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"fishermen" newsreels and historical clips

Reel №1

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... on the side of the highway.

Views of the river from the road bridge.

Views of the country village from the car window.

Gulls fly over the Volga.

Fishermen relax on the banks of the Volga, smoke, seagulls in the water near the shore.

Boy with a bouquet of flowers.

The panorama of the village ISAPI.

Chopped ...


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... of fishing boats near the shore.

Fishermen on the shore untangle their nets.

Fishermen transfer their catch from one boat to another.

Half-submerged fishing boats.

Views of the gas condensate plant on both sides of the road, large fish stranded on the shore, fishermen pulling nets.

Oncoming vehicles on ...

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... fish on the shore.

Fishermen transfer the catch from the net to the boat.

Large fish in the water near the shore.

Fish splashing at the bottom of the boat.

Reloading the catch to the boat.

Vehicles and types of gas condensate plant near the road, alternating with shots of fishermen pulling nets and overloading ...


Sevastopol 1942

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:04:43, published: 5/5/2016

Scene №1 Sevastopol

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The bombing of Sevastopol by German aircraft.

Burning city.

Balaklava fishermen catch fish.

Soviet aircraft in the sky.

Foreign newsreels № 1434 1963

News, 7 footages, duration: 0:10:03, published: 9/10/2013

Scene №3

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Seeing the fishermen at the port.

Report on Japan.

The protest against the presence of U.S. armed forces.

Russian coast 2003

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:24:38, published: 3/7/2018

Reel №3

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Fishermen take out the network on the ice.

Fishermen dragged the network.

Network in the hole.

Fishermen dragged the net in the Bayou.

Fish beats online.

The fishermen in camp.

Fish in the network.

Poacher slit the belly of the sturgeon.

The woman with the bucket goes to the house.

Man gives interviews ...


On the wide Volga № 25 From Sviyazhsk to Bulgar 1990

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:26, published: 6/9/2016

Reel №2

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Fishermen on the boat.

Cook fish on the fire.

Boys on horses.

Monuments in the city of the Bulgars.

Soviet Estonia 1946

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 0:06:58, published: 1/19/2015


Tallinn meeting of intellectuals in the concert hall of the theater "Estonia".

Speaker Secretary of the Communist Party (b) Estonia Karotamm.


Fishermen catch fish.


Dancing youth.

Reel №1

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Baltic Sea, waves, shore, rocks on the shore.

Fisherman on a boat with a sail.

Boats on the shore, nets are drying.

Fishermen hang nets.

Shore, rocks, seagulls flying over the water.

An elderly woman repairs a fishing net.

Fishermen hang nets, repair barrels.

The seashore.

A field with stones, cows grazing ...



Sea, fishermen, peasants, plow, castle, fortress

Fragments from the film "Pure Dawns" 1971

Footage, 12 footages, duration: 0:12:48, published: 4/13/2015

Scene №5

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A man and a boy in a boat on the lake.

Fishermen on a boat.

Sport fishing.

Fish in the grid.

In the Barents Sea. 1956

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:01, published: 1/12/2017

Reel №1


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... Barents Sea.

The captain's bridge, captain A. G. Elensky observes the work of the helmsman.

In the chart room, the navigator plots the ship's course.

Fishermen prepare nets for fishing.

The captain examines the sea.

Panorama of the sea.

The ship's pipe.

The captain looks out the window.

The radar antenna ...

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... radar screen.

The bow of the trawler.

Excitement at sea.

Gulls are flying over the sea.

A storm at sea.

A trawler on the background of storm waves.

Fishermen are resting in the cabin.

Food is being prepared in the galley.

The cook puts the fishermen's lunch into portions.

A galley worker bakes fresh bread ...

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... mess hall.

Panorama of the trawler deck.

The captain is on the bridge.

The captain looks into the echo sounder.

The trawl descends into the sea.

Fishermen watch the trawl.

The captain directs the movement of the vessel during fishing.

Panorama of the Dobrolyubov deck.

A vessel engaged in fishing near ...

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... with fish is pulled out of the sea.

The captain of the search vessel P. A. Zadorin calculates the fishing opportunities in this area of the sea.

Fishermen measure the size of the fish caught.

The fish are marked and released into the sea.

The search vessel marks the place with a buoy and goes further ...

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... vessel through the porthole of the captain's cabin.

The captain's cabin of the trawler "Stalingrad".

The fishermen of the trawler choose a trawl with fish.

Fishermen sort and process the fish.

Fishermen of the Dobrolyubov trawler choose a trawl with fish with a special device in the stern of the vessel.


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... briquettes are packed in large boxes.

The line for the production of canned fish.

The ship's captain is on the bridge.

The ship's crew is resting.

A fisherman plays the piano,other team members play chess, prepare a wall newspaper.

A projectionist is preparing a movie for viewing.

Workers on truler read ...


India 1950-1980

Footage, 13 footages, duration: 1:24:53, published: 7/19/2019

Scene №8

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Village life.

The boat.


Life on the coast.

The sunset over the mountains.


The city on the Bay (twilight, night).

Be careful on the ice 1975

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:54, published: 8/18/2016

Reel №1


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... Clothes are drying over the stove.

The child is rubbed with a dry towel, given hot tea.

A group of fishermen on the ice.

A fisherman drills a hole.

The fisherman falls through the ice.

Another fisherman runs to help.

The man pulls out the failed one with the help of improvised means.

A hole for walruses ...


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