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"The wind" newsreels and historical clips

Materials for the film " We don't need your life" 1993

Footage, 11 footages, duration: 1:08:18, published: 10/28/2020

Scene №8

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... on the ground.

Snow-covered village.

Cargo in the tractor trailer.

View of the tundra.


Communication antenna.


Snow-covered vehicles.

The wind, blowing snow.

Loading and unloading of spare parts.

Transportation of pipes for drilling.

Village during a Blizzard.

Trucks are going to the village ...

Horizon № 28 1982

Newsreel, 5 parts, duration: 0:41:58, published: 6/16/2014

Reel №5

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... the second story.

A bridge over the brook in the park.

PNRM. Through the trees in the park.

Photographs of Leo Tolstoy.

A lilac bush swings under the wind, grass in the field sway.

Landscape of the surroundings of Yasnaya Polyana: field, forest.

Panorama of the old oak tree in the park.

Station Shchekino ...

Konpensatorno - adaptive processes. 1991

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:41, published: 2/24/2017

Reel №1


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... pituitary-adrenal system.

The concept of regeneration.

Regeneration of the skin in a rat.

The wound defect is filled with connective tissue growing from the bottom of the wound, on which epithelium grows from the edges of the wound.

Regeneration at the tissue level includes regeneration at the cellular level, which ...

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... multiplication of cells and an increase in their number, or an increase in the volume of cells, which is called hypertrophy.

Alternating frames of a healing wound in an experimental rat.

During regeneration at the cellular level, cells divide by mitosis.

Hypertrophy of cells is carried out due to hyperplasia and ...


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... is the healing of a surgical wound.

A tender scar forms at the site of the wound.

With extensive infected wounds, there is purulent inflammation.

The wound defect is filled with vascular-rich granulation tissue, which then turns into mature connective tissue, and the wound heals by secondary tension.


Ural Mountains' Video Chronicle № 4 2001

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:20, published: 6/4/2014

Reel №1


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... of the bus rides APC.

Shaking image: APC, home, truck, machine guns in hand.

Soldiers with machine guns in the truck.

Tilt swaying and flapping in the wind.

Materials on the newsreel "Host" # 16 " and one in the field warrior" 1994

Footage, 4 footages, duration: 0:10:28, published: 11/16/2020

Scene №1

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Country track the movement of vehicles.

Snow on the grass.


Abandoned Church on a hill, trees around.

Snow in the fields.

Withered grass, the wind.

A man walks along the edge of the field.

Country road, view from the field to the forest.

Road fork.

Snow-dusted stone.

River waves.

Country road. ...


Landscapes of the Middle band of the USSR 1975-1985

Footage, 29 footages, duration: 0:30:50, published: 6/18/2019

Scene №23

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Free-standing trees, the wind in the fields.

The grass in the pond.

Trees, shot from a helicopter.

Scene №27

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Rural landscapes, shooting from a moving vehicle.

Country road in the fields, the wind in the grass.

A view of the village.

Meadow grass.

Branches of dead tree.


Scene №28

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... among the trees.

Lonely spreading tree in a meadow.

The wind rustles the leaves of the tree.

The view of the river.

The wind in the trees.

Birch in the fields.

Leafless branches of a Bush.

A Sunny day in the forest.

Meadow grass.

The trees, the wind.

The view from the hill of the fields and the river ...


Mars 1968

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:49:47, published: 4/15/2016

Reel №3


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Inanimate things can change under the influence of wind.

Volcanic eruption.

The volcano throws out clouds of black ash, the wind carries it away.

Dark areas are formed, which are gradually covered with light sand.

At the next eruption, the wind changes, the contour of the spots changes.

Academician ...


Foreign news footages № 65 1985

News, 10 parts, duration: 0:19:09, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №8 Netherlands: Cars running on different types of energy: the energy of the sun and wind energy.

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Netherlands: Cars running on different types of energy: the energy of the sun and wind energy.


Footage, 22 footages, duration: 6:13:34, published: 12/12/2023

Scene №14 Airborne reconnaissance competitions in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Airborne


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... Russia.

The Colonel is making a speech.

Award ceremony and presentation of memorable gifts; a military band is playing; the Airborne flag is waving in the wind.

A medal on the paratrooper's chest.


Build fighters with medals.

A cup with the inscription "For the will to win" in the hands of a soldier ...


Scene №6 Command post of the winter exercises of the 106 Guards Airborne Division

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The flags of Russia and the Airborne Troops are fluttering in the wind.

Officers in the command post look at maps of the area, make notes, negotiate on the radio.

Our day 1992

Documentary, 4 parts, duration: 0:37:28, published: 7/21/2014

Reel №1

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Novosibirsk region, village Kudryashevskoye.

Detached village house evening.

Family feast, father, mother and son Knyazev.

Pine trees swaying in the wind.

Sunset over the Ob.

Mother Irina Ivanovna Knyazev cross in front of the icons.

Father Alexander A. Knyazev prepares bait for fishing.

Early morning ...


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