You found 3754 newsreels for query "The Republic of Dagestan"

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"The Republic of Dagestan" newsreels and historical clips

Call from Russia 1994

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:29:36, published: 8/18/2014

Reel №1

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Russians in Kyrgyzstan, former Soviet Republics

Reel №2

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Russians in Kyrgyzstan, former Soviet Republics

Reel №3

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Russians in Kyrgyzstan, former Soviet republics

Don Republic 1918

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:06:53, published: 2/16/2013

Scene №1 Don Republic

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Czech Republic 1993-1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 1:40:43, published: 11/19/2013

Scene №1 Czech Republic

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Prague (Czech Republic)

here and now 09/14/1999 1999

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:18:36, published: 2/20/2018

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... speaks about taking tough measures to combat ethnic criminal groups.

Magdigadjiev Ahmetnabi says that an anti-terrorist operation is being conducted in Dagestan.

Zubov Igor about the liquidation of bandit formations in Chechnya and taking measures to prevent terrorist attacks.


Nikolayevich - Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Magdigadjiev Ahmetnabi Davudovich - Secretary of the Security Council of Dagestan.

The Portrait of the Streets. 1989

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:10:45, published: 11/10/2012


The film tells the story of Mohammed Shalilove - policeman in Dagestan, who arrived in Moscow hoping to find a justice to his superiors, who pursues his integrity and honesty.

The film was filming the following: M. Shalilova walk on the Old Arbat, his conversation with the artists and musicians working


About the policeman from Dagestan Magomed Shamilov, who came to Moscow in search of justice.

Reel №1

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Arbat Street.

A painter is drawing.

Painter’s face.

Magomed Shamilov (a militiaman from Dagestan).

An artist is painting a portrait of Shamilov.

Street musicians.

An empty milk package.


A violinist.

Shamilov is standing by the sigh saying “Fotostudia Arbat” [“Arbat Photo Studio”].

Shamilov ...



testing in the United States, held in Minsk and Moscow.

Construction Shulbinskaya HPS. Extraction of salt lake Baskunchak.

Laboratories and plantations Dagestan Agricultural Institute.

Employees of the Institute for the job.

Confectionery Restored Wolf and Bérenger in Leningrad.

The city: a monument to Alexander

Reel №1

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... Construction Shulbinskaya hydroelectric power station on the Irtysh River.

3. Extraction of salt lake Baskunchak.

4. Laboratories and plantations Dagestan Agricultural Institute.

Employees of the Institute for the job.

5. Restored confectionery (literary cafes) Wolf and Bérenger in Leningrad.

The city: ...

Our region № 9 1969

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:51, published: 5/14/2017

Reel №1

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1. Dagestan art week in the city.

At the microphone, First Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council A.P.Baykova synchronously).

Photos of the Dagestan song and dance ensemble.

Guests from Dagestan in Smolny.

Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Dagestan ASSR ...

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... ASSR Z.M.Fizroeva (synchronously).

On stage, artists from Dagestan - Lak folk dance "Shovkra".

A tightrope dancer.

A group of Dagestani tightrope walkers in a circus.


Nikulin and M. Shuidin watch tightrope walkers.

Photos by R. Gamzatov.

R.Gamzatov reads his poems (synchronously)

The poems of R. Gamzatov ...

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... autographs.

A song based on Gamzatov's poems "An old friend" sounds.

Eternal flame at Piskarevskoye cemetery.

Piskarevskoye cemetery.

Guests from Dagestan lay wreaths at the memorial at the Piskarevskoye cemetery.

Reel №2


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... dance.

Dagestan jewelry at the exhibition of applied art.


Products of potters.

The closing ceremony of the week of Dagestan art and literature.

Exchange of gifts.

Presentation of certificates of honor.

Presentation of certificates of honor to R.Gamzatov, M.Kazhlaev.

Artists from Dagestan are on ...

Leningrad chronicles № 6 1969

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:47, published: 9/16/2019


Residential and commercial construction in the state farm "Krasnaya Baltika".

6. 200 years from birthday of I. A. Krylov.

7. Week of literature and art of Dagestan in Leningrad.

Reel №1

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secondary special education of the USSR (1959-1985).

Gamzatov R.G. -- poet, novelist, translator, journalist, people's poet of Dagestan Autonomous Soviet socialist Republic, Hero of Socialist Labor, public and political figure.

Entry 1974

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:50:17, published: 7/18/2014

Reel №1

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Republic of Dagestan

The Distinguished Rank 1981

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:46, published: 11/10/2012


CPSU: tractor driver from a Moldovan village Galbeney E. Donesko, party workers of the Minsk V. Mikhaseva, weaver from Ivanovo Golubeva, a poet of Dagestan R. Gamzatova, the attendant of Latvia A. Irbe, builder BAM Aksenova .

Heroes of the film at the meeting and in the margins of the XXVI Congress of

Reel №1

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... party worker from Minsk Vladimir Mijas (the street of the city), a weaver from Ivanovo Valentina Golubeva (down the street), the national poet of Dagestan Rasul Gamzatov (in the garden), the foreman of the poultry Latvia Aina Irbe (the village), builder BAM Vyacheslav Aksenov (in the winter woods) - ...


Reel №2


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... MS., PNRM.

LS. poultry - PNRM.

A. Irbe with other working women at the table - MS., CU.

Riga - MS.

Baltic Sea - LS., PNRM.

Ancient castle in Dagestan - LS., CU., PNRM.

Old people pass on the street of the village - MS., PNRM.

Modern building - MS., PNRM.

People's poet Rasul Gamzatov office behind ...


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