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"Sarmanovsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan" newsreels and historical clips

Collective farm "Tatarstan" of Rybnoslobodsky district 1990

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:38, published: 10/8/2021

Scene №1 Collective farm "Tatarstan" of the Rybnoslobodsky district

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Interrepublican newsreel № 6 1939

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:05:38, published: 5/3/2016

Reel №1

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1) of Tatarstan. "Games of 9 republics."

Militarized ski relay race for 10 km in the city of Kazan.

Winners - skiers CHASSR Burashnikov S. Burtsev A., Ivanov, skating competitions at the 1000 meters.

The winner - the skater from UASSR Nikolaev. 2) of Tatarstan. "For universal literacy."

School Adult ...

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... Adult illiteracy elimination at the first garment factory.

Assistant shift supervisor Rakhmatullina GG during operation. 3) of Tatarstan. "Towards the spring sowing."

Employees of the assembly shop Arsky MTM during repair of tractors. 4) MASSR. "Their future ...".

Pupils kindergarten Yoshkar-Ola during ...

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Of Tatarstan, MASSR

Soviet Tatarstan № 5 1938

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:15, published: 1/24/2017

Reel №1

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... the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, acting Chairman of the CEC of Tatarstan Dinmuhamedova.

2) Candidates for deputies of the RSFSR and TASSR. Election campaign in collective farm "Mars" Pestrechinsky district.

The conversation on election law Chairman Rick Matveeva I. I.

3) Kazan On fur ...

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... A. – candidate of VS of Tatarstan.

4) Election meeting landside urban district of the Stalin district.

The election of members of the Politburo, the Presidium, headed by I. V. Stalin, the Engineer of the Kazan depot best Stakhanovite Bobrov V. A. – candidate of VS of Tatarstan.

5) Meeting in Kazan in ...

Interrepublican newsreel № 17 1939

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:05:16, published: 5/3/2016

Reel №1

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1) of Tatarstan.

Kazan. "Youth - a horse."

Students Cavalry School Osoaviahima on practical exercises. 2) of Tatarstan.

Kalinin district.

Shepherd-order bearer.

G. Nigmatullin - shepherd, Commander of the Order of the Red Banner during a pasture and leisure. 3) UASSR. "Always on the alert."

Soldiers ...

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Soldiers, commanders, political work nicknames Osoaviahima camps during the theoretical exercises in the camp and practice - at the site. 4) of Tatarstan.

Kama Mouth. "Kultbaza conductors."

Vacationers kultbazy on vacation: boating, review of amateur performances kultbazy

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Of Tatarstan, UASSR

Soviet Tatarstan № 8 1938

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:06:52, published: 6/15/2016

Reel №1

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1) of Tatarstan. "560 hectares within 16 working days."

Combine Red-Kalchinskoe MTS Ibragimov Islam while working in the field.

2) of Tatarstan. "To the twentieth anniversary of the Leninist-Stalinist Komsomol". 3-I fur factory in Kazan.

Komsomol Shakirova R. Stakhanovite, Stakhanovite Fonaryov A., the ...

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... Brigadier Komsomol Ayupov M.

3) of Tatarstan. "Stakhanovite Seva".

Stolbischenskiy MTS. Field camp of the tractor unit order bearer Guseva V. Stakhanovite tractor Komsomolets Bulygin V. during field work.

4) of Tatarstan. "The start of the hunting season."

Kuibyshev district.

The members of the society Spartak ...

On the wide Volga № 10 2000

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:08:57, published: 7/26/2019


The issue is devoted to various aspects of the life of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Reel №1

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The first plenary session...

View of the building of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan.

View of the session hall.

Persons of the meeting participants.

Members of the Council vote by pressing the buttons.

The faces of the deputies.

Registration of participants in the election of the Speaker ...


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... film.

Presentation of honorary diplomas to employees of the Tatar Film Distribution during the anniversary meeting.

The oldest projectionist of the republic T. Zakirova accepts congratulations.

Components and assemblies of the movie projector.

Fragment of the x / movie "Winter Cherry-2".

View of new buildings ...

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The Republic of Tatarstan

Tatarstan № 28 2001

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:22, published: 1/14/2017

Reel №1

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Tatar language. "Election of the President of Tatarstan 25 March 2001".

Tatarstan President Mintimer Shaimiev and his wife, residents of Tatarstan at the polling station and participate in elections of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. "Artillery University - 60".

Kazan branch of the St.

Petersburg ...

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... building of officers and cadets of Kazan Artillery School.

Military laying garlands at the Monument of Glory.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Ilgiz Kalimullovich Khairullin, Head of Administration of Kazan Kamil Iskhakov Pashayev congratulated the military with the University Jubilee ...

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... officers and cadets are awarded valuable gifts.

The parade of officers and cadets of Kazan Artillery School.

25 years old to the first car "KamAZ".

Tatarstan President Mintimer Shaimiev in the shop "KAMAZ" plant in Naberezhnye Chelny assembly congratulates participants of the first "Kamaz", the leaders ...

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... Mataki Alekseevskogo area.

The concert of amateur artists in a rural House of Culture.

"Kazan photographers - Muscovites."

The exhibition of photos of Tatarstan photographers takes place in the Moscow photo center on Gogol Boulevard.

Visitors to the exhibition.

"Filmmakers Conference."

Filmmakers of the West ...

Interrepublican newsreel № 28 1940

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:05:52, published: 5/3/2016

Reel №1

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1) of Tatarstan. "On the eve of Stakhanovite."

Turner Mechanical Plant "Ilyich" Demidov SI during operation. 2) of Tatarstan. "Reconstruction of the Kazan Railway."

Repair work w / a web site on Agryz - Yanaul. 3) UASSR. "At the current collective farm."

current kolkhoz farmers to them.

Kirov Kambarka ...

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... Kambarka district during work and at play. 4) Kinoreportazh.

Gathering model aircraft dedicated to the Day of aviation in Cheboksary CHASSR. Yazhbahtinsky myasosovhoz UASSR

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Of Tatarstan, UASSR, CHASSR

Interrepublican newsreel № 2 1941

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:06:18, published: 5/3/2016

Reel №1

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1) of Tatarstan.

Kazan. "As part of the XVIII Party Conference of the CPSU (b)."

Working Yudinskogo depot - participants of socialist competition named XVIII All-Union Party Conference.

Prosvirin - Stakhanovite depot turners turning of wheel sets. 2) of Tatarstan. "Our candidates."

New Sheshminsky ...

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... Nat-Oktyabrsky district of a candidate for deputy chairman of the USSR Supreme Soviet of People's Commissars of Tatarstan Gafiatullin SH Menzelinsky constituency.

Meeting voters Art.

Agryz a candidate for deputy of the USSR Supreme People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of Tatarstan Morozov EM 3) of ...

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... of Tatarstan.

Kazan. "The duty of patriots."

Classes on PVHO at number 45 on the street right-Bulachnaya.

Enthusiast PVHO control home with Rykov passing banner Bauman Rayzhilupravleniya. 4) CHASSR. Cheboksary. "On the Christmas tree."

Christmas tree of the central pioneers home.

Welcome guests from ...


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Of Tatarstan, CHASSR

Interrepublican newsreel № 9 1939

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:04:09, published: 5/3/2016

Reel №1

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1) of Tatarstan. "Meritorious Award".

Commander of the Order of the Red Banner power complex techniques Gainullin AH, winner of the medal "For Labor" master of electrical Romanov IV during operation. 2) UASSR. "Pervomajskij gift".

Young plant Izhstal (Izhevsk) during training airmanship. 3) of Tatarstan ...

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... Tatarstan. "Decisions of the historic Congress - to the masses."

Agitator during the familiarization of the kolkhoz farmers' Tukai "Vysokogorsky district with decision XVIII Congress of the CPSU (b).

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Of Tatarstan, UASSR

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