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"light" newsreels and historical clips

Lights Of Moscow Metropolitan. 1963

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:50, black-white, published: 11/14/2012


engineer inspects the train.

Train wash.

Employees clean room station.

Manager Says (synchronously).

Manager for remote control.


Flashing light on trains and around stations.

Passengers descend on the escalator, pass on the metro station.

Types of Moscow underground stations: Mayakovskaya "

Reel №1


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... submit current (synchronous).

Manager for remote power management - MS.

Typist in the cabin includes electric voltage.

Flashing lights in the carriages of the train - CU.

Lit chandeliers in subway stations - LS., CU.

Trains leave from the park on the line.

Passengers pass through the automatic controllers ...


Reel №2


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... woman smiled, the pioneers are, replaced by a senior - LS., MS., CU.

Train at the station "Pushkinskaya".

Moscow at night, covered with electric lights - LS. (With a / t).

Antonov lineman checks subway line.

Science and technology № 1 1980

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:26, published: 12/5/2017


torch for processing ultra-strong 3. "The dam is building water" On the work of flexible timber-alloy platinum.

4. "Light above the ground" On the design of lighting fixtures and lighting the subway.

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Apartments of Lenin 1950-1959

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:18, published: 1/22/2014

Scene №1 Apartments of Lenin

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... in dim lighting.

Bed and a bedside table with a lamp in the dim lighting.

Desk and book lying on it in dim lighting.

Bed and a bedside table with a lamp in dim lighting.

Desk and book lying on it in dim lighting.

General view of Lenin's bedroom in bright lighting.

Kind of bed in bright lighting.

Table ...

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... Table and books in bright lighting.

Bed and a bedside table with a lamp in the dim lighting.

General view of the bedrooms in the dim lighting.

Table with lamp, chair and sofa in the dim lighting.

Bed and a bedside table with a lamp in the dim lighting.

Timiryazev's book "Science and Democracy" close-up in ...

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... in the dim lighting.

Lenin's table with ink and calendar in dim lighting.

Bed and a bedside table with a lamp in the dim lighting.

Calendar, ink and books on the table close-up.

Foreign newsreels № 3426 1973

News, 1 footage, duration: 0:12:17, published: 2/11/2017


East Germany, Czechoslovakia, the Soviet Union - Construction of a transit pipeline "Northern Lights." .

East Germany - Leipzig Trade Fair 1973

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Wonderful plant soybeans. 1983

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:21, published: 2/8/2017


On the origin of soybean and its use in the food and light industries.

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That's the focus. 1983

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:08:24, published: 6/15/2014


Children's cognitive motion picture of light beams, the properties of mirrors, optical devices and phenomena.

Reel №1


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... face.

View eating for a person with poor eyesight.

The young man wears glasses.

A clear view of the spruce and the winter forest.

The movement of the light beam in a straight line.

The reflection of the beam.

The ball Bouncing off the wall.

The game of table tennis, the ball bounces off the table.

The game ...

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... concave mirrors.

The lighting of matches from spot beams.

The layout of the solar power station with concave mirrors.

Types of telescope with a concave mirror.

The astronomer see in the telescope.

The view of the starry sky.

Examples of concave mirror - a flashlight, car lights, spotlights.

Passing car ...

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... headlights.

Burn lighting floodlight Palace of sports, exercise, artistic gymnasts in the arena of the Palace.

Filling water cups lying GNA its bottom with a coin, the coin becomes visible.

Refraction of light rays in water for example tea spoon and Cup.

The refraction of the light beam passing through ...


A Word About Things. 1982

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:50:29, published: 11/10/2012


the lack of things (clothes, furniture, etc.).

Difficulties in the factories because of insufficient supply of raw materials.

All-Union trade fair light industry.

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Polarized light and its application 1977

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:20, published: 3/16/2017


The film was created by order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR for technical universities.

Polarization of light.



Reel №1

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... explaining the concept of linearly polarized light.

The formula of the instantaneous value of the electric field strength of the wave.

The formula of the instantaneous value of the magnetic field strength of the wave.

A cartoon explaining the concept of a harmonic light wave.

The concept of right elliptical ...

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... part in the formation of light.

The emitting atom is considered as an oscillating dipole oscillator.

Each of them emits a zug of waves of linearly polarized light during one act of emission.

Many such waves with different initial phases and different polarization give natural light.

A cartoon explaining ...

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... natural light and partially polarized.

The formula of the degree of polarization.

Experience in reflecting natural light with a dielectric.

The refractive index of the dielectric.

Malus' law.

A cartoon explaining the radiation of a dipole under the influence of each component of natural light.

Natural ...

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... Natural light is polarized when passing through a transparent layered dielectric - Stoletov's foot.

Experience with Stoletov's foot.

When natural light passes through an Icelandic spar crystal, it splits into two polarized beams.

Ordinary and extraordinary.

When the crystal rotates, the intensity of the rays ...

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... two polaroids.

Experience in checking the polarization of ordinary and extraordinary rays in Icelandic spar.

Experience in the passage of polarized light through a crystal.


Natural light.

Polarization of light.

Reel №2

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... experiment on the passage of polarized light through a crystal.

Plates made of birefringent crystals make it possible to obtain elliptically polarized light.

Their main direction coincides with the optical axis of the crystal.

Experience in obtaining elliptically polarized light.

Experience in obtaining interference ...


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... influence of mechanical loads, we create artificial anisotropy.

Thus, in polarized light, it is possible to judge the distribution of stresses in models under load.

In the manufacture of quartz glass, polarized light makes it possible to identify defects of a quenching and structural nature.

The rotation ...

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... rotation of the polarization plane is used to determine the concentration of sugar in the solution.

Natural crystals.

Polarized light began to be used in geology.

The rock plume observed in a polarizing microscope allows detecting the presence of an insignificant amount of minerals.

According to the polarization ...


Polarization of light.

Interference of polarized rays.

Applications of light polarization.

Film-travel almanac № 99 1975

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:06, published: 2/16/2015


1. "Lights Absheron".

2. "Two Nerl."

3. "Up the river Chatkal."

4. "The Island of Malta."

Reel №1

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1. Lights Absheron.

The waves of the Caspian Sea, oil derricks.

Underwater gas emissions.

From the ground rises flames.

In the valley runs a herd of antelope.

Scientists investigate the burning of gas on land.

Gas torches of fire-worshipers temple Ateshgah.

Sculptural group.

Excursion to the temple. ...


Daily News / A Chronicle of the day № 22 1976

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:14, black-white, published: 3/25/2014


Novosibirsk Region. 5syuzh. - Opening of the monument NK Krupskaya Moscow. 6. syuzh - Exhibition of machines for light industry "Inlegmash-76" in Moscow. 7syuzh. - Manufacture of lighting at the Ternopil production association "Vatra". 8syuzh. - Fauna: sea lions in Nevel port.

Reel №1


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... Application of laser in agriculture.

6. Opening of the monument NK Krupskaya Moscow.

7. Exhibition of machines for light industry "Inlegmash-76" in Moscow.

8. Manufacture of lighting on the Ternopil production association "Vatra".

9. Fauna: sea lions in Nevel port.

Championship of the Latvian SSR on ...

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