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"Olkhon island" newsreels and historical clips

Red quadrate 09/12/1992 1992

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:23:35, published: 2/20/2018

Reel №1

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... about the reasons for the postponement of Boris Yeltsin's visit to Japan, relations between the countries and the issue of the Kuril Islands.

The plot of the Kuril Islands.

Ambartsumov Eugene, Narochnitskaya Natalia, Lukin Vladimir, Migranyan Andranik talk about the consequences of the postponement of ...

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... Yeltsin's visit and Japan's position in the negotiations.

Sirenko Victor talks about the attitude of Sakhalin residents to the problem of the Kuril Islands.

Foreign newsreels № 4311 1975

News, 18 footages, duration: 0:26:00, published: 8/2/2019

Scene №7

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Greece-A demonstration of the inhabitants of the villages of the island of Eubel against the participation of a former member of the British Parliament in the control group over the island.

May 18, 1975

Mystery of the Kuril Islands 1989

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:27:04, published: 4/21/2014


The film tells the story of the discovery and development of the Kuril Islands.

Reel №1 Mystery of the Kuril Islands

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Landscapes of the Kuril Islands (panorama).

The tops of the hills.

Coastal seascape.

Game shots: the clerk of the Siberian order writes "Denunciation from the East".


the deacon continues to write.

The historian tells about the daily life of the inhabitants of the Japanese islands in the 18th century ...


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... one of the Kuril Islands, discovered by Kozyrevsky.

Drawings depicting the life of the Ainu on the Kuril Islands.

Surf on the seashore, a panorama of a part of the coast.

Mountain landscape, clouds over mountain peaks, the top of an active volcano.

Mountain waterfall on the Kuril Islands.

Birds fly over ...

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... The first map of the Kuril Islands, compiled by Kozyrevsky.

Old geographical maps.

The bowsprit of a sailboat running along the shore.

Views of the Kamchatka coast.

Views and panorama of the coastal cliffs.

The raising of the St.

Andrew's flag on one of the northern islands of the Kuril Ridge.

Reel №2

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... ship of the Yevreinov expedition along the Kuril Islands, south to Kunashir, then north to Paramushir (animation).

A drawing depicting Peter I listening to the report of Evreinov and Luzhin about the expedition.

Map of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands, compiled by Evreinov and Luzhin.

Sailing ships are ...

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... are sailing.

The ship's bell.

Panorama of the coast of one of the Kuril Islands.

Paintings by Japanese artists depicting the daily life of the Japanese.

View of the coast of one of the Kuril Islands, St.

Andrew's flag on the hillside.

Kuril landscapes, views of volcanoes.

Panorama of one of the hot springs ...

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... a rider rides in the distance.

Sea surf.

The historian tells about the relationship between the Japanese and the Russians who arrived on the Kuril Islands (synchronously).

Portrait of Japanese cartographer Mogami Tokunai.

Japanese engravings.

View of a part of the sea shore.

Wooden Orthodox cross on the ...

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... stones.

Fishing net on stakes.

The dog lies in the shadow of an overturned boat.

View of the sea shore, the boat goes along the shore.

Landscapes of the island of Urup.

Smoking fish.

A pot with an ear on the fire.

Fishing nets on the shore.

Coastal landscape (panorama).

Types of coastal rocks.

Panorama of ...

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... heading for the island.

The historian tells about Nikolai Rezanov's round-the-world expedition and his contribution to the development of the Kuril Islands, about the reluctance of the Japanese authorities to establish trade relations with Russia, about Rezanov's order to clear the Kuril Islands (synchronously) ...

Reel №3

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The bowsprit of a sailboat heading for shore.

Coastal landscape of the island of Urup.

Broken wooden crosses.

The sailboat opens artillery fire on the shore of the island of Iturup.

A burning pillar with Japanese characters.

Burning wooden building, coastal landscape.

Sea surf, panorama of the coast ...

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... coast.

Game footage: the officer tells about the fate of naval officers Khvostov and Davydov, who destroyed the Japanese administration on the Kuril Islands (synchronously).

A candle stub on the wall, an atlas and nautical charts on the table.

Game footage: Russian sailors from the crew of Captain Golovnin ...


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... text of the report of Admiral Putyatin to Nicholas I.

Kuril Islands on the geographical map.

Sheets of the first Russian-Japanese treaty on the borders of the Kuril Islands, concluded by Putyatin on January 25, 1855.

Coastal cliffs of Iturup Island.

View of the Alexander Column on Palace Square in Leningrad ...

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The text of the Russian-Japanese treatise of April 25, 1875 on the transfer of the Kuril Islands to Japan in exchange for the renunciation of Japan's claims to Sakhalin.

Coastal landscapes of the Kuril Islands.

Mountain and coastal landscapes, views of active volcanoes.

Horizon № 22 1980

Newsreel, 4 parts, duration: 0:35:08, published: 6/16/2014

Reel №1

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Kinoalmanah consists of three plots.

First part.

1 st story.


Laboratory of the Department of Zoology of Vertebrates of Moscow State University.

A laboratory employee listens to a tape recording with the voices of animals.

Candidate of biological sciences Tatyana Lisitsyna, who studies ...

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... of walruses, seals.

View of Arakamchechen Island in the Bering Sea.

Rookery of walruses. T. Lisitsyna takes pictures of animals, records the voices of animals on the tape recorder.

Walruses in the sea.

View of the island. T. Lisitsyna near the tent on the island wrote in a notebook.

Giornale Luce № 208 1942

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:01, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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... the area.

Poglavnik speech, facing the soldiers and officers

The island of Borneo.

The Japanese fleet produces landing in the north of the island.

The artillery bombardment of the island.

Landscapes Borneo.

Genre scenes of island life.

Entograficheskie types

Battle in the Mediterranean.

Loading ...


Horizon № 9 1975

Newsreel, 4 parts, duration: 0:38:29, published: 6/16/2014

Reel №4

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Four part.

4 plot.

The plot tells of the island of Kerguelen in the Indian Ocean.

View of the island from the sea.

Snowy mountain peaks, rocky shores.

Bird colonies on the island: golden-headed penguins, blue-eyed cormorants, royal penguins, etc.

Rookery of sea elephants.

Sea elephants on the shore, ...

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... helicopter is on the landing.

The sea elephants lie next to the construction site, where the machinery works.

The cameraman takes pictures of birds on the island.

Men on the shore photograph the sea elephant.

A Republic In the Ocean. 1977

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:55, published: 11/14/2012


The film tells the Cape Verde Islands: Landscapes of the islands.

Festive meeting in the capital - the city of Praia, 5 July 1975 dedicated to the liberation from colonial oppression.

Meeting the President of the Republic of Cape Verde and chairman of the State Council of Guinea-Bissau - Arshtidisa PereiraPereira and Luis Cabral.

Types of the island of Santiago and the house where he lived L. Cabral.

Kindergarten city of Praia, on the walk, while games, musical studies, while bathing in the sea.

Life and life of one of the inmates of the boarding school.

Construction in the republic of new buildings,buildings.

Types of the island of São Vicente.

Life and life on the island.

Types of Fogo Island, the city of San Felipe.

Classes on the island cattle.

Salt mining on the island of Salt.

Types of the island of Santiago and the capital - the city of Praia.

Cultivation of coffee on the island of Fogo and vegetablesvegetables in the State Agribusiness Monte Zhenebra.

Types of Mindelo in the port city of Mindelo on the island of São Vicente.

Loading and unloading in port.


A film is about the young republic "Cape Verde Islands" which won its independence in July of 1975.

Reel №1

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... Faces of lads and ladies.

A map of Africa.

The islands of the Green Cape.

Views of the islands – palms, stones.

Walls of a fortress, cannons.

Monuments at the places of execution of the fighters against colonialism.

Patriots of Guinea-Bisau and the Islands of the Green Cape are standing in a line up, shooting ...

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... shooting in bushes, walking by; explosions.

The First President of the Islands of the Green Cape, the Head Secretary of the African Party of Independence of Guinea and the Islands of the Green Cape (APIGIGC) Aristide Pereira is standing among the people at the solemn meeting in the country’s capital ...

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... are walking along the honored guards’ line up.

A portrait of the founder of the APIGIGC Amilkar Kabral.

The house in Santa-Katarina at the Santiago Island, where A. Kabral lived.

Children in a kinder garden: sledding, teetering, playing a puppet theater, dancing; faces; governesses are clapping.

Children ...

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... tap; women are carrying stones and cement on their heads.

A building of a hotel.

A sea scenery, a coastline.

People on a motor ship.

Views of the islands: San-Vicenti, Boavishta (sand and palms).

People with faggots are passing by, children with a small donkey.

People are riding on donkeys along a street ...

Reel №2

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Atlantic Ocean, a swash.

Fogu Island, a volcano.

Herds of goats on the volcano’s slope.

Views of the island.

Different perspectives of the streets of San-Filippe.

The Sol Island covered with salt, a dog is running on salt.

Salt mining – mechanical and manual; trolleys are passing by, salt is spattering ...

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... spattering.

The international airport named after Amilkara Kabrala.

The airport’s signboard.

Santyagu Island, views of the streets of Praya.

The island scenery, houses on the mountains slopes.

The state plantation San-Jorge; countrymen are working.

A scenery of the highland region Fogu.

A coffee plantation ...

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... water.

A desaltation plant; men are working.

The industrial centre of San-Visenti Island – the Mindelu harbor; a report around the city.

Dockers are working at the harbor.

The harbor.

A flag of “The Green Cape Islands” state is waving.

A bird flies.

Guitar players are performing at the seashore.

Faces ...

Military conflict in the island Damanski 1969

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:32, published: 2/23/2013

Scene №1 Military conflict in the island Damanski

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Damansky Island

Rybkin in the Kuriles 1994

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:36:23, published: 9/5/2018

Scene №1 Rybkin in the Kuriles

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... the Sakhalin region.


Ivan P. Rybkin, chairman of the State Duma of the first convocation, comes out of the helicopter.


View of the islands from a helicopter.

Rybkin met military officials.

Visit Sakhalin Garrison (Army).

Rybkin talking to a soldier.

The dining room of the garrison, communication ...

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... communicating with buyers.

Interviews with residents of the Kuril Islands

(The problem of "forgotten Russian territory").


Women with children in the aircraft hold.

Rybkin out of the plane.

Interview with Rybkin fate Kuril Islands;

on political and economic issues (synchronously).

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk ...


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Kurile Islands

Foreign newsreels № 2869 1971

News, 8 footages, duration: 0:11:39, published: 1/24/2014



Spain - The town of La Mancha.


Statues of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza.

Island of Curaçao (Dutch possession) - Reports of the Polish operator.

Greece - Winter in Greece.

Tourists on the island of Rhodes.

Thailand - A report from Bangkok.

A traditional winter fair.

Scene №1

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Tourism tourists on the island of Rhodes.

Attraction island.

Bazaar, a restaurant, a beach hotel.

Ship at sea.

Scene №6

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Curacao (Dutch possession) - Reports.

Types of islands, passersby on the street selling fruit

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