You found 719 newsreels for query "Surface"

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"Surface" newsreels and historical clips

Sagittarius Black Sail 1991

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:49:56, published: 7/21/2014

Reel №3

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... WIG.

The winged flies over the water surface.

Alekseev aft boat watching the tests.

The winged over the water.

Alekseev aft boat.

Ekranoplanes different models above the water.

The winged starts in the snow.

Tests WIG in the snow.

The winged flies over the surface of the frozen river.

Testing of a new ...

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... Welders at work.

General view of the shop.

Photo Alexeev.

The prototype WIG water.

Engineer Sokolov observes test WIG.

The winged above the water surface.

Sokolov gives interviews (synchronously).

The winged docked (at the top).

WIG craft in tow.

The engineer talks about the creation of an experimental ...

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WIG crew in the cockpit.

The winged starts run.

WIG Wing in water.

The crew increased engine speed.

Engines WIG.

The winged flies over the water surface.

Engineers watching the start of WIG from the ship.

Flying winged.

The winged go into the bay.

The winged water.

Sokolov gives interviews (synchronously) ...


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... about the Alexeev (synchronously).

Sinitsyn DN gives interviews (synchronously).

Layouts WIG options on the table.

Swans taking off from the water surface.

Reel №5

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Test a small hovercraft "Volga-2".

Interior view of the cockpit.

The vessel is above the water surface.

Steering a ship cabin. "Volga-2" above the water surface.

Steering the ship operates.

The ship approaches the coast, stop at the site.

Those engineers CDB. Steering gets out of the cab.

One of the ...

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... winged "Swift" during factory test run.

Engineers monitor the progress of the tests. "Swift" flying over the surface of the water.

Engineers monitor the machine.

The winged flies over the water surface.

The pilot stands on the wing of WIG and waving after the test flight.

Heavy winged out of the water to ...

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... Members of the crew in the cockpit WIG.

The winged moves around the court to the bank.

The winged starts run on water.

The winged above the water surface.

The winged picks up speed, takes off.

Swans in the sky.

View of the Caspian coast and islands Chechen Island (above).

Bird's nest on a dead tree.


Automating the process of making original maps 1986

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:19, published: 3/24/2023

Reel №2

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... cartographic information from a computer.

A graph builder powered by a computer.

Projections used to translate information from the spherical surface of the Earth to the flat surface of the map (animation).

Training of future cartographers in the use of calculators and keyboard computers.

Lesson in the display class ...


Russian space № 17 2012

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:28:22, published: 3/2/2022

Reel №1

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... November 1970, the lunar surface was reached by the 8EL No. 203 spacecraft, better known as Lunokhod-1, which became a symbol of an entire epoch in space exploration.

Lunokhod-1 worked three times longer than the originally calculated resource.

During his stay on the surface of the Moon, he traveled ...

Repair of automotive engines. 1987

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:33, published: 2/27/2017

Reel №1


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... restored by metal surfacing.

Then the holes for the main bearings are drilled in one pass with cutters mounted on the side rods.

A cartoon showing the grinding of an engine part.

Worn and damaged cylinder surfaces are restored by boring to fit the repair size of the sleeves.

The inner surface of the sleeves ...

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... wear-resistant metal powders, which are welded to the surface of the sleeve by high-frequency currents.

As a result, a solid surface that does not require heat treatment is obtained.

Then the sleeves are drilled and brought to the nominal size by honing.

Surface quality check.

Finished sleeves.

The sleeves pressed ...


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... unacceptable, the necks are restored by surfacing.

The surfacing is performed under a layer of loose flux, which protects the arc burning zone and molten metal from oxygen and nitrogen in the air.


As a result, the surfacing received a hard wear-resistant surface.

After that, the connecting rod and ...


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... electrolysis.

During electrolysis, electrolytic iron builds up on the surface of the part, this method restores the lower hole of the connecting rod head.

After settling, the end surfaces of the connecting rod head are ground, and the inner surface of the hole is honed.

When the hole under the bushing of the ...


Reel №2

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... working chamfers of the plate are restored by surfacing.

Currently, plasma surfacing of hard alloys is used.

Valves after turning come to grinding.

In the rocker arm of the valves, the bushings wear out, which are replaced with new ones.

The worn spherical surface of the rocker sock is restored by grinding ...

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... heads are cracks, warping of the interface surface with the cylinder block, wear of holes in the valve guide bushings, weakening of the valve seats in the sockets.

Cracks and sinks are brewed, they can also be sealed with epoxy pastes, while the treated surface is thoroughly cleaned.

After solidification ...


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... the carburetor.

Cartoon explaining the main defects of the oil pump.

Details of the oil pump.

They are restored by the methods already listed.

The surface of the pump cover is restored by grinding.

Worn gears are replaced with new ones.

After repair and assembly, the oil pump is tested with the filter ...


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... stand goes through three stages of running-in.


Hot without load and hot under load.

At the last stage, the final preparation of the friction surface for the operation of the engine takes place.

Prepared engines.

The tractor pulls into the parking lot near the service station.

View of the truck parking ...

Repair and maintenance of highway bridges. 1984

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:48, published: 2/21/2017

Reel №1


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... fittings.

Damaged deformation seam.

Cartoon with an explanation of the work of the deformation seam.

Deformation seam on the surface of the bridge.

Pits and cracks on the surface of the bridge.

Examples of damage to the curb and fences of the bridge.

An overgrown riverbed in a floodplain span leads to ...

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... A worker paints the curb and railings of the bridge, cleans dirt from the surface of the bridge and inside the drainage pipes.

It is necessary to clean the slopes of bridges from plants.

The watering machine washes the surface of the bridge.

Testing of bridges and overpasses.

Static load tests.

Cars ...

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... Cars with cargo are being driven onto the bridge.

Devices are installed on the inner surface of the floors

to check the condition of the structure.

Measurement of internal tension of bridge floors with a strain gauge.

Measurement of the degree of deflection of the bridge under load by the Maximov deflection ...


Reel №2


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... of the repaired seam.

Road links perform bridge maintenance and maintenance work.

Repair of slopes.

Surface cleaning and repair.

A machine for cleaning concrete surfaces.

Cleaning of the concrete surface.

Then a cement-sand mortar is supplied under pressure.

It turns out a strong and durable coating.

Repaired ...

Over the moon "stone" 1976

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:16, published: 9/19/2014

Reel №1


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... (hitting).

PNRM. by craters and lunar formations.

Photos of the surface by the Soviet "Lunokhod".

Map of the moon, marks the spot where the ground was taken to Earth.

Scientists at the drawing board with the drawing.

Spacecraft on the surface (multrabota).

Assembly in the shop space station "Luna-24" and ...

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... the flight "Luna-24".

The station is moving over the surface of the moon, vertical landing, the beginning of drilling (multrabota).

The hand on the control switch.

The extraction process of the lunar soil, working mechanisms rig.

Start with the surface of the moon cover the ground in the direction of the ...


Trunks Under the Ground. 1971

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:28:44, published: 11/14/2012


Metropolitan cities: Baku, Tbilisi, Kiev, Leningrad, Moscow. Surface, underground subway station; decoration vestibules, underground subway stations.

Passengers on the escalator, in electric cars.

Post a centralized automatic train control.

Advance flight wagon Track geometry car.

Identification of defects

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Stars of Russia № 2 Rabbi. 1999

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:47, published: 11/14/2012


service in the synagogue.

Sacred book - the Torah.

Rabbi Kogan talks about his life before and after the restructuring in Russia.

Newsreel: dive, surfacing submarine, the periscope of a submarine under the water, sailors stand on a submarine during a military parade in the city


Reel №1

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Submarines are surfacing.

The rabbi of the synagogue on Bolshaya Bronnaya Street in Moscow, I. Kogan (a former Soviet engineer-designer of control systems for nuclear submarines) tells his life (synchronously).

The synagogue building.

A rabbi reads prayers during a service in the synagogue.

Jewish believers ...

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... Conducting religious ceremonies during the service in the synagogue.

The holy book is the Torah.

The footage is interspersed with the diving and surfacing of a submarine; the periscope of a submarine under water; sailors standing on a submarine during a military parade in Leningrad

A selection of early Italian paintings 1910-1919

Footage, 4 parts, duration: 0:12:04, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №1

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... near Naples.




Fishing schooner.

Island with caves.


Sea shore.

Rocky Island.

The sea with a lighthouse.

Water surface

Foreign newsreels № 274 1958

News, 7 footages, duration: 0:07:01, published: 11/3/2016

Scene №1

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The troops of Chiang Kai-shek sent to the territory of mainland China balloons with Lithuanian propaganda content.

On the surface the balls are also written slogans.

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