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"Republic of Dagestan village Kubachi" newsreels and historical clips

Daily News / A Chronicle of the day № 17 1956

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:10, black-white, published: 11/14/2012


Lenin's birth.

Speakers: Voroshilov, D. Shepilov.

The first commandant of the Kremlin PD Mal'kov in the Kremlin talks with a group of farmers from the village of Kashino Volokolamsky district, Moscow region, carrying out their tour of the Kremlin.

Cabinet of Lenin in the Kremlin.


In the port cityMeeting in Moscow, polar explorers, returning from the drifting station North Pole-4 "and" North Pole-5. The arrivals - Papanin.

Type Dagestani village Kubachi.

Master engraver for engraving silverware.

Black Sea coast of Caucasus.

Vacationers bathe in the sea, sunbathing, boating.


Type observatory

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... Lenin's birth.

Speakers: Voroshilov, DT Shepilov.

2. The first commandant of the Kremlin PD Malkov the Kremlin talks with a group of farmers from the village of Kashino Volokolamsk, Moscow Region, provide them with a tour of the Kremlin.

Cabinet of Lenin in the Kremlin.

3. UK. In the port city of Portsmouth ...


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... Meeting in Moscow explorers returning from the drifting station "North Pole-4" and "NP-5." Among those who arrived - ID Papanin.

9. View Dagestani village Kubachi.

The master engravers for engraving silverware.

10. The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

Holidaymakers swimming in the sea, sunbathe, ride the ...


Don Republic 1918

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:06:53, published: 2/16/2013

Scene №1 Don Republic

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Czech Republic 1993-1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 1:40:43, published: 11/19/2013

Scene №1 Czech Republic

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Prague (Czech Republic)

Daily News / A Chronicle of the day № 16 1972

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:38, black-white, published: 3/25/2014



Leonid Brezhnev, NV Podgorny take in the Kremlin, the members of the delegation of the Federal Assembly of Czechoslovakia, headed by A. Indra. Dagestan.

Construction alpine hydropower plant on the river Sulak.

A meeting of teachers and students of the Moscow Pedagogical Institute named after Lenin Kazakhstan.

Machine-farm Sverdlov Chimkent field check equipment before sowing.

Northern cereal farm fields.

Khanty-Mansi National District, the village Kazim. 34 th Olympiad herders.

Competitions racing reindeer herders in harnesses.

Winners of the competition.

Tourists-cavers Novosibirsk Akademgorodok

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... Leonid Brezhnev, NV Podgorny take in the Kremlin, the members of the delegation of the Federal Assembly of Czechoslovakia, headed by A. Indra.

[_] 3. Dagestan.

Construction alpine hydropower plant on the river Sulak.

[_] 4. A meeting of teachers and students of the Moscow Pedagogical Institute named after ...

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... Sverdlov Chimkent field check equipment before sowing.

North grain on farm fields.

[_] 6. 34th Olympiad herders

Khanty-Mansi National District, the village Kazim.

Competition reindeer racing harnesses reindeer.

The winners of the competition.

[_] 7. Tourists-cavers Novosibirsk Akademgorodok Torgashinskuyu ...


Our region № 27 1967

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:19, published: 10/24/2016

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1. "Smolensk Lidice" (Village of Markovo) 2. Bryansk region, Gmina Lubochnia village -.

Golovacheva homeland brigade commander, pioneers, 3. Bryansk..

The rally at the Mound of Immortality. 4. Bryansk.

Awarding the Order of Lenin Bryansk region., 5. Yaroslavl.

School № 2, study, exhibition of technical ...

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... Vologda.

The newspaper "Krasny Sever" M.Uvalentov worker correspondents. 7. Kaliningrad.

Nurse A.Ganeva, presentation of awards of the Polish People's Republic 26 years. 8. Smolensk.

Amateur sculptor Shmatko.

Cinematheque: partisans, the Germans fight.

here and now 09/14/1999 1999

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:18:36, published: 2/20/2018

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... speaks about taking tough measures to combat ethnic criminal groups.

Magdigadjiev Ahmetnabi says that an anti-terrorist operation is being conducted in Dagestan.

Zubov Igor about the liquidation of bandit formations in Chechnya and taking measures to prevent terrorist attacks.


Nikolayevich - Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Magdigadjiev Ahmetnabi Davudovich - Secretary of the Security Council of Dagestan.

Panorama № 18 1986

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:12, published: 12/16/2017

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... Lenin.

2. Komi Republic ACCA. Construction of the Syktyvkar-Kirov highway, a shift settlement of builders.

3. Radio and television station "Volga", in the TV studio, a new TV mast.

4. Kirov region, the village of Rechnoy.

A radio station and a computer made by schoolchildren.

The village of Kumeny, a circle ...


here and now 02/17/2000 2000

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:08:57, published: 2/20/2018

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... filtration camps on the territory of Chechnya.

SVYastrzhembsky answers questions about the SIZO in the village of Chernokozovo.

Statistics of migration of the population as a whole in the republic.

The Portrait of the Streets. 1989

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:10:45, published: 11/10/2012


The film tells the story of Mohammed Shalilove - policeman in Dagestan, who arrived in Moscow hoping to find a justice to his superiors, who pursues his integrity and honesty.

The film was filming the following: M. Shalilova walk on the Old Arbat, his conversation with the artists and musicians working


About the policeman from Dagestan Magomed Shamilov, who came to Moscow in search of justice.

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Arbat Street.

A painter is drawing.

Painter’s face.

Magomed Shamilov (a militiaman from Dagestan).

An artist is painting a portrait of Shamilov.

Street musicians.

An empty milk package.


A violinist.

Shamilov is standing by the sigh saying “Fotostudia Arbat” [“Arbat Photo Studio”].

Shamilov ...


On the wide Volga № 33 1983

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:19, published: 6/10/2016

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... is profitable.

Harvested hops.

Director of the farm "Viski" Gennady Fyodorov.

Helioporacea station.

3. CHASSR. "Theatre village".

The meeting of artists with the workers of the village in the regional party.

The opening of the festival in the theater.

A festive concert.

People's artist of the RSFSR, actress ...

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... actress of the Moscow theater of satire Vera Vasilieva in the city of Cheboksary.

Amateur farm team of the Chuvash Republic on stage.

The House of culture.

The play goes on.

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