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"sail" newsreels and historical clips

Foreign newsreels № 5812 1978

News, 1 part, published: 7/1/2016

Scene №3

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Netherlands - Sports - flight over the sand dunes using a triangular sail.

Tartary, the year 1970. 1970

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:47:05, published: 12/16/2020


The film was created for the 50th anniversary of the Tatar Republic.

Landscapes forests, fields.

Kind on the river Volga. Sailing ships.

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Foreign newsreels № 3242 1972

News, 7 footages, duration: 0:11:26, published: 12/7/2013


City Council.

USA - World Ploughing in Minnesota.

GDR - Jazz (Modernist music, extravagant musicians).

France - Ensemble "pop singers" in big boat sailing in the Mediterranean.

France - Demonstration tamed rare birds of prey in Alsace.

Italy - The restoration of Michelangelo's "poet" in the Cathedral

Scene №3

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Sailing boat in the sea.

Young people play the guitar and sing.

Foreign news footages № 80 1987

News, 32 parts, duration: 0:49:24, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №27 200th anniversary of the historic sailing ships to the coast of Australia

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200th anniversary of the historic sailing ships to the coast of Australia.

Gagarin with his family on vacation in Sochi 1961

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:00:34, published: 12/17/2015

Scene №1 Gagarin on vacation in Sochi

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Beach in the city of Sochi.

Gagarin on the beach.

Gagarin sailing boat.

Volga lights № 25 Ah, summer ... 1991

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:03, black-white, published: 7/10/2018

Reel №1

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... Parking of boats and boats.

Sheathed Motorboats on stands on the shore.

Fisherman and goes ice fishing.

Sailing yachts on the Volga at the bridge in Saratov.

Cutting and sewing sails in a special room.

Sailing yachts on the Volga.

Member of the Saratov club of young sailors with a bugle.

Members of the club ...

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... club as a sailor on the Volga river.

View of Saratov (top).

People get off the bus.

A private boat with tourists is sailing.

Tourists go from the boat to the shore.

Panorama of boat and boat Parking.

People get off the bus.

A boat with tourists goes on a flight.

Vacationing boat owner.

Men try to start ...

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... floating in a rowing boat.

The boat docks at the stern of a large yacht, a naval officer comes on Board.

A boat passes under the St.

Andrew's flag.

Light sailing yachts on the Volga.

People on the embankment.

The face of a naval officer.

Helicopter flight in the air during the celebration of the Navy day.

Veterans ...

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... Faces of participants of the holiday.

The face of a veteran woman.

The girl's face.

Participants of the holiday sail on a four-oared yawl.

The boy's face.

Parade of warships on the Volga.

A sailing yacht and one of the warships on the fairway, crew members waving their hands.

The girl looks at the ships. ...


Foreign news footages № 110 1987

News, 20 parts, duration: 0:36:30, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №15 Disaster at sea

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Disaster at sea.

Ship "Titanic" sail in 1912. Underwater filming of "Titanic" in 1986.

Fox Toenende Wochenschau № 18 1937

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:11:35, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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Education of young sailors on sailing ships.

Sailing ship "Gorch Fokke" and "Horst Wessel".

Sailors climb the mast and spread their sails.

Going sailing ships

Hungarian Minister of War in Berlin.

At the station, lined up the troops.

General Rede, Reich Minister, Field Marshal von Blomberg.

Hungarian ...



Germany, Sailing, Professional Education

Germany, Visit, Military leaders, Gos.deyateli

Germany, Exhibition, Military Equipment

Italy, visit Mussolini, Gos.deyateli

England Monarchs

Germany Tourism

USA, Natural Phenomena

Animals Circus

Germany Circus

France, Aviation, Accident, Personnel, Parade

Bolshoi ballet in America 1959

Footage, 16 parts, duration: 2:07:33, black-white, published: 11/13/2012

Reel №13


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... into a little train and ride through the park.

Artists boating on the river.

Steamer "Mark Twain", which sailed Tom Sawyer.

Pirate ship "Sea chicken", the artists come to the ship.

Artists on a sailing ship.

Indian Village in the "Disneyland", dancing Indians.

Soviet artists talking to the mistress of the ...

Bavaria Tonwoche № 44 1936

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:12:17, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №2


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... Preparations for the Olympics.

Riders take all sorts of obstacles

Training ship in a large swimming.

Sailing barque "Horst Wessel".

Young Cadets passing practice, climb the mast and the sails are spread.

Building a Deck


Germany, Mail, Contest

France, Sports

Germany, Horse, Sports

Germany, Sailing, Teachings

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