complex.

Meeting of the Regional Party Committee.

Says Osmino SA

Production of ceramic tubes.



Space 1960-1969

Footage, 4 footages, duration: 0:10:31, published: 2/14/2024

Scene №3 Space

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The processes of the lunar landing of the satellite to the moon.

Proceedings of the engineer, GN Babakin radio equipment, tube radios.


Photos Babakin.

Proteins 1980

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:36, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №1


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... microscope.

The work of the internal organs (data from medical devices, larger image).

The layout of the protein structure.

Detection of the protein.

The tubes with the reagents.

Man breaks the egg.

Experience with protein denaturation in an acidic solution.

The doctor takes blood from a finger.

Experiments ...

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... hemoglobin determination.

Isolation of pure protein using the biuret reaction.


Isolation of protein.

Proteins were transferred to a test tube.

The tube was placed in the rotor.

The rotor is inserted into a centrifuge.

The rotor rotates.

The separated proteins in vitro.

Removing proteins.

Demonstration ...

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Demonstration of chromatography methods.

Interleaving: separating proteins into its components, writing instruments record data, the proteins in the test tubes.

Preparation of protein in the dry state by lyophilization (freeze-drying).

Dry the precipitate at the bottom of the flask.

Net protein.

The composition ...


First Five-Year Plan 1930-1939

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:52, published: 3/25/2024

Scene №1 First Five-Year Plan

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Geologist in the mountain river.

Geologists camp in the woods.

Carts pass over the field.

People work in construction.

Workers roll tube.

Construction of the mining enterprise.

Metallurgical Plant.

The origins of life 1971

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:49:07, published: 10/27/2013

Reel №3

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... plants.

When pollen gets on the pistil of a female plant, the pollen germinates, the shell stretches out and turns into a tube.

Two sperm cells are moving through the tube.

The tube penetrated into the lower part of the pistil - the ovary.

The sperm merged in pairs with the female cells of the plant.

By ...


Science and technology № 8 1949

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:27, published: 11/20/2017



Operation of the device of rentgenography to make the x-ray heartbeat.

3. Mechanical blowers.

Mechanization of the manufacture of glass tubes for Suprunenko glassworks.

4. The victory of Yaroslavl breeders.

A new breed of pigs, bred by the breeders of the area of Breytovo, Yaroslavl region

Reel №1


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The glassblower blows into the pipe.

Glassblowers pull out the tube.

Zaprudnensky glass factory.

Glass tube making machine.

Workers at the car.

Animation - the principle of operation of the machine.

Glass mass in the car.

Tube on the conveyor.

The conveyor mechanism.

Cutting pipes.

"Victory ...


Workshop of the artist Vasily Nesterenko 2004

Footage, 4 footages, duration: 0:26:24, published: 1/22/2018

Scene №3 Workshop of the artist Vasily Nesterenko

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... of some canvases.

White canvas.


Copies of paintings by famous masters, performed by Nesterenko.

Entourage of the workshop.

Brushes, paints, tubes with paint.

Scene №4 Workshop of the artist V. Nesterenko

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Tubes with paint, wooden palette.

The artist paints the paint on the palette and mixes the colors.

Entourage of the artist's workshop.

Vasily Nesterenko works at the easel - dorisovyvaet one of his paintings.

Safety during blasting operations 1976

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:18, published: 6/20/2018

Reel №1

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... mistakes made by the novice.

The foreman indicated the place where it is necessary to collect incendiary tubes for safety reasons.

At the request of the foreman, the novice tells about the control tube.

The foreman, together with a new member of the brigade, goes to break the jam on the wood alloy.

The ...

Construction of gas pipeline Urengoy-Gryazovets 1979

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:51, published: 9/10/2015

Scene №1 Construction of gas pipeline Urengoy-Gryazovets

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... in hand.

The connection pipes of the pipeline.

Warming up before connecting pipes.

Cover the tube with hot bitumen.

Winding pipe insulation tape using a special mechanism.

Automatic cleaning end of the tube to be welded.

The connection pipes of the pipeline by means of welding.

Welders at work.

View ...

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