You found 71 newsreels for query "pigsty"

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"pigsty" newsreels and historical clips

First results 1972

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:58, published: 11/10/2015

Reel №1


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... of the complex.

Pigs at the Shorokhovo pig farm in the Isetsky district of the Tyumen region.

Interior view of a part of the farm, pigs in fences.

A pigsty inside the complex.

View of the forage shop building.

The truck with the feed is being unloaded.

Management of a mechanized feed complex.

Mechanized ...

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... distribution of feed to pigs.

Pigs eating out of the feeders.

Internal view of the pig farm.

Sow with piglets.

Pigs in the fences of the feedlot complex, a pigsty passes with a piglet in her arms.

The vet gives the pig a shot.

Piglets in the fence, the pig eats from the feeder.

Piglets suck milk from a sow.

Pigs ...


The Hungarian Party and Government Delegation in the USSR. 1974

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:25, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №2


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... workers greeted guests, presented bread and salt, Hungarian guests talking in the direction with the leadership of the farm - MS.

Piggeries, pigs in pigsties, Hungarian guests visiting piggeries, presented as a gift to the state farm figurine - MS., CU.

Moscow - LS.

Chandelier in the Grand Kremlin Palace ...

Day martial everyday life 1988

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:19, published: 10/4/2016

Reel №1


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... the greenhouse.

Panorama of the greenhouse.

Large - piglets.

Soldiers in pigsty 0 vaccinate pigs.

A large needle with a vaccine is inserted under the pig's skin.

The correspondent asks the soldier questions about pigs in a pigsty, about his work, and so on.

Leningrad chronicles № 23 1962

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:08:57, published: 9/14/2019

Reel №1


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... of the state farm S. S. Kozin the piglets she has raised.

The faces of Anikina and Kozin.

A. Nikitin's pigsty gives the piglets fresh grass.

A pig at the feeder.

The face of I. Tikhomirova's pigsty.

Pigs and piglets grazing in the grass.

Professor of the Leningrad Veterinary Institute P. M. Sopikov talks ...


On the wide Volga № 25 1975

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:52, published: 6/7/2016

Reel №1


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... ensemble.

Forest with the movement.

Zoya in the cab of the machine.

Directions cars.

Zoya in the cab of the machine.

Harvester in the field.

Zoya in a pigsty.

PNRM. pigs.

Zoya with the girls on the street.

Directions cars.

Zoya in the cab of the machine.

Directions cars.

Man playing the straw.


Man ...


Production of grass meal. 1984

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:20, published: 2/22/2017

Reel №1

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Panorama of a large livestock complex.

Feeders for cows.

Pigsty with piglets.

Feeders for feeding piglets.

Poultry farm.

Equipment for feeding chickens and collecting eggs.

Cleaning of herbs used for flour production.

Mechanisms for tilling mown grass.

Mechanisms for collecting grass from the fields ...


Parliamentarians of Peru in the USSR. 1988

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:47, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №2

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Collective farm "Roca" Kaunas district, townhouses.

The members of the Peruvian delegation to pass through the village.

Pigsty: pigs suck sow in the stall.

HL Stamburi talks with the chairman of the collective farm.

Guests are treated to cake.

Musicians playing folk instruments.

Traditional folk festival ...


Leningrad chronicles № 24 1966

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:15, published: 9/13/2019

Reel №1


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... with one of the innovators, inspects a new device for sifting grain.

Installation and testing of the equipment of the new mechanized pigsty.

Internal view of the pigsty.

Lystsov's face.

Type of plant for the production of herbal flour.

Combine harvesters at the grain harvest.

The truck pulls up to the ...


Our region № 45 1959

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:04, published: 5/14/2017

Reel №1


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... Honored agronomist of the republic I.D.Velinskaya talks about the methods of growing corn.

Harvesters are harvesting sunflower fields.

Cowsheds and pigsties of animal husbandry.

Cows return to the cowsheds from the fields.

Classes at the agrotechnical school of the state farm are conducted by I.D.Velinskaya ...


Leningrad chronicles № 10 1961

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:16, published: 9/13/2019

Reel №1


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... district, the collective farmers welcome the guests.

Faces of workers and collective farmers.

Feeders for the new pigsty, brought by the chefs.

A potato storage facility, a cattle yard and a pigsty built on a collective farm with the help of chefs from the "Red Triangle".

A rally at the building of the collective ...


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