You found 55 newsreels for query "Broom"

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"Broom" newsreels and historical clips

Ostland Woche № 23845 1943

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:14:05, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №2


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... soldiers are boards on the beach, build them from the winter houses, draped them with moss, output chimney on the roof.

The soldiers are building brooms from twigs, brush their territory.

Officer soldiers poured in a spoon of fish oil, they drink, frowning.

Colonel General Eduard Dietl passes for ...


You entrusted the life of a passenger 1974

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:31, published: 7/24/2014

Reel №2


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... the transportation of people in the back, talks to the driver.

Panorama of the bus park.

A taxi is coming.

The janitor on the street sweeps with a broom, cars are driving along the road.

Master № 4 Stories about animals. 1997

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:07, black-white, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №1


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... strew garbage - MS.

Elephant's trunk - MS.

Volodya is tank - LS.

Serge, the elephant - CU.

Pasha is a tank of debris, PNRM. at Sergei.

Volodya with a broom - CU.

Volodya and Pasha clean room - LS.

Scoop with garbage - CU.

Volodya is tank - MS.

Muzzle elephant - CU.

Volodya driven cart with garbage - LS ...


Sight 12.10.1998 1998

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:45:10, published: 2/20/2017

Reel №1

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The plot of "The protests on October 7".

Video chronicles: brass band plays, people are protesting slogans, is a man with a broom on his shoulder.

A participant of the protest march Olga Konovalova on the go gives an interview about the reasons for their participation in the campaign and about the spiritual ...


The history of the Soviet cinema 1925-1939

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:12:03, published: 9/24/2019

Scene №1 The history of the Soviet cinema


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... the orchestra, film in the drum of the projector.

Waking up homeless, the hand rotates the handle camera.

The camera lens.

A woman sweeping with a broom tram tracks.

The blinds on the window.

Buses leave on a line from the bakhmetevsky bus depot.

Cinema poster.

Girl sleeping on the bench, passing by ...


Tonwoche № 556 1942

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:31, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1


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... Latvia.

Picture of awakening of nature, of melting snow.

Women walk past flowering trees.

Spring cleaning of the peasants from their houses with brooms clean the streets, poured water from a hose.

The woman washes a window, the girl wipes her chair, mistress emboss coat.

Exhibition of applied art ...


Tonwoche № 655 1944

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:13:31, published: 4/15/2016

Reel №1


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... in Dresden.

Jumping into the water in the pool.

The holiday ends with humorous numbers.

Jumping man in a funny pose, a woman in a skirt and with a broom in his hand.

Figure diving young girls perform their pieces: the water rose, the wheels.

The third time there in Montmartre French champions of cycling ...


Grille 1996

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:18, published: 2/26/2017

Reel №1


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... A chickadee on a tree branch.

Blurred figures of passers-by behind barred glass.

People pass by the corner of the house, there is a janitor with a broom.

A man and a woman pass under an umbrella.

People are walking under umbrellas.

Parents carry a stroller with a child covered with an umbrella.

A woman ...


Tonwoche № 639 1943

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:13:43, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №2


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... construction.

Finnish soldiers carry the Board to the shore, build their winter houses, they draped with moss, remove the pipe on the roof.

Soldiers make brooms of twigs, clean the territory.

The officer pours soldiers in tablespoons of fish oil, they drink, wincing.

Colonel-General Dietl inspects military ...


Self catering in school. 1983

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:43, published: 3/6/2017

Reel №1

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... the classroom, on the door there are traces of the Shoe.

The inscriptions on the backs of the benches.

The duty of the disciple sweep debris with a broom under their desks.

The view of the school building.

First-graders go into the lobby in support of the teacher.

Stands of billboards on the walls of ...


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