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"Boat" newsreels and historical clips

German-Czech regatta 1919

Footage, 1 part, duration: 0:05:03, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №1

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... Litomerice/German Leitmeritz/ 1919 Honorary awards in front of the camera.




Boats on the river.


Boats finish.

On shore the audience.

Boats on the river.


Boats.rowers in boats.

Boats in the distance

Volga lights № 25 Ah, summer ... 1991

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:03, black-white, published: 7/10/2018

Reel №1

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Lifebuoy at the boat station in winter.

Boats and boats on the shore.

View of the winter Parking of boats and boats.

Sheathed Motorboats on stands on the shore.

Fisherman and goes ice fishing.

Sailing yachts on the Volga at the bridge in Saratov.

Cutting and sewing sails in a special room.

Sailing yachts ...

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... private boat with tourists is sailing.

Tourists go from the boat to the shore.

Panorama of boat and boat Parking.

People get off the bus.

A boat with tourists goes on a flight.

Vacationing boat owner.

Men try to start the boat engine.

People sunbathe on the sandy beach.

The owner of the boat adjusts ...

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... tries to start the motor of the boat, the passengers are watching him.

The girls in the boat take the oars with rowlocks, the man starts the boat engine.

The girls row away.

The man tries unsuccessfully to start the boat engine.

Men are floating in a rowing boat.

The boat docks at the stern of a large ...

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... large yacht, a naval officer comes on Board.

A boat passes under the St.

Andrew's flag.

Light sailing yachts on the Volga.

People on the embankment.

The face of a naval officer.

Helicopter flight in the air during the celebration of the Navy day.

Veterans and those who served in the Navy gather for a holiday ...


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... to the ship, standing on the wintering grounds on the shore.

A man climbs on Board the ship on the Gangplank.

Panorama of the winter Parking of boats and boats.

Soviet Navy 1961

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:49, published: 6/27/2016

Scene №1 Soviet Navy

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... Warships anchored.

Missile boats go to sea on alert.

Kind of missile boat from the stern going ahead.

Missile boats going to perform combat training missions.

Boats take their starting positions for shooting.

The crew of the torpedo boat during training and combat tasks.

Face boat commander.

View board a ...

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... schedule.

Trail running underwater torpedo.

The boats provide a torpedo salvo.

The torpedo is the goal.

A volley of missile boats.

Landings Marines armored vehicles.

Putting out a fire on board the ship.

Fire brigade extinguishes the fire.

The fire boat fills the source of fire.

Warship in the campaign ...


Stay NS Khrushchev and NA Bulganin in Yugoslavia 1955

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:58, published: 7/28/2016

Scene №1 Stay NS Khrushchev and NA Bulganin in Yugoslavia

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... the pier with boats standing in it (above).

NS Khrushchev, Bulganin, NA Tito and IB climb aboard a boat for a walk on the Adriatic Sea, the commander of the boat welcomes guests Khrushchev greets him by the hand.

The Yugoslav Navy aft sailing boats.

Tito, standing at the side of the boat shows Bulganin ...

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... the coastal cities of Bula, Rovinj, Tito, Khrushchev and Bulganin on board the boat to see the sights.

Naval Yugoslav flag on the stern of the boat.

The boat approaches the dock.

Khrushchev, Bulganin and Tito leaving the boat, go to the residence of Tito.

Tito at his residence talks with Bulganin and Khrushchev ...

Good luck, geologists! 1966

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:49:35, published: 4/15/2016

Reel №2

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... equipment into boats.

The geologists ' boats set off along the route.

Geologists are landing on the shore.

Panorama along the bank of the taiga river.

Rolling on the river.

Geologists are walking along the shore and dragging boats behind them.

Evening, geologists at the campfire.

A rubber boat on a rapid ...

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... rapid river.

One of the geologists on a rubber boat is trying to get around the threshold.

The man was thrown out of the boat into the water.

Comrades throw a rope to the drowning man.

We Are from the OSVOD (Humane Society). 1974

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:19, published: 11/14/2012


on one of the rivers.

Machine ambulance rushes to the aid choking the river man.

Rescuers-osvodovtsy (members of the Humane Society) watched from a boat for bathing in the river people.

Members of the Humane Society oversee specific areas of mass bathing at sea, in rivers, assist victims, take part in

Reel №1

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... meadow and the river - LS.

River landscapes - LS.

Kizhi Island - removed from the water.

Athlete water-skiing - MS., PNRM.

Crowded beach, people and boats in the water - LS. with movement

Beach in Sochi - LS.

People bathe in the displacer - LS.

Swimmers far displacer - MS.

Member emptied speaks into ...

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... - life threatening» - MS. with movement

Along the river is moving "Rocket» - CU., PNRM.

Boats on the river - MS.

A man floats on an inflatable mattress in front of "Rocket» - MS.

People were going to the boat drowned - MS., Hitting.

Victim make "artificial respiration» - CU.

Medical Bag - CU.

Litter ...

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... road - MS.

Along the river is a boat with members emptied - MS.

The movement of boats and boats at sea - LS. with a / t

Poster - traffic pattern boats, ships and boats - MS., CU., PNRM.

Duty osvodovets monitors - CU.

Pedal boats in the Forbidden Zone - MS.

Pedalo boat moors to - MS. with a / t

People ...

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... ride bikes, talk to osvodovtsami - CU.

Guard-boat pulls up to a swimmer emptied - MS.

Bathing climb on the boat - CU., PNRM.

Man floating on an inflatable mattress, lifted the boat emptied - LS., MS.

Swimmers who have broken the rules, about rescue boat - MS.

Violators are brought to the policeman ...

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... policeman on duty, they talk - MS., CU.

Beach in Sochi - LS.

Sea - LS.

Osvodovets duty in the boat - CU.

Photo of the founders of Water Rescue - MS.

Photos of the famous scientist and explorer Admiral Pos'eta - CU.

Photo: Monument to Admiral Makarov - MS.

Photo of the artist Ivan Aivazovsky - MS.

Photo ...

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... Voting - MS.

Boat with osvodovtsami on the Volga River - MS.

Duty osvodovets looking through binoculars - CU.

Alarm - CU.

And the doctor on duty osvodovtsy sit on the boat - MS.

The boat departs from the pier rescue station - LS.,

The boat turned over in the boat - LS.

With boats throw lifebuoys ...

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... lifebuoys - MS.

Upturned boat in the water - CU.

People pick up on the boat - MS.

The boat carries people and boat - MS.

People go to the boat dock - MS., PNRM.

On his rescue service said Nikolay Zubkov (synchronous) - CU.

The inscription "Street Filchenkova 2», PNRM. on cars - CU.

Rescue workers on ...


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... - MS.

The people at the stands emptied in the Kirov factory - MS., CU.

Building a holiday home of the Kirov factory (by the river) - LS.

Sailing boat - MS.

Reel №2

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... - MS.

Pool - LS.

Members sit at the table of sections for water safety voluntary national teams - MS., CU.

Combatants before manned - MS., PNRM.

Boat with warriors on the river - MS., PNRM., LS.

Pioneers are emptied at the stand, VFB talks with them - MS., CU., PNRM.

The inscription "OSVOD RSFSR ...

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... pool - MS.

Pouring water from a hose - CU., Poured into the pool - MS.

Children swim in the pool OSVOD-3 - CU., PNRM., MS.

The movement of boats and boats at sea - LS. with a / t

Summer camp, swimming pool in the camp - LS., PNRM., Hitting.

Swimmers in the pool - CU., MS.

The inscription "children's ...


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... "entourage" in the boat - MS.,

The guys with the flag on the beach.

Boys swimming - MS., Departure.

First-aid station on the beach, sitting next osvodovtsy - MS., CU.

Young osvodovtsy on the beach - MS., In the boat - MS.

River bike on a rural beach panorama - MS.

Fishermen in boats - LS.

Osvodovsky ...

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... osvodovtsy on the pier - MS., CU.

Boats depart from the pier with rescuers - LS.

Rescue boat - MS., PNRM.

Swimmers run into the water - MS.

The courses sandruzhinnits - MS., CU.

Studies of marine engineers small vessels - MS., CU.

Hands apart the motor - CU.

Boats at the dock - LS.,

Officer navigational ...

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... navigational and technical inspection equipment checks emptied boat - MS., CU., PNRM.

The boat departs from the pier - MS., PNRM.

Inspector on a boat, sailing boat - PNRM., MS.

Moor boat inspection - CU.

The boat comes to a fishing boat - MS.

The inspector checks the documents for fishermen - MS.

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... Kayaks are floating on the rough river - MS., LS., PNRM.

Competitions osvodovtsev: flag emptied, the panorama of the boat - CU.

Poster "Not a single victim water!» - CU.

Parade of boats emptied - LS., MS.

See the spectators - MS.

Foreign news footages № 53 1989

News, 27 parts, duration: 0:45:07, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №15 Repatriation of refugees by boat from Hong Kong to Hanoi.

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Repatriation of refugees by boat from Hong Kong to Hanoi (Vietnam).

Foreign news footages № 110 1985

News, 22 parts, duration: 0:38:01, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №5 Australia: Boat International Greenpeace sent to the coast of Antarctica

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Australia: Boat International Greenpeace sent to the coast of Antarctica

Excursion to Edmundslamp 1910-1919

Footage, 1 part, duration: 0:03:54, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №1


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... the bridge.

Kamnits mountain village, where you can reach only by boat.

Village Buildings.

Tourists in a boat.

River views.

The boat floats on the river.

Overhanging rocks, gorges.


Gorge with forested shore.

Boat with excursionists berth

Vietnam 1990-1999

News, 1 footage, duration: 0:36:09, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Vietnam

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Traffic on a boat on the bay views.


The boat on the water.

Sale of corals from the boat.

Sunset on the sea.

Boats with the Vietnamese flag at the pier.

The stones of unusual shape.

Vietnamese children.

Look Vietnamese.

Landscape at sunset.

Vietnamese is the buffalo.

Children are passing on a bicycle ...

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