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"Building" newsreels and historical clips

The Experiment Carried Out On Oneself. 1978

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:08, published: 11/14/2012


The city of Kaliningrad.

Experimental youth housing complex built in the aggregate housing stock of consumer services, leisure and entertainment activities for adults and children.

Sample apartment in one of the residential buildings of the complex.

Billiard room, youth club, sports hall, table orders


About experimental building of the youth building complex in Moscow Region.

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Buildings in Moscow 2004

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:09, published: 1/22/2018

Scene №1 Buildings in Moscow

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... Square and the Kremlin from the roof of the hotel "Moscow" (panoramic shooting).

The building of the Moscow City Hall from the hotel "Ukraine".

Moscow River.

High-rise building of the Foreign Ministry.

The building of the hotel "Ukraine".


Moscow to build 1946

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:06:01, published: 11/23/2012

Scene №1 Moscow to build

Building a house on the street.

Bitter about City Council building, movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the street.

Bitter and pl.


Cinema "Central".

New apartment house, drive cars with settlers.

Moving to a new home, unload the car.

Build on stilts 1966

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:01, published: 8/28/2014


The film tells about the advantages of a new method of building residential buildings on pile foundations and a new technique for driving piles.

Reel №1 Build on stilts

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Types of residential buildings under construction, cranes on construction.

Types of residential city blocks, houses and shops.

View of a typical cinema building.

Industrial landscapes.

Cracking columns of one of the oil refineries.

View of the lower part of the column.

View of the lower part of a panel ...

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... panel residential building.

Panorama of the construction site during the construction of the underground part of the building, the foundation (from above).

An excavator is digging a pit.

Backfilling of the soil with the help of dump trucks after the construction of the tape foundation.

A bulldozer on the ...


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... a construction site.

Operation of a highly mechanized pile-driving unit on a bridge unit.

The movement of the bridge unit on rails laid along the building under construction.

The movement of the copra on the bridge.

Installation of the next pile with the help of special devices that the coper is equipped ...

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... unit after driving piles.

Transportation of the unit by means of a trailer on pneumatic wheels.

Construction of a pile foundation of a residential building in Krasnoyarsk using a pile-driving installation.

Driving the pile.

A type of standard copra for driving piles.

Implementation of auxiliary processes ...


Reel №2

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Installation of reinforced concrete heads on driven piles.

Panorama of the pile foundation of a large-panel residential building.

The process of installing the grillage after installing the heads on the piles.

A welder at work.

Piles with grillages installed on the heads.

Panorama and views of the pile ...

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... foundation, comparison of pile and tape foundations (animation).

View of a five-storey residential building under construction.

New residential buildings standing along the city avenue.

View of a cowshed being built on a pile foundation in Bashkiria.

Panorama of the site with piles driven into the ground.

Interior ...


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... Metallurgical Plant.

View of the construction site of one of the buildings with piles driven into the ground.

Types of blast furnaces standing on stilts.

Drawings of the pile foundation.

Panorama of a part of the plant with buildings built on stilts.

A coal tower standing on stilts.

View of one of the ...


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... chemical enterprise and a construction site with piles driven into the ground.

Piles driven in for the construction of the foundation of a residential building.

Mozambique Builds Socialism. 1983

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:46:52, published: 9/10/2015


the Congress: Tanzania, Angola and Mozambique, etc.

Industry: construction of hydro Cabora - Bass, work ports Pemba, Maputo: foreign trade, carriage-building plant.

Reel №3

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The building of a military school.

Classes of young soldiers at a military training ground.

Says the head of the military school, Colonel Pedro Goy Goy.

The soldiers have guns.

Animation: Rotating Globe.

Map of Africa.

At the Congress, says the president of ZANU - Patriotic Front, the Prime Minister ...


Butovo district buildings 1994

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:21:22, published: 5/23/2013

Scene №1 Butovo district buildings

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... schemes of the Southern and Northern Butovo.

Cottage settlement in Butovo.

Construction site, working construction machinery.

Multi-storey residential buildings.

A construction worker.

New in Butovo - houses, schools, homes.

Panorama of under construction residential homes and other facilities (shot from the ...


Foreign news footages № 31 1986

News, 17 parts, duration: 0:28:25, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №16 USA - National Archives Building in Washington.

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USA - National Archives Building in Washington.

The building of the Patriarch's residence in Chisty Pereulok in Moscow 2003

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:01:53, published: 12/15/2017

Scene №1 The building of the Patriarch's residence in Chisty Pereulok in Moscow

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Scene №2 The building of the Patriarch's residence in Chisty Pereulok in Moscow

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Address plans for the building of the Patriarch's residence in Chisty Pereulok in Moscow.

Summer (overcast).

Advancing the building of the publishing house of the newspaper "Trud" 1979

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:24, published: 7/3/2015

Scene №1

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... Panorama on the building of "Trud".

Gathered in the street watching the preparations for shifting home.

Traffic on Gorky Street (Tverskaya Street).

Preparatory work.

The hand presses the button on the remote.

Watch the passers-by.

View of Pushkin Square from above.

Works equipment.

The building at the new ...

Fire in the building of the American Embassy in Moscow 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 1:09:14, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 The fire at the American Embassy

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Building "Moscow News".

Signs on the building.

"The Union of theatrical figures of the RSFSR", "Central House of Actors AA Yablochkina. "

From the roof of the water flows.

Fire trucks, ambulances.


The editors of the newspaper "Moscow News".

The sign "Head. department.

International Division ...


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... plug.

The shooting of the car.

Burning building of the U.S. Embassy.

The smoke from the roof.

Firefighters climb the stairs to the roof.

The crowd on the street, people observe the work of firefighters.

Fire trucks, hoses.

A fireman (many shots).

Burning building.

Firefighters run.

The flames from the ...


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