You found 5526 newsreels for query "s wort"

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"s wort" newsreels and historical clips

Investigation Caution children. 1998

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:10:05, published: 7/28/2016


Kolesnikov S.

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Investigation Drugs: Nigerian network. 1998

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:10:14, published: 7/28/2016


Kolesnikov S.

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Marshal S. K. Timoshenko 1940-1941

Footage, 7 footages, duration: 0:01:49, published: 6/1/2020

Scene №1 Marshal S. K. Timoshenko

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Marshal S. K. Timoshenko at work in the people's Commissariat of Defense.

Includes reports of G. K. Zhukov.

Scene №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Marshal S. K. Timoshenko at work in the office of the people's Commissariat of Defense, talks with Zhukov.

Scene №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Marshal S. K. Timoshenko at work in the office of the people's Commissariat of Defense, talks with Zhukov.

What is C. V. S. 1990

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:29, published: 10/4/2016

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

S-elements with metallic properties 1981

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:47, published: 5/9/2023


The film describes the S-elements of the first and second groups of the main sub-groups, i.e. alkali and akaline-earth metals.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... элементов Д.И. Менделеева.

Выделены 14 S-элементов.

Они расположены в главных подгруппах 1 и 2 групп.

S-элементы во внешнем электронном S подуровне имеют 1 или 2 валентных электрона.

S-элементы водород и гелий типичные неметаллы.

В данном фильме рассматриваются S-элементы имеющие металлические свойства ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... относятся S-элементы щелочные металлы.

К S-элементам 2 группы главной подгруппы относятся металлы бериллий, магний, и щелочноземельные металлы.

Название щелочные и щелочноземельные металлы обусловлены щелочным характером их гидроксида, приведены химические формулы.

Демонстрируется расположение в атоме S-элементов ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... свойства S-элемента.

S-элементы первой группы главной подгруппы имеют один валентный электрон.

S-элементы второй группы главной подгруппы имеют по 2 валентных электрона.

Электроны внешнего квантового слоя слабее связаны с ядром атома чем электроны внутренних энергетических уровней.

Атомы S-элементов ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... определяется ионизационным потенциалом.

С возрастанием порядкового номера S-элементов в пределах подгруппы атомные радиусы растут и способность атомов отдавать электроны увеличивается.

Ионизационный потенциал понижается, металлические свойства S-элементов усиливается.

Франций и радий являются радиоактивными элементами ...










Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Перечень химических соединений, которые образуют S-элементы.

Перечень S-элементов, наиболее часто встречающиеся в земной коре.

В природе S-элементы в свободном состоянии не встречаются.

Перечень соединений, в которых находятся S-элементы в природе.

Растения, для жизнедеятельности которых необходимы эти ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... железнодорожных платформ рудой.

Из этих природных соединений получают S-элементы.

Мультфильм, поясняющий технологию получения металлического натрия.

Мультфильм, поясняющий технологию получения натрия в виде амальгамы.

Металлические S-элементы получают термическим способом, путем восстановления их актива ...






Легирующие добавки.

Химические источники тока.



Ядерный процесс.

Activities Of S. M. Kirov 1933

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:22, published: 9/2/2016

Scene №1 Activities Of S. M. Kirov

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Soviet Sport № 2 In the arena sprint. 1983

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:55, black-white, published: 3/25/2014

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Photos S.


Cyclists on the cycle track.

TV cameraman shoots.

Watching fans.

World champion in cycling S.

Kopylov trains on a stationary bike.

Coach S.

Maksimov oversees training.


Kopylov ready to start.

Views S.


Competition cyclists on the screen.


Kopylov finish.


Maksimov meets ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... meets S.

Kopylov at the finish.

Apartment Interior SA Kopylova.


Kopylov with parents, wife and son at home.

Wife S.

Kopylov hangs on the wall of the coin.

Passing members of the traditional winter cyclocross.

Mom Sergey Kopylov with regard grandchild album of family photos.

AS Kopylov, and coach C ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... on the pier.


Maximov tells the story of Sergei Kopylov (synchronously).


Kopylov in training: does squats, long jump.


Maksimov oversees training athlete.

Trained group of cyclists on the highway, S.

Kopylov among cyclists.


Kopylov looks in the mirror, shaves off his mustache.


Kopylov before ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... before the start.


Maximov is a bicycle.


Kopylov on cycle track during the race.


Maximov watching competitions.


Maksimov meets S.

Kopylov at the finish.


Kopylov show won them a medal.

AS Kopylov, at a distance - different plans.

Two stories about memory. (Getting to know the secrets of the brain) 1982

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:23, published: 4/6/2023


Participating academicians N. P.Bekhtereva and D. S.


Movie №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Academician D. S.

Likhachev in his office (synchronously) about what memory is.

Academician N. P. Bekhtereva (synchronously).

The structure of the human brain.


Brain cells under a microscope.

Photos of D. S.


D. S.

Likhachev on the moral significance of memory (synchronously).

Pushkin's ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... Svyatogorsky Monastery.

The grave of A. S.


Paintings depicting people in a swoon.

N. P. Bekhterevaa (synchronously) about his research.


Laboratory of Brain Physiology.

Registration of the activity of nerve cells.

Photos of D. S.


D. S.


An album with ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology.

Experiments on animals.

Photos of D. S.


D. S.

Likhachev in his office.

An Old Russian book.

Frescoes, icons.

N. Bekhtereva (synchronously).

Photos from the Likhachev family album.

D. S.

Likhachev (synchronously).

Bezrodnaya 2010

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:26:57, published: 11/10/2012


Shapovalov (sync) Kr.

Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) Kr.

Musicians on stage, rehearsal Wed

Two orkestrantki Kr.

Violinist Kr.

Violin Kr.


Bezrodnaya Wed

Hand violinist Kr.

From ZTM Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) Kr.

Auditorium, a man sits Wed

Ass man on the background of seats Kr.

Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) Kr.

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Woman powders her face CU.

Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) CU.

Play violinist MS.

However, others plan MS.

Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) MS.

Photo of ZTM Orchestra PNRM. MS.

From ZTM photo S.

Bezrodnaya (departure) MS.

Says A. Permyakova (sync) MS.

Women MS.

Viewers MS.

The audience in the lobby of MS ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... bouquet of CU.

Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) MS.

Photos (departure) MS.


Photo (departure) MS.

Photo by S.

Bezrodnaya and orchestra (departure) MS.

Orkestrantka MS.

Violinist CU.

Picture Orchestra MS.

Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) CU.

Photo by S.

Bezrodnaya (hitting) MS.

Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... (sync) CU.

Photo (zoom) MS.

Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) in ZTM CU.

From ZTM photo (zoom) MS.

NPL photo (Departure) in ZTM MS.

From ZTM Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) CU.

Photos (departure) MS.

NPL photo (zoom out) MS.

NPL photo (zoom) MS.

NPL photo (zoom out) MS.

NPL photo (zoom out) MS.

NPL photo (zoom ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... MS.

NPL photo S.

Bezrodnaya (departure) MS.

NPL photo (zoom) in the ZTM MS.

From ZTM Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) CU.

Orchestra Rehearsal PNRM. MS.

Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) MS.

The orchestra plays PNRM. MS.

Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) CU.

The woman behind the drums PNRM. MS.

Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... (sync) CU.

Yehudi Menuhin CU.

Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) CU.

Pass S.

Bezrodnaya MS.

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) in ZTM CU.

Sings of ZTM man (sync) PNRM. on C. BEZRODNY CU.

Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) CU.

Orchestra Rehearsal MS.

Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) CU.

Photo (zoom) MS.

Etc. photo (zoom) MS.

Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) CU.

Rehearsal MS.

Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) CU.


Bezrodnaya ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... MS.

Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) CU.

Rehearsal is S.

Bezrodnaya PNRM. the singer (sync) MS.

Says A. Permyakova (sync) MS.

Rehearsal singer (sync) MS.

Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) CU.

Igor Butman and orchestra LS.

Saxophone CU.

Plays Igor Butman MS.

Igor Butman and orchestra LS.

Says S.

Bezrodnaya ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... Bezrodnaya (sync) CU.

Igor Butman and orchestra LS.

Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) CU.

Plays Igor Butman (departure) MS.

Igor Butman and S.

Bezrodnaya MS.

Orchestra LS.

A spectator gives flowers I. Butman LS.

Spectator kisses Igor Butman MS.

Auditorium PNRM. LS.

Says D. Shapovalov (sync) MS.

Says D. Shapovalov ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... Shapovalov (sync) CU.

Plays D. Shapovalov MS.


Bezrodnaya CU.

Musician CU.

Says A. Permyakova (sync) MS.

Says S.

Bezrodnaya (sync) MS.

Plays S.

Bezrodnaya CU.

NPL is the same as another plan MS.

Woman CU.

Plays S.

Bezrodnaya (departure) MS.

Says A. Permyakova (sync) MS.

On the scene with the ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... the song goes Folk Choir (sync) LS.

Soloist singing chorus (sync) MS.

The orchestra (sync) MS.


Bezrodnaya against choristers (Departure) (sync) MS.

Says S.

Bezrodnaya in ZTM (sync) MS.

Goalkeepers. 2004

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:26:00, published: 11/10/2012


Miklashevskiy S.


About the best goalkeeper of the national football: A. Khomich, L. Yashin, V. Maslachenko, S.

Cherchesove, Victor and Vyacheslav vats I. Akinfeeve, V. Malofeyeva, Nigmatullin and S.


Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Training goalkeeper S.

Ovchinnikov - MS., NPL.

PNRM. with the goalkeeper with the ball at his feet - MS.

Goalie training - LS. (With collisions).

Ovchinnikov throws the ball his hands - MS.

Ovchinnikov falls and catches the ball - MS.

Runs Ovchinnikov - CU., PNRM.

Ovchinnikov hits the ball - LS ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... jumps - MS.

Ovchinnikov runs the ball - MS.

Ovchinnikov screams - MS. (Back).

Ovchinnikov runs back, running at the gate - MS., PNRM.

PNRM. upside S.

Ovchinnikov - CU.

The game on the field - LS. (From left).

Ovchinnikov after the grid - CU., PNRM.

Ovchinnikov at the net - MS.

Playing at the gate ...


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